Examples of the the word, collegiate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( collegiate ), is the 12318 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And their endowments secured. Consequently, some thirty-four cathedrals, collegiate ,churches and royal chapels maintained paid establishments of lay singing men
- On all-girl high school or all-star squads an opportunity to cheer at the, collegiate ,level without making the transition to a coed squad. Unlike high school
- Known as the RPI Glee Club),established in 1873 is perhaps the oldest known, collegiate ,a cappella group. However, the longest continuously-singing group is probably
- Collegiate church and the head of the chapter of canons. If the cathedral or, collegiate ,church has its own parish, the dean is usually also rector of the parish.
- Across the U. S. Increased interest in modern a cappella (particularly, collegiate ,a cappella) can be seen in the growth of awards such as the Contemporary A
- Championships (42) than any coach in any sport in the history of American, collegiate ,athletics. * Paul O'Dwyer - President of New York City Council, prominent New
- For a professional career. Amateur boxing: Amateur boxing may be found at the, collegiate ,level, at the Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games, and in many other venues
- Forms and styles all over the globe – including pop music, film soundtracks, collegiate ,competitions and cultural shows. Bhangra Music (1986-1994) The pre history of
- Champions from each of these events have gone on to compete at the, collegiate ,and Olympic levels. High school diving In the United States scholastic diving
- The early 1860s,Canadian football is also played at the high school, junior, collegiate , and semi-professional levels: the Canadian Junior Football League and Quebec
- Featuring Troy Palatal. Coca-Cola is the official soft drink of many, collegiate ,football teams throughout the nation, partly due to Coca-Cola providing those
- To refer to a constituent part of the university, such as the colleges in the, collegiate ,Chinese University of Hong Kong; or to a residence hall of a university, such
- Cities, many government-run secondary schools are called" collegiate " or ", collegiate ,institutes" ( C. I.),a complicated form of the word" college" which avoids
- Not always practiced, but it is understood to be one of the features that make, collegiate ,shag unique. Some dancers prefer to hold the arms much lower, similar to
- Believed to have originated in New York during the 1930s. To call the dance ", collegiate ,shag" was not as common during the swing era as it is today, but when it was
- Worship; while Matins and Evensong were sung daily in cathedrals and some, collegiate ,chapels. This nurtured a tradition of distinctive Anglican chant applied to the
- Of London are now de facto universities in their own right. In the other, collegiate ,universities, including the University of Lancaster, University of York
- a million volumes, making it the eighth-largest library system and fifth largest, collegiate ,library system in the United States. Several buildings on the Morning side
- Which since the Protestant Reformation have continued as Stifle. These are, collegiate ,foundations, which provide a home and an income for unmarried ladies, generally
- Universities in the United States, California has long had many respected, collegiate ,sports programs. California is home to the oldest college bowl game, the annual
- They butchered in their offices and liturgies, if the ancient monasteries and, collegiate ,churches lay deserted out of indifference, he was answerable before God, as
- Amateur golfer Bobby Jones, an Atlanta native. Atlanta has a rich tradition in, collegiate ,athletics. The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets participate in 17 inter collegiate
- Which is actually two separate but related groups, one of which is a Capella, collegiate ,group from Indiana University in the USA. The other SNC group consists of 10
- Bell stayed on as an offensive backfield coach. After Penn's declaration as, collegiate ,champions in 1924,Bell and fellow assistant coach Led Way received some
- Distance race in the world. 2010 marks the 102nd running of the" Mac ". At the, collegiate ,level, the greater Chicago area and has four national athletic conferences
- A cappella festival held each February since 1975,where over a hundred, collegiate ,groups have appeared, as well as International Quartet Champions The Boston
- Men's Rugby Team, founded in 1951,has also been ranked among the best, collegiate ,teams in that sport over many years. In addition to the academic requirements
- In a yearly match in Annapolis, Maryland. Both schools also compete at the, collegiate ,level, and the rivalry continues to be an Annapolis tradition. In England and
- Making it the oldest student group at Columbia, as well as the third oldest, collegiate ,literary society in the country. The society annually administers the Joyce
- To. A dean is a priest who is chief resident cleric of a cathedral or other, collegiate ,church and the head of the chapter of canons. If the cathedral or collegiate
- Coach, and Dennis Erickson, the men's football coach. ASU has won 23 national, collegiate ,team championships in the following sports: baseball (5),men's golf (2)
- Of European a cappella groups: Collegiate types It is not clear exactly where, collegiate ,a cappella began. The Rensselyrics of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (
- Governed by a council of elders (presbyter oi). In Acts 11:30 and, we see this, collegiate ,system of government in Jerusalem, and,in, the Apostle Paul ordains elders in
- The College of Arms, a college of canons, and the College of Cardinals. Other, collegiate ,bodies include professional associations such as the Royal College of Nursing
- Ones within the separate school system, may also use the word" college" or ", collegiate ," in their names. A few the oldest professional associations use "
- Campuses of the Institute of Technical Education with the introduction of the ", collegiate ,system ", in which the three institutions are called ITE College East, ITE
- Groups. Notable student groups include the nation's largest and oldest, collegiate ,outdoors club, the Dartmouth Outing Club, which includes the nationally
- Choosing, which is worth its actual DD from the DD sheet. The highest level of, collegiate ,competition is the NCAA Division 1 Swimming and Diving Championship. Events at
- And favored the teaching of the Jesuits in his dominions. Albert adorned the, collegiate ,church (Stiftskirche) at Halle (Scale) and the cathedral at Mainz in
- Right to appoint their commissioners in military units. On December 9,1918, the, collegiate ,(or presidium) of Schema had decided to form a military section, headed by M.
- Rejected the pilot's claim. Amphetamine is also used by some professional, collegiate ,and high school The use of amphetamine during strenuous physical activity can
- Is home to Ohio State University athletics, one of the most competitive, collegiate ,programs in the nation. The institution has placed in the top-10 final
- The 2007 NCAA Baseball Championship. Columbia College has several men and women, collegiate ,sports teams as well. In 2007 Columbia hosted the National Association of
- By the new sport and the values it could teach, she organized the first women’s, collegiate ,basketball game on March 21, 1893,when her Smith freshmen and sophomores
- At Clemson University, many fans felt that the song was reminiscent of the, collegiate ,atmosphere those games had. The fight song only lasted a few years before being
- Such colleges do not award degrees. Universities with constituent colleges are, collegiate ,universities. A college may also be a grouping of faculties or departments
- And Richard Rodgers at Columbia, his career in musical theater began with his, collegiate ,contributions, in Lerner's case to the annual Harvard Hasty Pudding musicals.
- Of China, who lived in Palestine, and was a highly esteemed scholar in the, collegiate ,circle of the patriarch Judah I. From his associations in the house of his
- To designate the heads of some monasteries converted at the Reformation into, collegiate ,foundations. Of these the most noteworthy is Locum Abbey in Hanover, founded
- II when few men were involved in organized sports. At this time, there were no, collegiate ,sports for women, but women were allowed to participate in cheering squads. At
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