Examples of the the word, assimilation , in a Sentence Context
The word ( assimilation ), is the 12316 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- By the dropping of vestigial Yupik-related features, increasing consonant, assimilation ,(e.g., kumlu, meaning " thumb," changes to Lulu, changes to Kabul, ),and
- Often have globalized rather than pharyngealized emphatic. # Guttural, assimilation ,– This is the main feature of Samaritan pronunciation, also found in the
- Fall of the Western Roman Empire. In Scandinavia, there is a long history of, assimilation ,of and by the Sami people and Finnish peoples, namely Finns and Martians. In
- As the poet Alan Seeger and the hardened mercenaries of the old legion, making, assimilation , difficult. Nevertheless, the old and the new men of the foreign legion fought
- For the Christians, the process of Arab settlement, of conversion to Islam and, assimilation ,into the dominant culture caused their gradual conversion. For many of them
- Source of some religious concepts that the two cultures share and, whether the, assimilation ,was from Nubia to Egypt, the reverse, or through continuing exchanges. At one
- Public schools are intended to address the near-loss of this culture to English, assimilation , In the 1960s,the Fortress of Louisbourg was partially reconstructed by Parks
- Social structure's bottom; it is still too early to predict their patterns of, assimilation ,and social mobility. Today, an increasingly large percentage of the population
- Were observant Jews, his parents embraced Enlightenment values, including their, assimilation ,into modern German society. Boas’s parents were educated, well-to-do,and
- The nation" ( which allow people to become members of a nation by cultural, assimilation ,) and a purely linguistic definitions (which see" the nation" as all
- Of Western Francis form part of the ancestry of the French people. Examples of, assimilation ,during the Viking Age include the Norsemen settled in Normandy and on the
- Is still disunity and, especially,disagreement on the relative importance of, assimilation ,versus cultural defiance. According to German hip hop enthusiast 9@home
- And Language (the language of the Qur'an) through conversion and cultural, assimilation , Arab's population The table below shows the number of Arab people, including
- The goal of Christian life as deification, identified both as Platonism's, assimilation ,into God and the biblical imitation of God. Life Because Early Alexandrian
- Through immigration from England, France and Flanders and from the resulting, assimilation ,of native Gaelic-speaking Scots. The Scots language is the resulting Germanic
- The mid-20th century, prior to this knowledge being wiped out by mass media, assimilation ,with the rest of North America. A fragment of Gaelic culture remains in Nova
- Population, These indigenous peoples have been historically resisting to, assimilation ,into the broader Mexican society, with is best seen in the retention rates of
- To society changes. Soon, after five centuries of mingled and interacted with, assimilation ,and acculturation with the native south-east Asia society, Islam was emerged as
- Process, or by the second or third generation of the family after some, assimilation ,into American culture. However, many last names were altered slightly due to
- Among the world's languages. It is quite prone to considerable reduction and, assimilation ,of both consonants and vowels even in very formal standard language. A rare
- The Dawes Act would lift Native Americans out of poverty and encourage their, assimilation ,into white society, but its ultimate effect was to weaken the tribal
- Congo Beta and Ferdinand Lyon analyzed and criticized colonialism and rejected, assimilation , Shortly after independence, filmmakers such as Jean-Paul NASA and Thérèse
- And example of Jesus and instead be lured into unquestioning adoption and, assimilation ,of worldly, national or cultural values - imperialism, nationalism,and civil
- In developing robots that can mimic it can be found historically in the, assimilation ,of two concepts: simulacra (devices that exhibit likeness) and automata (
- Tradition in the United States. Ethnic cohesiveness is a resistance strategy to, assimilation ,and the accompanying cultural dissolution. Cultural aspects The term Chicano is
- Cultures and customs. One issue was that the time away from family caused the, assimilation ,of Native American students into American culture, rather than allowing the
- Of Britain resulted in Anglo-Saxon, or English, displacement of and cultural, assimilation ,of the indigenous culture, the Brythonic speaking British culture causing the
- country's Jewish community survived the war virtually intact. By the 1980s, assimilation , and emigration had significantly reduced the size of the community, and it was
- A pioneering role in the remarkable advancement of weather forecasting and data, assimilation ,systems. ECM WF has dramatically improved the accuracy and reliability of
- From him. As such, Yudhisthira is known as Dharmapur. There is also an, assimilation ,of the god Dharma and Rama, the god responsible for the dead. In technical
- South. Drawing on millennia of interaction (trade, acculturation,occupation, assimilation , and war) with Northern Egyptians, the Kushites king Pine left his spiritual
- Signed it into law on October 1,1888. He encouraged the idea of cultural, assimilation , pushing for the passage of the Dawes Act, which provided for distribution of
- At this time, the term Chicano began to reference those who resisted total, assimilation , while the term Ponchos referred (often pejoratively) to those who strongly
- Indicated that the Broad speakers demonstrated a greater tendency for syllable, assimilation ,and consonant elision, were more likely to use weak consonants or restricted
- Instead, according to them, vowel harmony originated in each daughter branch as, assimilation ,of the vowel in the first syllable to the vowel in the second syllable (which
- Imposing itself on a native culture, either by means of conquest or by gradual, assimilation , A hormone (from Greek" impetus" ) is a chemical released by a cell or a
- Phenotype-first theory of evolution, mutations can eventually cause the genetic, assimilation ,of traits that were previously induced by the environment. Mutation bias
- In diphthongs after the vowels and, not as a consonant. Common, if debated, assimilation ,includes the pronunciation of NK as and KZ as. Many consonant
- New immigrants to the United States. Continuing the struggle over land and, assimilation , the US proposed the end to the tribal lands held in common, and allotment of
- Of Portuguese descent, status differences were based on the varying degrees of, assimilation ,into the dominant group's Anglicized practices. Next to the bottom were Middle
- For the second phase (e.g. Parcel) as" vowel harmony, i. e., of the, assimilation ,of vowels in neighboring syllables ...." Phases The writing system had two
- Of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion,and cultural, assimilation , are part of the modern culture of China. Prehistory Paleolithic What is now
- Of this would be, in turn, caused by Arabization, French dominance, and other, assimilation ,policies imposed by the governments of North Africa. The Berber languages have
- And Hankie Maim were educated by European missionary societies and advocated, assimilation ,into European culture as the means to bring Cameroon into the modern world.
- S national heritage, culture and arts worldwide. On the other hand,an, assimilation ,campaign of the late 1980s directed against ethnic Turks resulted in the
- The term Ponchos referred (often pejoratively) to those who strongly advocated, assimilation , In Mexico, which by American standards would be considered classist or racist
- Expand their employment opportunities. Indian policy experts hoped to expedite, assimilation ,of Native Americans to the larger American society, which was becoming urban.
- German state under Nazi leadership was to eradicate Czech nationality through, assimilation , deportation, and extermination of the Czech intelligentsia; the intellectual
- Atari Association. It was originally controlled by the government to speed Ainu, assimilation ,and integration into the Japanese nation-state. It now is run exclusively by
- As Yamato people but may be descendants of Sugar Ainu after cultural, assimilation , *Sakhalin Ainu – Pure blooded individuals may be surviving in Hokkaido. From
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