Examples of the the word, utilities , in a Sentence Context

The word ( utilities ), is the 12305 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Largest sectors are financial services, followed by trade, transportation,and, utilities ,; education and health services; government; and manufacturing. California
  2. Of approval voting, not just to voter ordinal preferences, but cardinal, utilities ,as well. Dichotomous preferences Approval voting avoids the issue of multiple
  3. To view has created a growing community of amateur computer animators. With, utilities ,and programs often included free with modern operating systems, many users can
  4. Ethanol only),as fuel and for many scientific, medical,and industrial, utilities , Ethanol in the form of alcoholic beverages has been consumed by humans since
  5. Environment. They implement at least a shell and a set of the most popular, utilities , Most include the familiar GNU and/or Unix development tools, including make
  6. Able to deal with the 1581 format without need for any special tricks. Thus, utilities ,to format, read,and write 1581-format disks in standard PC floppy drives under
  7. Would be aided thereby, and bars rate increases by common carriers and public, utilities , *1945 – World War II: After an air raid accidentally destroys a train carrying
  8. Can balance the risk-benefit trade-offs by considering the voter's cardinal, utilities , particularly via the von Neumann–Jorgensen utility theorem, and the
  9. Released them into the public domain. New tools, documentation,source code and, utilities ,for development have since been created which has sponsored additional Homebrew
  10. Neumann-Morgenstern utilities , fitted to the interval between 0 and 100. The, utilities ,are consistent with the rankings given earlier and reflect a strong preference
  11. Operations drastically. Without hardware modifications, some " fast loader ", utilities ,managed to achieve speeds of up to 4 KB/s. The most common of these products
  12. Out a number of economic functions, such as issuing money, supervising public, utilities ,and enforcing private contracts. Many countries have competition laws that
  13. By recent reports about vulnerabilities in systems used in power and water, utilities , Germany Berlin starts National Cyber Defense Initiative On June 16, 2011,the
  14. Console, but are less suited for running Windows console programs. *Various, utilities ,are provided for converting between Windows and Unix paths and file formats
  15. Interface, or display diagnostic information. There are many methods and, utilities ,for examining the contents of various motherboard BIOS and expansion ROMs, such
  16. Flaws exist in all ACL-based systems, but only that the designers of certain, utilities ,must take responsibility to ensure that they do not introduce flaws.
  17. Computer magazines of the era also entered the arena with type-in fast-load, utilities , with Compute! 's Gazette publishing Turbidity in 1985 and RUN publishing
  18. Rain severely affects lakes and damages forests. Metal smelting, coal-burning, utilities , and vehicle emissions impact agricultural and forest productivity. And ocean
  19. Duke! ZONE II, Duke Nuke I (Duke Durum),Duke Nuke II, and various other, utilities , Earlier packages of Duke Nuke 3D also included the complete versions of Duke
  20. S earlier drives. Although it responds to the same DOS commands, most disk, utilities ,written prior to 1987,most notably fast loaders, are so 1541-specific that
  21. Of jobs, the five largest sectors in California are trade, transportation,and, utilities ,; government; professional and business services; education and health services;
  22. Pledged to reduce the country's large internal debt, privatize state-owned, utilities , attract additional foreign investment, eliminate social welfare programs, and
  23. Discriminatory mechanisms. That said, certain sectors, most notably public, utilities , are state owned and some parts are not currently open to investors. Conditions
  24. Convergence with EU norms, restructuring enterprises, and privatizing banks and, utilities , The economy, fueled by increased export growth and investment, was expected to
  25. To the organization of localities and housing, area and urban planning, public, utilities , child care, social welfare, primary health services, education and elementary
  26. For Brunei to provide over 5 million tons of LNG per year to three Japanese, utilities , The Japanese company, Mitsubishi,is a joint venture partner with Shell and
  27. Agglomerations in terms of competitiveness, innovation,environment, energy, utilities , governance, and delivery of services to the citizen. Some companies are
  28. AWK is mentioned in the Single UNIX Specification as one of the mandatory, utilities ,of a Unix operating system. Besides the Bourne shell, AWK is the only other
  29. Kernel uses binary prefixes when booting up. However, many Unix-like system, utilities ,like the ls command, use powers of 1024 indicated as KB/MB (customary binary
  30. The surveyed people have at least once used masks, blindfolds or other bondage, utilities , and 5 % explicitly connected themselves with BDSM. In 2004,19 % mentioned
  31. Containing little more than the bash shell and the core file manipulation, utilities ,expected of a Unix command line. A wide range of additional packages are
  32. Raise them again once the threat of entry is reduced. In many countries, public, utilities , ( e.g. electricity, heating fuel, communications ) are able to operate as a
  33. Corporation, telecommunications system, airlines,railroads, and electric, utilities , in return for agreed upon capital investments. The reforms and economic
  34. Magazine in the US) published complete source code in BASIC for games, utilities , and other programs. Given BASIC's straightforward nature, it was a simple
  35. e. Command line interpreters): bash, dash,push, tcsh, zsh * File and system, utilities ,: cretins, findutils, util-linux * Remote file transfer/synchronization: ftp
  36. Each other. He says that the earliest men lived laboriously, having none of the, utilities ,of life; clothing, houses,fire, domestication,and farming were unknown to
  37. Much deterrent effect, as various software companies soon released" nibbler ", utilities ,that enabled protected disks to be copied and, in some cases, the protection
  38. Services, with Recycle Ann Arbor's handling recycling service. Other, utilities ,are provided by private entities. Electrical power and gas are provided by DUE
  39. Community College and a high school diploma at the same time. Health and, utilities ,The University of Michigan Medical Center, the preeminent health facility in
  40. Strategy-proof vote, if it exists, is a sincere vote. Strategy with cardinal, utilities ,Voting strategy under approval is guided by two competing features of approval
  41. That the voters in each faction share the following on Neumann-Morgenstern, utilities , fitted to the interval between 0 and 100. The utilities are consistent with
  42. Extreme: An add-on developed by Sun storm and contained 50 levels and various, utilities , Duke! Zone: A product called Duke! ZONE was once sold by WizardWorks, which
  43. This was years before the Tennessee Valley Authority Act brought basic, utilities ,like electricity and running water to the region. ) Leaving Joe Bazooka, Capp
  44. For other factors such as the distance to the other cities. Using these, utilities , voters will choose their optimal strategic votes based on what they think the
  45. Game of government, and that will be most likely to optimize a balance of the, utilities ,of justice, liberty,and security. An example is the metagame Comic.
  46. His government undertook the nationalization of major industries and public, utilities ,as well as the creation of the National Health Service. After initial
  47. Optimal Assembly Program) was developed. Compilers, linkers, loaders,and, utilities ,were then coded in assembly language, further continuing the bootstrapping
  48. Organization that cannot readily access the original. DBMS usually provide, utilities ,to facilitate the process of extracting and disseminating attribute sets. When
  49. And CERT. Hands on skills include team-building exercises, and shutting off, utilities , * Unit 2: Fire Safety (2.5 hrs). Students learn about fire chemistry
  50. Control the overall energy expenditure. In addition, a growing number of power, utilities ,have made available a device which, when professionally installed, will control

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