Examples of the the word, jb , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jb ), is the 12311 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Modules Gr. A similar situation occurs for the elements of GI (7) of the form, jb , The 16 elements on the unit circle correspond to the elements of Gs and are
- Linguistische Bemerkungen sum anthropologischen MongolenProblem," Legend morph, jb ,135,5: 717-722. **"Einfuhrung," reprint of E. Schlagintweit, Die
- _0056__switch_do Case____HLA_89: CMP (100,EBX);, jb , _0051__switch_otherwise____HLA_99; CMP (101,EBX); JA
- Salara for Mona salary and Malaysia/fatal salarahome village for Chalk no 145,JB, > both in Chariot District. Raymond Mancini (1901–1988) was a veteran
- Maura Salary and Chalk no 145 JB Salary (to see Mona salary and village 145,JB, on this link which will be open the URL of google and then type the Malaysia/
- The unimodular set of GI (p),denoted by G1,is the set of elements ζ = (a +, jb , ) ∈ GI (p),such that a2 + b2 \equiv1 (mod p). To determine the elements of
- In India, and was adopted by the Arabs who spelled the consonants as ", jb ,". When Robert translated the word, not understanding the Hindu origin, he
- Unit i is instead written as j, so complex numbers are written as a + BJ or a +, jb , A real number a can be usually regarded as a complex number with an imaginary
- LH, mG, DP,GI, PD/CK, DF,AC, LJ, CK,JR/DP, gi, pd,Mg, Lh, gi/IA a: p=ca, jb , ac/LA, ck,Jr/In, pP, KI, lj, Ik, jl/GI, lH, mG, DP,GI, PD/CK, DF,AC, LJ, CK
- P + 1),called the supra-unimodular group of GI (p). The elements ζ = a +, jb , of the supra-unimodular group Gs satisfy (a2 + b2)2\equiv1 (mod p) and all
- Jl (jump on less than, signed ), ja (jump on above/greater than, unsigned ), jb , ( jump on below/less than, unsigned ). These conditional operations are based
- جــيــب, abbreviated JB جــــب. Since Arabic is written without short vowels,", jb ," was interpreted as the word jail جــيــب, which means" bosom ", when the
- Jmp, call,and any of the following conditional jump instructions: // JA, jae, jb , be, jc, je, jg,age, jl, jle, jna, jnae, jnb, jnbe, // JC, jne, jng, jnge
- On a plane and their connections with different types of complex numbers a +, jb , ( where JJ -1,or JJ +1,or else JJ = 0). " The subtitle more accurately
- 15 2006. JPG|Spotted eagle ray in the Turks and Pieces Islands Image: Eagle ray, jb , JPG|The spotted eagle ray is noted by its ringed spots, beak-like anterior
- Germans," Nature's Mouth" # Telephone," turbulence! " # The Nuts," vb for, jb ," # Kids on TV," Breakdance Hung (PSEUDS PNP Mix) " # Katie Stellantis,"
- IB (heart) An important part of the Egyptian soul was thought to be the IB (, jb , ),or heart. The IB or metaphysical heart was believed to be formed from one
- Und sino-tibetische Farbgebung I'm Fichte von Goethe's Farbenlehre," GOE, jb ,101: 324-328. **"Not our Vorgeschichte DES Havana," AD 45: 51-54.
- Aj \left. \right | BJ \right\range - \left\angle AJ \left. \right |, jb , \right\range \right) where labels i, j,\lots, a,b, \lots, r,s, \lots
- JR, GI,PD/LA, CK,JR/MK, gM, hL, pF, MK,FP/to, dp, ox/Xe/AI/BJ, JH, Hl, lj, jb , b: x=JB, lj/ck, ac,Pf, ck/DP, GI,mg, JH, GI,PD/LA, CK,JR/MK, gM, hL, pF, MK
- Supra-unimodular set of GI (p),denoted Gs, is the set of elements ζ = (a +, jb , ) ∈ GI (p),such that (a2 + b2) \equiv−1 (mod p). * The structure
- If (_switch_min val_ <> 0) CMP (_switch_reg_, _switch_min val_);, jb , _switch_otherwise_; #endif CMP (_switch_reg_, _switch_max val_); JA
- Including spots by quaketrap's shaggy manatee, scream club, juba Alaska and, jb , raps of deep collective, aggrycyst, and romanteek's ruby valentine. "
- Element of GF (p) is a quadratic residue of p. The modulus of an element a +, jb , ∈ GI (p),where p = 4k + 3,is: \mid a+JB\mid =\left | \sort\right |. In the
- AIW 55: 21-25. **"Italiotische Tongefasse in Goethe's Sammlungen," GOE, jb ,101: 321-323. **"Chinesische UND sino-tibetische Farbgebung I'm Fichte on
- Zur linguistischen Neolith-Anthropologie Eurasiosaharaniens," Legend morph, jb ,134,1: 53-57. **"Selene ikonographische Bildwerke AUS Japan I'm Museum fur
- However, in Arabic writings, vowels are omitted, and it was abbreviated as, jb , Later writers substituted it with jail, meaning " pocket" or" fold (in a
- _0047__switch_do Case____HLA_74: CMP (1,EAX);, jb , _0042__switch_otherwise____HLA_114; CMP (3,EAX); JA
- And Melissa Mat toy * Aaron What, Hank Ni rider, Shane Wilson, Gary Across, jb , Patrick Kelly - Additional Engineering * Orchestra Recorded by Mark Tucker at
- For the sound“ ch” *F34 Determinative and Ideogram for heart (, jb , ) (chat) *F35 sound sign for NFL. Ideogram for beautifully (its) (NFL)
- Zebras, Dean Cadillac: Samoa Duncan '59 (sh-1n neck) & jazz (sh-2 middle),JB, ( sh-4 bridge) Henri Co. Ltd. (株式会社ゼンリン) () is a Japanese map publisher.
- Synonym). This was transliterated in Arabic as jib جــيــب, abbreviated,JB, جــــب. Since Arabic is written without short vowels," JB" was interpreted as
- G_\theta. * If p is a Presence prime (p 2n − 1,n > 2),the elements ζ a +, jb , such that a2 + b2 \equiv−1 (mod p) are the generators of Gs. Examples * Let p
- CK, JL/MK, gM, hL, pF, MK,FP/to, dp, ox/Xe/AI/BJ, JH, Hl, lj, ex a: a=ca, jb , ac/LA, ck,Jr/In, pP, KI, lj, Ik, jl/GI, lH, mG, DP,GI, PD/CK, DF,AC, LJ, CK
- The elements of the unimodular group it helps to observe that if ζ a +, jb , is one such element, then so is every element in the set ζ. Example Unimodular
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