Examples of the the word, watchdog , in a Sentence Context
The word ( watchdog ), is the 12314 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- He is convicted of luring the girls away from their home, disposing of the, watchdog , carefully planning and using abilities he would otherwise not be expected to
- Quality in 2005. The Potlatch Foundation,Thailand's the most prominent election, watchdog , declared that vote buying in this election, specifically in the North and the
- Representative on Freedom of the Media, established in December 1997,acts as a, watchdog ,to provide early warning on violations of freedom of expression in OSCE
- In the episode Return of the Robot Maker (1975) ** Sasquatch, the robot, watchdog ,of marooned aliens in the episodes The Secret of Bigfoot – Part 1 (1976),The
- It is not uncommon for current industry players to gain control of the ", watchdog ," and use it against competitors. This phenomenon is known as regulatory
- But allow none to leave. Cerberus was always employed as Hades' loyal, watchdog , and guarded the gates that granted access and exit to the underworld (also
- In Bradley Manning. Activities Lamp first became known for operating AOL, watchdog ,site Inside-AOL. Com. Security compromise In February 2002 he broke into the
- Views. In 2004,Horowitz launched Discover the Networks, a conservative, watchdog ,project that monitors funding for, and various ties among, leftists and
- Elk, and Bob Sloan. On July 14, 2011,the LA Times announced that government, watchdog ,Common Cause would issue a challenge to ALEC's nonprofit status, on the
- Reed Irvine. AIM describes itself as" a non-profit, grassroots citizens, watchdog ,of the news media that critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the
- Was also lower than most of its peer schools. In 2004,a national non-profit, watchdog ,group called Security on Campus filed a complaint with the Department of
- Rotation, or banned entirely from the channel. In the 1980s,parent-media, watchdog ,groups such as the Parents Music Resource Center criticized MTV over certain
- Parking company operating on the site, this was featured on the BBC TV program, watchdog , viewers contacted the show to complain about ticket wardens ticketing them
- Sister cities: Accuracy In Media (AIM) is an American, non-profit news media, watchdog ,founded in 1969 by economist Reed Irvine. AIM describes itself as" a
- To Publish, in the post-1960 period the Times displays a more symmetric type of, watchdog ,behavior, just because during presidential campaigns it also gives more
- Online presence. Still had been a longtime critic of the Times in his media, watchdog ,blog smarter times. Com. When smarter times. Com became defunct, its Web traffic
- Of Kazakhstan, an estimation criticized by the OSCE and other election, watchdog ,organizations. Nazarbayev was sworn in for another seven-year term on 11
- The least corrupt country in Africa, according to an international corruption, watchdog , Transparency International. By one estimate, it has the fourth-highest gross
- OILS) was established by the General Assembly to serve as an efficiency, watchdog , An official reform program was begun by KOF Anna in 1997. Reforms
- Robby the Robot) in the episode The Robot (1976) ** Sasquatch, the robot, watchdog ,of marooned aliens in the episode The Return of Bigfoot – Part 2 (1976) **
- The earlier episodes still existed in their uncensored form. In February 1994, watchdog , group Morality in Media claimed that the death of 8-month-old Natalia Rivera
- Media studies, Cultural studies and Peace studies) and by many independent, watchdog ,groups from various parts of the political spectrum. In the United States, many
- To 1997. He finds that the Times displays Democratic partisanship, with some, watchdog ,aspects. This is the case, because during presidential campaigns the Times
- May report the misconduct to lawyers, the media, law enforcement or, watchdog ,agencies, or other local, state,or federal agencies. In some cases, external
- Software bugs such as memory leaks, and also soft errors in the hardware: *, watchdog ,timer that resets the computer unless the software periodically notifies the
- A non-denominational Christian human rights non-governmental organization, watchdog ,group * International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights
- Quantitative methodology for the study of bias. A self-described liberal media, watchdog ,group, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR),in consultation with the
- Her abduction by Jupiter in the form of a bull; and as Janitor Letters,the, watchdog , In Chinese astronomy, constellation Canis Major is lied in The Vermilion Bird
- Neutrality, it is frequently described by the mainstream media and other media, watchdog ,groups as a conservative organization. History At its inception, Accuracy In
- Study has been questioned by various organizations, including the liberal media, watchdog ,group Media Matters for America. In mid-2004,the newspaper's then public
- Independent of the turnkey engineers and be responsible only to the owner - a, watchdog ,so to speak. The project-consultancy firm has access to all sections of the
- Practices. Accusations of misrepresentation of facts The progressive media, watchdog ,group Media Matters for America has cataloged what they claim are the ten most
- And pressure from advertisers. There are a number of national and international, watchdog ,groups that report on bias in the media. Types of bias The most commonly
- Was to inform the public of what the elites were doing. It was also to act as a, watchdog ,over the elites, as the public had the final say with their votes. Effectively
- Al-Manar was authorized to continue broadcasting in Europe by France's media, watchdog ,agency. On December 13, 2004,France's highest administrative court banned
- Is not necessarily publicly available. There may also be associations and, watchdog ,organizations that research and publish details on the actions of NGOs working
- Or software failure is detected in a computer system. A classic example is a, watchdog ,timer. See fail-safe (computer). * A control operation or function that
- Of East Asia, including Korea and Japan. According to China's environmental, watchdog , SEPA, China is losing a million acres (4,000 km²) per year to
- Program could deadlock the machine this way. OS/2 could however use a hardware, watchdog ,on selected machines (notably IBM machines) to break out of such a deadlock.
- Interconnect * peripherals such as timers, event counters, PWM generators, and, watchdog , * clock generator - often an oscillator for a quartz timing crystal, resonator
- Booted from the same RP06 disk drive as the PDP-11. The PDP-11 would perform, watchdog ,functions once the main processor was running. The KS system used a similar
- Gov, a website that supported the PATRIOT ACT. It was criticized by government, watchdog ,groups. Finances and Budget Recently, the department became embroiled in a
- Across the frontier. The yawning gates of Hades were guarded by the monstrous, watchdog ,Cerberus, whose function was to prevent the living from entering the underworld
- Character assassination ". Brock, who in 2004 founded the progressive media, watchdog ,organization Media Matters for America, apologized to Hill. In 1998,Anita Hill
- Office failures In 2009,the Project on Government Oversight, a government, watchdog ,group, sent a letter to Congress criticizing the SEC for failing to implement
- So that it can never be ignored. AMIS are often used for timers, especially, watchdog , timers. * Inter-processor interrupt (IPI) is a special case of interrupt that
- For the environment and economy. In its April 2010 report, Progressive ethics, watchdog ,group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Schwarzenegger
- Eligible voters of the Republic via referendums. Audit The Control Yuan is a, watchdog ,agency that monitors (controls) the actions of the executive. It can be
- Timer that resets the computer unless the software periodically notifies the, watchdog ,* subsystems with redundant spares that can be switched over to * software "
- Heston served on the Advisory Board of Accuracy in Media, a conservative media, watchdog ,group founded by Reed Irvine. Later life and death In 1996,Heston had a hip
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