Examples of the the word, pathological , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pathological ), is the 12323 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Invented measure theory and used it to define integrals of all but the most, pathological ,functions. Laurent Schwartz introduced Distributions, which can be used to take
  2. In special physiological (e.g. mast cell, fibroblast,endothelial cells)or, pathological ,conditions (e.g. metastases). Chemotaxis has high significance in the early
  3. In his original speech, he presented ESP and flying saucers as examples of, pathological ,science; since then, the label has been applied to poly water and cold fusion.
  4. Cold fusion claims dead, and cold fusion subsequently gained a reputation as, pathological ,science. In 1989,the majority of a review panel organized by the US Department
  5. James's monumental work, The Principles of Psychology, in which he refers to a, pathological ,phenomenon observed by Bergson. Some writers, taking merely these dates into
  6. For instance, evidently owes not only his superhuman abilities but also his, pathological ,personality to his mother's use of illicit drugs while he was in uteri). * A
  7. Nevertheless have antiderivative. * In some cases, the antiderivative of such, pathological ,functions may be found by Riemann integration, while in other cases these
  8. Sex) by Aimee Due was as much a political treatise as a novel, criticising, pathological ,theories of homosexuality and gender inversion in women. Anna Ruling
  9. There are still open questions in this area, it is known that: * Some highly, pathological ,functions with large sets of discontinuities may nevertheless have
  10. Arms and legs, numbness and loss of sensation and sphincter dysfunction),and, pathological ,examination reveals disseminated nerve cell death in the spinal cord and
  11. Room Purge" speech to the Reichstag on July 13, 1934,the third group of ", pathological ,enemies of the state" that Hitler lists are, in fact, the Fears fighters.
  12. Due to long-term drinking. Medical treatment will be required; otherwise the, pathological ,changes will cause death. In psychology and psychiatry, the DSM is the most
  13. Becker and Milan Zafirovski. London: Routledge. Hypoxia, or hyphenation, is a, pathological ,condition in which the body as a whole (generalized hypoxia) or a region of
  14. Is treated with compassion by the Galahad, which in practice considers the act, pathological ,rather than criminal, is suicide .... in the course of time, the tendency has
  15. Attention of the wider world, psychologists initially thought of glossolalia in, pathological ,terms, thinking that it was caused by mental illness. In 1927 George Cutter
  16. Gas pressure if an attempt is made to refrain from releasing them. In theory, pathological ,distension of the bowel, leading to constipation, could result if a person
  17. Called nos odes (from the Greek noses, disease ) made from diseased or, pathological ,products such as fecal, urinary,and respiratory discharges, blood,and tissue.
  18. Iliac blade, although the describer of the species did not recognize this as, pathological , The specimen also contains some exocytosis on the fourth left metatarsal. Two
  19. Contraceptive use in Kenya, though in Uganda there was also a reduction in, pathological ,sterility. The Demographic and Health Surveys carried out every five years show
  20. Important for both the regulation of normal physiology,and a number of, pathological ,states, including cancer. The IGF axis has been shown to play roles in the
  21. Such bizarre objects could exist in nature or to suggest that they are merely, pathological ,solutions to Einstein's equations. Einstein himself wrongly thought that black
  22. Pulmonary disease (COPD),heart failure, or heart arrhythmia. Abnormal and, pathological ,anxiety or fear may itself be a medical condition falling under the blanket
  23. Which he called the" general adaptation syndrome ", and the development of a, pathological ,state from ongoing, unrelieved stress. Se lye discovered and documented that
  24. A physicist representing CERN, was the first to call the episode an example of, pathological ,science. On May 4,due to all this new criticism, the meetings with various
  25. Surgeon at the Philadelphia Hospital in 1854 and was the founder of its, pathological ,museum. For 26 years (1863–1889) he was connected with the medical faculty of
  26. Labile affect, also known as emotional lability, pseudobulbar affect, or, pathological , laughter and crying. Patients with pseudobulbar palsy are particularly likely
  27. Consensus had moved decidedly toward labeling cold fusion as a kind of ", pathological ,science ". In early May 1990 one of the two A&M researchers, Kevin Wolf
  28. That they are used simply to disregard the negative experiments—symptoms of, pathological ,science. Attempts at theoretical justification have either been explicitly
  29. Amyloid plaque) can form β-sheet-rich isomeric structures associated with, pathological ,states. The amyloid β protein's isomeric form is implicated as a cause of
  30. Flores, the island where the skeleton was found, are pygmies. This coupled with, pathological ,dwarfism, it is argued, could indeed create a hobbit-like human. The other
  31. Under duress (Hebrew: ones) most obviously lends itself to being termed, pathological ,especially where dysfunction appears in other aspects of personality.
  32. In Las Vegas and Des Moines and found that the percentage of problem or, pathological ,gamblers among the arrested was three to five times higher than in the general
  33. In the conflict list (see Appendix A2 of X3.9-1978) addressed loopholes or, pathological ,cases permitted by the previous standard but rarely used,a few
  34. And fibula of an Allosaurus fragile specimen cataloged as USNO 4734 are both, pathological , both probably due to healed fractures. The specimen USNO 8367 preserved
  35. Involvement in declarative memory consolidation is a finding that people with, pathological ,conditions of sleep, such as insomnia, exhibit both reduction in Slow-Wave
  36. Both probably due to healed fractures. The specimen USNO 8367 preserved several, pathological ,Australia which preserve evidence of healed fractures near their middle. Some
  37. The 1980s through the application of chaos theory, for example in the study of, pathological ,cardiac cycles. In 1987,Per Back, Chao Tang and Kurt Bielefeld published a
  38. Fifty deceased ET patients (as of Dec. 2009),showed clear degenerative and, pathological ,abnormalities, including " messy" microfilaments which can impede nerve
  39. Inhibitory control mechanisms fail to function, and electrical activity rises to, pathological ,levels, producing EEG traces that show large wave and spike patterns not seen
  40. A very small number of supporters, has been described as a characteristic of, pathological ,science. The lack of a shared set of unifying concepts and techniques has
  41. Originally deriving from singular historical figures and implying a clear, pathological ,connotation. They argued that there is no common sense in attributing a
  42. The arena. Whether these victims were gladiators or no xii is unknown. Modern, pathological ,examination confirms the probably fatal use of a mallet on some, but not all
  43. Specimens with humeri in 1970 were reported by Dale Russel as having, pathological ,damage to them. Paleoecology All identifiable fossils of Albertosaurus
  44. Persistently can develop memory blackouts and idiosyncratic intoxication or, pathological ,drunkenness symptoms. Long-term persistent consumption of excessive amounts of
  45. Déjà vu and schizophrenia or other psychiatric conditions. The strongest, pathological ,association of déjà vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy. This correlation has led
  46. Neurone damage include spasticity, brisk reflexes and what are referred to as, pathological ,reflexes (reflexes that may be normal in an infant but are abnormal in an
  47. Presently believe that H. floresiensis was a modern H. sapiens suffering from, pathological ,dwarfism. This hypothesis is supported in part, because some modern humans who
  48. These conditions, they should be considered inside the MS spectrum. Using a, pathological ,definition instead, they would be apart (plaques in the white matter in MS are
  49. This technique remains controversial today. In 1953 Langmuir coined the term ", pathological ,science ", describing research conducted with accordance to the scientific
  50. Human condition or it can be resisted but with negative consequences. In its, pathological ,form, spiritual anxiety may tend to" drive the person toward the creation of

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