Examples of the the word, asshole , in a Sentence Context
The word ( asshole ), is the 12309 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As" keep firing, Assholes! " (In the edited-for-T. V. version, the word ", asshole ," is replaced with" moron" or cut out completely. ) * Commandant Zircon is
- And then slam it into overdrive. So fucking punk that it will tear you a new, asshole ,- and then some! " In December 1992 Turbo negro set up for an after all quite
- Stories),1991 (comic) * Was plane Schlock heart struck (the little, asshole ,returns),1991 (comic) * Schooner Eben MIT them learn Schlock (better
- Statements, Skilling replied" Well, thank you very much, we appreciate that..., asshole , " Though the comment was met with dismay and astonishment by press and public
- Rituals. *The daily grind of dealing with the stupidity of the public, or the ", asshole ,factor ". Other more academic studies have produced similar lists, but may
- Refrain from posting to talk. Bizarre until such time as you >>cease to be an, asshole ,and become at least one of: bizarre, creative,>>or entertaining. You are
- The album's strange title. He said that Durst was frequently referred to as an, asshole ,and thus called himself the" chocolate starfish ". The other line on the album
- Or highest rank. Synonym: big league.:" " There's Adam Closer – major league, asshole ,– from the New York Times," Bush said.:" Yeah, big time," returned Cheney.
- His best-known comic characters are: * Was plane Schlock (The little, asshole ,), a precocious and irreverent little boy who constantly gets one over on the
- Non, stated," It was great to work with Donner. Richard Lester was as big an, asshole ,as the Sal kinds. " Two more films, Superman III (1983) and Superman IV: The
- Drive down to Texas" before being cutoff by a bandmate and getting called an, asshole , *In the BBC Radio 4 panel show I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, the Film Club
- To express yourself / And your parents never had time for you / Oh oh oh, asshole ,". The album was more varied than previous releases, including ballads, punk
- A member of the audience; Inn later scolded Rollins, calling him a" macho, asshole , " A legal dispute with Unicorn Records held up further Black Flag releases
- Elsewhere, A number of mobile phone apps and PC games have been made for, asshole , In pop culture * The film American Pie 2 featured the main characters playing
- 1992 (illustrated satires) * Es is an Schlock, Maria (it's an, asshole , Mary),1992 (comic) * Her late Sack, ein planes Schlock UND Andre
- Refers to a passive pederast. Often used as a general term like ", asshole ," or" motherfucker "; * Zappa (залу́па) means" penis head" ( from old
- Of TNT, and you assembled it along the way - by hand. I'd love to meet the, asshole ,who invented it! " Post WWII development The Bangalore continues to be used
- Office and presented him with the demo, saying," Sign us, you fucking, asshole , " The next day contracts were issued to the band. In 1989 the band's name was
- Noodles answers:" It means,'Noodles, though you've been hiding in the, asshole ,of the world, we found you. We know where you are. ' It means,'Get ready. ' "
- City Gaston publicly denounced Clemens as a" double-talker" and" a complete, asshole ,". Clemens was ranked 9th all-time in hit batsmen after the 2007 season.
- A verbal sparring match with Letterman. At one point she called Letterman an ", asshole ,", which had to be bleeped. * November 25, 1986 - Dave wears a suit of magnets.
- Lines as" You're a hard, hard woman to live with. Oh, you motherfucker, you, asshole , you stupid son of a bitch! " And on February 10, 1996,the album charted at
- Schooner Eben MIT them learn Schlock (better living with the little, asshole ,),1992 (illustrated satires) * Es is an Schlock, Maria (it's an
- HTML an archived web page. The word ", asshole ," is replaced with the word" knee biter ", and the word" shit" is replaced
- When Spartan shoves the gun out of his face and says" And Cocteau's an, asshole , " Rob Schneider played Erwin, one of the operators in the Los Angeles Police
- Schlock UND Andre Höhepunkte DES Capitalism (the old curmudgeon, a little, asshole ,and other pinnacles of capitalism),1993 (comic) * Schlock in Of ( asshole
- His support of Ronald Reagan, telling him" There's not going to be a Reagan, asshole ,on this show! " When he showed up for audition. Pal trow died on October 3,2002
- And host Dick Clark, who referring to Lyon said," What can I expect from this, asshole , " The group was not keen on appearing either, but went on. As" Pop tones" and
- Was plane Schlock UND her late Sack - Steuben is Scheme (The little, asshole ,and the old curmudgeon – To die is shit),2006 (movie: script) * Her
- 1993 (graphical parodies) * Du best an Schlock, mein Son (you're an, asshole , son),1995 (comic) * Went her Penguin zeal loft (the penguin always
- And blackout. Card and dice Several popular drinking games involving cards are, asshole , fuck the dealer, horserace, Kings,liar's poker, pyramid,bloody knuckles
- Le Ptomaine Thruway "; upon seeing it, Taggart asks," now what will that, asshole ,think of next? " Since no one in the raiding party is carrying any change
- Received some attention for the comment:" Cameron isn't evil,he's not an, asshole ,like Spielberg. He wants to be the new De Mile. Unfortunately, he can't
- Album that" Fred calls himself Chocolate Starfish, because people call him an, asshole ,all the time" ) Reviewers have often interpreted Durst's lyrics in" Hot Dog
- Always knocks twice),1997 (comic) * Planes Schlock – Her Film (little, asshole ,– the movie),1997 (movie: script and song lyrics) * Die 13½ Eben DES
- Louie up and tell him to hang himself. Ten months went by. John looks like an, asshole , He was too embarrassed even to ask me for help. " A construction associate of
- Participle, and infinitive forms). " (The bill omits" tits," but includes ", asshole ," which was not part of Carlin's original routine. ) This bill was never
- Magazine, some public figure is selected for severe criticism as that month's, asshole , An illustration showing a photograph of the criticized person's head emerging
- To her psychiatrist and colleague Dr. Elliot Superber," I could have that, asshole ,squashed like a bug," meaning that she could have Tony arrange for the rapist
- Asshole and other pinnacles of capitalism),1993 (comic) * Schlock in Of (, asshole ,in oil),1993 (graphical parodies) * Du best an Schlock, mein Son (you
- Thrilled by Sarkisov's detailed records, demanding," Send me everything this, asshole ,writes down! " The Russian government did not acknowledge Sarkisov's
- Formats. He once publicly declared his support because he said he's" not an, asshole ,like Metallica. " In October 2009,several of his albums were available free on
- Extolled the virtues of" son of a bitch" ( particularly in comparison to ", asshole ,") in common speech and deed. Bitch slap The term" bitch slap" is derived
- Cited the June 23, 1972 conversation when Nixon asked Alderman:" Who was the, asshole ,that did it? ". In axiomatic set theory and the branches of logic, mathematics
- Further saying," Because you thought ..." to which she replied" You were an, asshole , She received a mixture of boos and laughter from the audience for the remark;
- Ganzem Her zen (wholeheartedly),1989 (comic) * Planes Schlock (little, asshole ,),1990 (comic) * Shone Geschichten (beautiful stories),1991 (comic) *
- Dick Cheney.: Training is caught on tape calling analyst Richard Grumman an ", asshole , " *May 5 Enron's stock price closes below $59.78,a critical point for one of
- October 3,2006. When explaining his choice of venue, Black said that" some, asshole ," was paid to count the number of uses of the word" fuck" from his previous
- Reputation. Vituperative statements made in anger, such as calling someone" an, asshole ," during a drunken argument, would likely be considered mere vulgar abuse and
- Would have explicitly deemed six of the words profane (tits was excluded but, asshole ,added). In a similar incident on October 31, 2008,Philadelphia Phillies
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