Examples of the the word, verbally , in a Sentence Context
The word ( verbally ), is the 12303 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Asterix and the Actress). Although they usually simply insult each other, verbally ,they inevitably make up swiftly. Sometimes, Obelix can be so paranoia over the
- Views on this issue. Paragraph four of its summary states:" Being wholly and, verbally ,God-given, Scripture is without error or fault in all its teaching, no less in
- Enemies, rarely took the diplomatic approach and sometimes responded violently, verbally , which often undermined his cause. His associations were numerous and included:
- Bashir, and Amine Females; relations grew even stronger when Iraqi officials, verbally ,lashed out against Israel's actions in the 2006 War. However, relations have
- In the course of this campaign women who chose not to wear the hijab were, verbally ,and physically harassed, with the result that the hijab was being worn 'just to
- An Alford plea to lesser charges of first and second degree murder while, verbally ,stating their innocence. Judge Laser then sentenced them to time served, a
- And cards speak. In a declaration game, each player declares (either, verbally ,or using markers such as chips) whether he wishes to contest for the high hand
- Part (locks). In sport grappling, a competitor is expected to submit, either, verbally , or by tapping the opponent, to admit defeat when he is caught in a submission
- In the course of this campaign women who chose not to wear the hijab were, verbally ,and physically harassed, with the result that the hijab was being worn 'just to
- Sought in relation to taxation. The mediator's agreement stage took place, verbally ,without any formal agreement: only a letter stating his appointment. Taboo, a
- Up to her, but his plans frequently conflict with her demands. She is often, verbally ,abusive (memorably describing him as" an aging, brilliantined stick insect "
- By the senders. Secondly, in the viewing step, participants were asked to, verbally ,express or sketch their impressions of the remote scene. Thirdly, in the
- Arroyo partisans were promptly jailed or sent into exile, while Velasco, verbally ,baited the business community and the rest of the political right. The leftist
- A version called" Abuse" for the Apple II, Atari,and Commodore PCs, which, verbally , abused the user based on the user's input. Other versions adapted ELIZA around
- Was XBWD. The symbol" BWI" for frequently used and the currency was known, verbally ,as the" Peewee" ( slang for British West Indies) dollar. In 1951,the
- They were driving" ), inuehebantur /inches'Bantu/ (" they were attacking, verbally ,"),amateur /AMA'were/ ~ Delaware). Long consonants are represented by
- In large part subsisted. Under pressure to maintain the illusion, Skilling, verbally ,attacked Wall Street Analyst Richard Grumman, who questioned Enron's unusual
- Is" They Ain't Main' Jews Like Jesus Anymore," a song in which Kinky, verbally ,and physically beats up a drunken white racist who berates blacks, Jews,Greeks
- Any disputed points. The entire Hussite nobility joined the league. Other than, verbally ,protest the council's treatment of Hus, there was little evidence of any
- From tabletop role-playing games, where character actions are described, verbally , Lamps may be played in a public or private area, and may last for hours or
- As a shuffling motion. As mentioned above, this is usually broken down, verbally ,as" slow, slow; quick, quick " where the 'slows' cover two beats (or 'counts
- Toward Libya apparent in public communications. Gaddafi had a history of, verbally ,attacking the policy agendas and ideology of the Soviet Union, and he often
- Systems were story- or genre-specific. Players control their in-game characters, verbally ,and the success of their actions are determined by the skill of their character
- Code sequence: M O R S E C O D E -- --- ·-· ··· · (space) -·-· --- -·· · is, verbally ,: Ta-dah dah-dah-dah di-dah-dit di-di-dit it, Dah-di-dah-dit dah-dah-dah
- His wife Kim. Although he never hit his later girlfriend Annette, he was, verbally ,abusive toward her. Moon loved his daughter Mandy, but he had not been prepared
- As a result, significant decisions could be effected quickly and either, verbally ,or with written orders a few pages in length. Destruction of pockets of
- Officials failed to answer questions about his latest allegations, either, verbally , or by letter. British Prime Minister David Cameron and Andy Anson, head of
- Procession of the Holy Spirit is" from the Father alone ". This phrase was, verbally ,a novelty However, Orthodox theologians generally hold that in substance the
- He towers over her, he often finds himself on the receiving end of her temper, verbally ,and physically. Basil usually turns to Manuel or Polly to help him with his
- Source object a and target object b. The expression f: a → b, would be, verbally ,stated as" f is a morphism from a to b ". The expression HOM (a, b ) —
- Procession (1967),Kurzwellen, and Spiral (both 1968),culminating in the, verbally ,described" intuitive music" compositions of Au's den Siegen Taken (1968) and
- Such as the London Gazette and The Times, respectively. In the UK, it would be, verbally ,expressed as Sunday, November the 9th,whereas in the United States, it is
- S primary observations of causal connections among entities even before it is, verbally ,identified, and serves as the basis of further knowledge. Epistemology: reason
- The result is expressed with an equals sign. For example, :2\times 3 = 6 (, verbally ," two times three equals six" ) :3\times 4 = 12 :2\times 3\times 5 6\times 5
- By the publication of the 1977 game editions, combat was mostly resolved, verbally , Thus, miniatures were no longer required for game play, although some players
- Disassociation is a form of disfellowshipping where a member expresses, verbally ,or in writing that they do not wish to be associated with Jehovah's Witnesses
- Don Anurasiri was hit by an egg, while Muralitharan and two others were, verbally ,abused by a car-load of people as they were walking from a restaurant back to
- The CAA Protocols were historically signed at Kuwait Naval Base having been, verbally ,agreed onboard HMS Chatham (F87) on 8 May 2008. The signing meeting saw the
- Before 1920,would have been called" USS Minnesota, Battleship number 22 ", verbally ,and" USS Minnesota,B-22" in writing. After 1920,the ship's name would have
- Ordered Love to" be on good behavior" for a month after she pleaded guilty to, verbally ,abusing a flight attendant who ordered her to keep her legs down while she was
- And program managers. Firsthand accounts of these meetings describe him as, verbally ,combative, berating managers for perceived holes in their business strategies
- Parents. Wrongly assuming a romantic relation, his father disapproves of Rogue, verbally ,attacking them with the same prejudices he expressed with Opal. This time
- S teaching (" from the Father alone" ), Vladimir Los sky says that, while ", verbally ,it may seem novel ", it expresses in its doctrinal tenor the traditional
- In the just of mos major (traditional law),a body of oral laws and customs, verbally ,transmitted" by father to son ". Praetors established a workable body of laws
- Not following this rule will face a 2-minute suspension. Also gesticulating or, verbally ,questioning the referee's order, as well as arguing with the officials
- And upon the subsequent physical union of the parties. The couple would promise, verbally ,to each other that they would be married to each other; the presence of a
- From Barcelona with a poor grasp of the English language and customs. He is, verbally ,and physically abused by his boss. When told what to do, he often answers,"
- He has run into, late in his career, is that he shows no willingness, verbally , to acknowledge silence, failure,interruption, loss of faith, despair and so
- Some action (which he may perform at a later point). For example, one may, verbally ,declare an action (fold, call,raise) while in turn, which obligates the
- Who had become increasingly critical of management during broadcasts and was, verbally ,attacked by reliever Kent Mercer. Things were no better in 2005,despite a
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