Examples of the the word, radiant , in a Sentence Context
The word ( radiant ), is the 12313 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- For the first time in his life. " Always wanting Scarlett to be happy and, radiant , Frank gives her the money to pay the taxes on Tara. While Frank has a cold and
- Stood sobbing unashamedly over the body, Beria reportedly appeared ", radiant ,"," regenerated ", and " glistening with ill-concealed relish. " Beria was
- That they do not in fact demonstrate. Thermodynamic explanation External, radiant ,source motion When a radiant energy source is directed at a Crookes radiometer
- Text contained further investigations on the properties of luminance and its, radiant ,dispersion through various transparent and translucent media. He also carried
- The song was adopted as the Australian National Anthem in 1984: Beneath our, radiant ,Southern Cross. The Southern Cross was included in the lyrics of the Brazilian
- Thermodynamics. In 1926,he coined the term" photon" for the smallest unit of, radiant ,energy (light). Actually, the outcome of his letter to Nature was not what he
- Carina are double stars visible in small telescopes. Carina contains the, radiant ,of the Eta Carnies meteor shower, which peaks around January 21 each year.
- Force. Electromagnetic radiation carries energy - sometimes called, radiant ,energy - and momentum that may be imparted to matter with which it interacts
- Sheets also strongly reflect infrared light, making them useful as infrared (, radiant ,heat) shields in visors of heat-resistant suits, and in sun-visors for
- Experiments. In 1926,Lewis coined the term" photon" for the smallest unit of, radiant ,energy. He was a brother in Alpha Chi Sigma, the professional chemistry
- Demonstrate. Thermodynamic explanation External radiant source motion When a, radiant ,energy source is directed at a Crookes radiometer, the radiometer becomes a
- Models discretize and solve the full equations for mass and energy transfer and, radiant ,exchange. The history of Comoros goes back some 1500 years. It has been
- For her by de la Rent. According to The Washington Post," It made her look, radiant ,and glamorous. " The purpose of these has mostly been to raise awareness about
- Wisconsin. Designed on a guided concrete slab that integrated the house's, radiant ,heating system, the house featured new approaches to construction, including
- Joyful strains then let us sing, : Advance Australia Fair.; Verse 2: Beneath our, radiant ,Southern Cross: We'll toil with hearts and hands;: To make this Commonwealth
- Its translator credits to the Chinese original: a gemlike lucidity that is, radiant ,with humor, grace,warmheartedness, and deep wisdom. " — Other Taoism scholars
- The comet Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonid's get their name from the location of their, radiant ,in the constellation Leo: the meteors appear to radiate from that point in the
- Products of the steel reinforcement bars, freezing of trapped water, fire or, radiant ,heat, aggregate expansion,seawater effects, bacterial corrosion, leaching
- Even so, the good Gotama's senses are calmed, his complexion is clear and, radiant , " (A, I:181) A disciple named Alkali, who later became an Adamant, was so
- As a solution: a shell or cloud of objects enclosing a star to harness as much, radiant ,energy as possible. Such a feat of astroengineering would drastically alter the
- Truly marvelous, how serene is the good Gotama's appearance, how clear and, radiant ,his complexion, just as the golden jujube in autumn is clear and radiant , just
- Radiant, just as a palm-tree fruit just loosened from the stalk is clear and, radiant , just as an adornment of red gold wrought in a crucible by a skilled goldsmith
- In addition, many cultures use grills for cooking. A grill operates with a, radiant ,heat source from below, usually covered with a metal grid and sometimes a cover
- The emphasized perfection is patience (). #Radiant: This Bhūmi is called ", radiant ,", because it is said to be like a radiating light that fully burns that which
- My Life about" the right to self-expression,everybody's right to beautiful, radiant ,things "; the printer created a paraphrase that has become one of Goldman's
- The seal, designed by William Barton, contains an unfinished pyramid with a, radiant ,eye, an image used by Hopkinson when he designed the continental $50 currency.
- Hemisphere. Models can range from relatively simple to quite complex: * Simple, radiant ,heat transfer model that treats the earth as a single point and averages
- This frequency, when adapted for bright conditions. At other frequencies, more, radiant , intensity is required to achieve the same luminous intensity, according to the
- Fire. Fire The first effect of the explosion was blinding light, accompanied by, radiant ,heat from the fireball. The Hiroshima fireball was in diameter, with a
- Of the electromagnetic light spectrum. Below this range are barely visible, radiant ,heat, then invisible infrared, television and radio waves, sound and brain waves
- The guestbook with the following message —; 1910: Father Theodor Wolf measured, radiant ,energy at the top and bottom of the tower, discovering at the top more than was
- Were two theories. Crookes and Artur Shutter believed they were particles of ", radiant ,matter ", that is, electrically charged atoms. German scientists Richard
- Of the concept of entropy by Clausius and to the introduction of laws of, radiant ,energy by Josef Stefan. During a 1961 lecture The human equivalent assists
- Lisa, on Exodus 30-34: Census, anointing oil, golden calf, stone tablets, Moses, radiant , : *Kayaked, on Exodus 35-38: Israelites collect gifts make the Tabernacle and
- Version of the third verse was originally sung as:; Third verse: Beneath our, radiant ,Southern Cross, : We'll toil with hearts and hands;: To make our youthful
- Suggests the way his self-identification was pointing: a figure of light, radiant , tall, unconquerable," and above all" 'To be a soldier! To stand sentinel!
- A net-flux radiometer measuring the difference between upward and downward, radiant ,flux at each altitude, and * a lightning/radio-emission instrument with an
- Combine microwave energy with more conventional energy sources such as, radiant ,gas or electric heating in order to process ceramic materials to the required
- Source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 hertz and that has a, radiant ,intensity in that direction of watt per steradian. The definition describes how
- Interference. The energy in electromagnetic waves is sometimes called, radiant ,energy. Particle model Because energy of an electromagnetic wave is quantized (
- Mark's" young man" who appears at Jesus' tomb, for example, becomes a, radiant ,angel in Matthew. The miracle stories in Mark do not demonstrate the divinity
- Are experienced. Some psychological effects may include an experience of, radiant ,colors, objects and surfaces appearing to ripple or" breathe ", colored
- In this case, the black side of the vane becomes hotter than the other side, as, radiant , energy from a light source warms the black side by black-body absorption faster
- Applied to light. The term can refer to any of irradiance, luminous intensity, radiant ,intensity, or radiance, depending on the background of the person using the
- Foundations on the holy mountains; in that most august temple of God, which, radiant , with divine splendors, is full of the glory of God; and in very many others
- Young as it is, this child, we already recognize that it possesses one, radiant ,attribute which signalizes it beyond all its elder sisters. And the lawgivers
- Released" ( transformed to more active types of energy such as kinetic or, radiant ,energy),when a triggering mechanism is available. Familiar examples of such
- Lambda) where Iv (λ) is the luminous intensity in candelas, Ie (λ) is the, radiant ,intensity in W/Sr and \text style \overlie (\lambda) is the standard
- In Latin literature, chief among them Phoebes (; Φοίβος, Phoibos, literally ", radiant ,"),which was very commonly used by both the Greeks and Romans in Apollo's
- And radiant his complexion, just as the golden jujube in autumn is clear and, radiant , just as a palm-tree fruit just loosened from the stalk is clear and radiant
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