Examples of the the word, renewables , in a Sentence Context
The word ( renewables ), is the 12320 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And 20 percent in Denmark. Some countries get most of their power from, renewables , including Iceland and Paraguay (100 percent),Norway (98 percent),Brazil
- Guests can stay in hotels that are heated and electrically powered all by, renewables , Some 30,000 visitors were recorded during 2007. Image: Ruins her Fe stung
- Energy policy with contributions to our electricity needs from nuclear, renewables , clean coal and gas. He is also chair of Flying Matters which advocates a
- Standard) is mandatory since April 2008. The Ulm Minster is powered fully by, renewables ,since January 2008. Until the end of 2011 as a European pilot project a
- Financing for nuclear plants as well as the future costs of fossil fuels and, renewables ,as well as for energy storage solutions for intermittent power sources. Cost
- With 16 % of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3 % from new, renewables , Wind power is growing at the rate of 30 % annually, with a worldwide installed
- Prince Adapt Myles George, founder and owner of http://www.Solarvic.com a, renewables ,energy company. His highness gave his kids the best of everything, he believed
- Biomass, which is mainly used for heating, and 3.4 % from hydroelectricity. New, renewables ,(small hydro, modern biomass, wind,solar, geothermal,and biofuels)
- Capacity is operational in total. Renewable energy commercialization Growth of, renewables ,During the five-years from the end of 2004 through 2009,worldwide renewable
- Of a unitary local authority for the islands in 1975 and more recently the, renewables ,sector have all contributed to a degree of economic stability in recent decades
- And 1980s. In 2008,about 19 % of global final energy consumption came from, renewables , with 13 % coming from traditional biomass, which is mainly used for heating
- Any other country - with 99.9 % of Iceland's electricity being generated from, renewables , The Icelandic Parliament decided in 1998 to convert vehicle and fishing fleets
- On http://www.natenergy.org.uk/pdfs/melchett.pdf Realistic opportunities for, renewables ,: innovative technology Mary Weldon became Mary Archer when she married Jeffrey
- Water at high tide further increasing the head with for example intermittent, renewables , Downsides: the generator must be below sea level, and marine organisms would
- States, with a target for California to obtain a third of its electricity from, renewables ,by 2020. Currently, several solar power plants such as the Solar Energy
- With 15 % of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3 % from new, renewables , Wind power is growing at the rate of 30 % annually, with a worldwide installed
- Justice, against Post Office closures, opposing the war in Iraq, supporting, renewables , and opposing nuclear power, against the replacement of Trident and for a number
- Energy credits so that each utility had 1 percent of total consumption in, renewables , However, on June 8,2001,Nevada Governor Kenny Quinn signed SB 372,at the
- Energy Revolution ", where 80 % of the world's total energy is produced with, renewables , and the emissions of the energy sector are decreased by over 80 % of the 1990
- To revisit the co-firing rules as part of the 2006 Energy Review). The, renewables ,transport fuel obligation is a separate law, which although is not in force yet
- Did not redeem any Rock will receive no 'recycling' from the buy-out fund. The, renewables ,obligation also makes requirements about how the electricity can be generated.
- Been developed at Little Change Court in Ivy church. It has been built by power, renewables ,and cost around £50 million. The 26 towers, each 116 m (380 ft) high, are
- And forces of the natural environment. There are intermittent and reoccurring, renewables , and recyclable materials, which are utilized during a cycle across a certain
- Support for renewables to either the electricity price or the price of, renewables ,in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. The British Wind Energy
- Modern embedded systems can provide these traits with automated operation and, renewables , such as sunlight, wind and geothermal. This reduces the size of power plant
- Portfolio standard, calling for 25 % of the state's energy to be produced by, renewables ,by 2025. By 2010,the state was ranked #2 in solar production and continued to
- Company with holdings in many areas, such as power-generation joint ventures, renewables ,development, and computing consultancy. Northern Ireland Electricity (NICE) is
- That to upgrade the transmission system to take in planned or potential, renewables ,would cost at least $60 billion. In the UK, demand for electricity is higher in
- And the failure of the Renewables Obligation to link financial support for, renewables ,to either the electricity price or the price of renewables in the European
- Kit since their innovation in 2003. The shirt's primary sponsor is power, renewables , with secondary sponsorship including Worthington's, Trade Depot, Persimmon
- And that a nuclear power phase-out should be completed by 2010., the use of, renewables ,amounted to 26 % of the energy supply in Sweden, most important being
- Funds collected go back to homes and businesses to assist in the transition to, renewables , This led to accusations that Prime Minister Julia Gillard had breached a
- Power generation policy — including nuclear," clean coal ", natural gas and, renewables ,— which eventually became the catchphrase of government after his departure.
- Replenished). About 16 % of global final energy consumption comes from, renewables , with 10 % coming from traditional biomass, which is mainly used for heating
- And allow a further 15MW of new" non-firm generation" output from, renewables ,onto the network. Transport Air The main airport in Orkney is Kirk wall Airport
- Which is mainly used for heating, and 3.2 % from hydroelectricity. The share of, renewables ,in electricity generation is around 18 %, with 15 % of global electricity
- In particular, they are concerned that electricity customers pay for, renewables ,projects even if they are not built due to problems obtaining planning
- Accounted for another 2.8 % and are growing very rapidly. The share of, renewables ,in electricity generation is around 19 %, with 16 % of global electricity
- Energy supplied 6.8 %, which was mainly from hydroelectric dams although other, renewables ,are included. American dependence on oil imports grew from 24 % in 1970 to 65 %
- Oil (38 %),natural gas (36 %),coal (13 %),nuclear (11 %) and other, renewables ,(2 %). In 2009 the UK produced 1.5 million barrels per day (bbl/d) of oil
- A load management system has been installed to provide optimal use of the, renewables , This combination of solar, wind and hydropower should provide a network that
- In the future the anticipated high availability of other resources such as, renewables ,during certain periods. Supplementary firing and blade cooling Supplementary
- Of power stations across the country, along with holdings in wind and other, renewables , Wholesale market share is currently below fifty percent. ESB Electric Ireland
- Of those in the domestic and transport sectors. Electricity generated from new, renewables ,and approved cogeneration schemes is not taxed. Electricity from nuclear is
- Generation and transmission of electric power, petroleum,natural gas and, renewables ,) and social and urban (light, sanitation,housing, subways and water
- Storage at 200 bars amounts to 2.1 % of the energy content. With intermittent, renewables ,such as solar and wind, the output may be fed directly into an electricity grid
- Ton of oil to 5.6 DKK per metric ton of natural gas and 0 for non-combustible, renewables , The rate for electricity is 1164 DKK per metric ton or 10 are per kWh
- To end consumers to supply a set portion of their electricity from eligible, renewables ,sources; a proportion that will increase each year until 2015 from a 3 %
- Center ". This center includes new departments in engineering, construction, renewables , and science to cater for emerging industries specializing in renewable energy
- Megawatt hour of renewable energy generated, a tradable certificate called a, renewables ,obligation certificate (ROC) is issued by OFGEM. On or before 31 September
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