Examples of the the word, stark , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And troubled production as it was critically acclaimed for its vivid and, stark ,depiction of the Vietnam War. It won his second Palme d'Or at the 1979 Cannes
  2. Have surprised his audience by playing Hamlet as serious and introspective. In, stark ,contrast to earlier opulence, William Poel's 1881 production of the Q1 text
  3. Is used to mimic traditional animation using CG software. Shading looked, stark ,and less blending colors. Examples include, Skyland (2007,France),Appleseed
  4. Needs to be radically changed to secure public trust of newspapers. This is in, stark ,contrast to the media climate prior to the 20th Century, where the media market
  5. And total responsibility. A baseball player lives in a glass house, and in a, stark ,moral universe .... Everything that every player does is accounted for and
  6. Was eventually implemented with LSI components once these became practical. In, stark ,contrast with its SSI and MSI predecessors, the first LSI implementation of the
  7. S death is used to mark the conclusion of the play. His nobility is shown in, stark ,contrast to the deceit and gracefulness of the Greeks, especially Achilles.
  8. And husbandry is incompatible with the Inuit hunting culture. However, in, stark , contrast to the Midwest, the southern herds were successful. In 2008 there was
  9. Its last chapter imitates the style of medieval Yiddish chronicle. With a, stark ,depiction of innocence crushed by circumstance, the novel appears to foreshadow
  10. To be a protagonist and not a sidekick. Ditko's quirky art provided a, stark ,contrast to the more cleanly dynamic styling of Marvel's most prominent
  11. Friedrich Paulus to (in Halder's words) " head off this soldier gone, stark ,mad. " Upon arrival on 27 April, Paulus was initially persuaded to authorize
  12. Movies relied heavily on symbolism and artistic imagery rather than, stark ,realism to tell their stories. Given the grim mood in post-WWI Germany, it was
  13. To crack," obscured by" ... all this heavy gossamer. " Its reception stood in, stark ,contrast to the praise Kant had received for earlier works such as his" Prize
  14. Spiral features elements of industrial rock, techno,and heavy metal music,a, stark ,contrast to the primitive electronic dance music style shown throughout Pretty
  15. Created to mislead or at least put a positive spin on events – one of the more, stark ,examples being friendly fire, which means firing at and perhaps killing troops
  16. song's ominous sound and dark lyrics pushed the band in a darker direction,a, stark ,contrast to the popular music of the late 1960s,which was dominated by flower
  17. The first artists to portray winter landscapes in which the land is rendered as, stark ,and dead. Friedrich's winter scenes are solemn and still—according to the art
  18. Way or the other. The brief and compact character of the Testimonial stands in, stark ,contrast to Josephus' more voluminous detailing of other individuals, even
  19. And as" perfect" and with no social problem unsolved, to an imagined world of, stark ,class division between the rich assured of their wealth and comfort, and the
  20. Potentially have multiple meanings, the material often pointedly resonating as, stark ,allegory of phenomenal consciousness and the human condition. Camus included a
  21. Reviewers called Black Sabbath's performance" tired and uninspired ",a, stark ,contrast to the" youthful" performance of Van Halen, who were touring the
  22. Down Productions, N. W. A favored theme and uncompromising lyrics, offering, stark , descriptions of violent, inner-city streets. Propelled by the hit" Fuck they
  23. Of volcanic vents and hot springs that inhibits significant plant growth - in, stark ,contrast to the surrounding rain forest. Technically dormant today, this
  24. Pablo Picasso's Guernica (1937) used arresting cubist techniques and, stark ,monochromatic oils, to depict the harrowing consequences of a contemporary
  25. In this region. This points to a strong, long-term selective pressure that, in, stark , contrast to most other regions of the genomes of sub-Saharan groups, left
  26. M not sorry ...." Biographer Jonah Rankin has claimed that, despite his often, stark ,opposition to communist orthodoxy, Ginsberg held" his own idiosyncratic
  27. He is singing to a discordant melody, and the accordion accompaniment sounds, stark ,and rather macabre. The intention is that the audience realizes that all this
  28. Berlin. Friedrich was one of the first artists to portray winter landscapes as, stark ,and dead. His winter scenes are solemn and still—according to the art historian
  29. In January 1996. It is said that the rivalry was fueled in the 1970s due to the, stark ,contrast of the teams: the Cowboys, being more of a" flashy" team with Roger
  30. Frida Kahlo (Rivera's wife's) works are often characterized by their, stark ,portrayals of pain. Of her 143 paintings 55 are self-portraits, which
  31. Joined by her younger counterpart, performs " One More Kiss ", her aged voice a, stark ,contrast to the sparkling coloratura of her younger self. Phyllis kisses a
  32. Address prevailing social problems, but have a vein of comedy which makes their, stark ,themes more palatable. Shaw examined education, marriage,religion, government
  33. And uses things, but includes other people as well. His embrace of egoism is in, stark ,contrast to Godwin's altruism. Sterner was opposed to communism, seeing it as
  34. Panda. These animals are principally found in Sichuan and display the typical, stark ,black and white contrasting colors. * The Winning Panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca
  35. Life and the lives of many of his own workers and of the poor, in general, was, stark , " Maybe with the giving away of his money," commented biographer Joseph Wall
  36. Science of man" that examined the psychological basis of human nature. In, stark ,opposition to the rationalists who preceded him, most notably Descartes, he
  37. Doctorate from the University of Vienna. Schmidt's private life was in, stark ,contrast to the success of his distinguished professional career, and was
  38. Aware of the economic and social value of heritage preservation. This is in, stark ,contrast to the 1950s and 60s when Ballarat followed Melbourne in encouraging
  39. Then tungsten lamps, using the two in conjunction could potentially produce a, stark ,contrast, so sometimes fixtures with HID lamps, commonly producing light of
  40. Becoming aware of Italian films like Federico Fellini's La dolce vita and the, stark ,dramas of Sweden's Ingram Bergman. In Britain, the " Free Cinema" of Lindsay
  41. Of what he does is based on emotion or falsehoods. The physician provides a, stark ,contrast to this character. The physician is the one who engages in a debate
  42. Himself took charge of Francis's development. His disciplinarian regime was a, stark ,contrast to the indulgent Florentine Court of Leopold. The Emperor wrote that
  43. S wish for measure and sobriety and a world free of troubles and respite, in, stark , contrast to Caeiro's spirit and style. As such, where Caeiro's predominant
  44. Bush administration also voiced support for an adaptation-only policy. " In a, stark ,shift for the Bush administration, the United States has sent a climate report
  45. Film has been compared to Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960) because of its, stark ,treatment of psychotic evil. The premise of both films is curiosity, leading to
  46. The most famous political debates in American history. The principals stood in, stark ,contrast both physically and politically. Lincoln warned that" The Slave Power
  47. Is not to be found in any of the literature of that time. Differences are most, stark ,when it comes to deciding which factor is the most important. For example, in
  48. The low-key lighting schemes of many classic film noir are associated with, stark ,light/dark contrasts and dramatic shadow patterning—a style known as
  49. This form has been termed" Landscape heraldry ". The 20th century's taste for, stark ,iconic emblems made the simple styles of early heraldry fashionable again. The
  50. Of modern philosophy for its lack of progress, which he believed was in, stark ,contrast to the dramatic advances in the natural sciences since the Renaissance

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