Examples of the the word, analyser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( analyser ), is the 12321 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Test categories are unique in their mechanism or scope, and require a separate, analyser , for only a few tests, or even for only one test. Other tests are esoteric in
  2. And historian, first woman to become a full professor at Yale. An automated, analyser , is a medical laboratory instrument designed to measure different chemicals and
  3. May be made using Fourier Transformations in software or a dedicated spectrum, analyser , or when determining intermodulation effects in communications equipment, may
  4. Mannheim, the Hitachi 917 is a commonly used routine chemical bichromatic, analyser , Capable of doing 1200 test/hour with IS, it is a popular choice among small
  5. Spectrum and calculate the FFT. For this reason, both swept-tuned and FFT based, analyser , produce " blind time" meaning that while calculation of the spectrum is being
  6. With helium allows analysis of the fractions of each gas using only an oxygen, analyser , since the ratio of the oxygen fraction in the final mix to the oxygen fraction
  7. For the real-time spectrum analyzer to give good level accuracy. Example: For an, analyser , with 40 MHz of Real-time bandwidth (the maximum RF span that can be processed
  8. Was of great utility to navigation in shallow waters. * The differential, analyser , a mechanical analog computer designed to solve differential equations by
  9. Electronic sensors exist for some gases, such as oxygen analyzers, helium,analyzer, carbon monoxide detectors and carbon dioxide detectors. Name USN/>
  10. There is, How Odd Men Are Really) The Hitachi 917 is an automated biochemistry, analyser , used by medical laboratories to process biological fluid specimens, such as
  11. At a cost of $125,000. However, a " proof of concept" model of a differential, analyser , which made extensive use of Mecca no parts was built at Manchester University
  12. For a polarization dependent isolator, the angle between the polarizer and the, analyser , \beta, is set to 45 degrees. The Faraday rotator is chosen to give a 45 degree
  13. It includes the complete source code of the IDE, compiler,debugger, source,analyzer, profiler and interfacing libraries and can also be downloaded from their
  14. Of the spectrum analyzer kHz # K = logarithmic form factor of the spectrum, analyser , ~2 dB note: if Analyses is greater than R, the formula becomes L (CICAM) =
  15. In a reversed-field pinch experiment by an electrostatic electron energy, analyser , The American Water Spaniel is a gun dog which is one of a few breeds
  16. And published details in 1914. However, the first widely practical differential, analyser , was constructed by Harold Locke Haven and Manner Bush at MIT,1928–1931
  17. Waveforms) is not emitted at a discrete frequency. When measured with spectrum, analyser , the actual level of the carrier (L) can be calculated using the following
  18. Minimum Signal Detection Time This is related to the sampling rate of the, analyser , and the FFT rate. It is also important for the real-time spectrum analyser to
  19. The algorithm for generating basic blocks from a listing of code is simple: the, analyser , scans over the code, marking block boundaries, which are instructions which may
  20. To the incoming photon energies. This signal is processed by a multichannel, analyser , ( MCA) which produces an accumulating digital spectrum that can be processed
  21. For the album Switched-On Bach. The System XE-2100 is a hematology automated, analyser , used to quickly perform full blood counts and reticulocyte counts. It is made
  22. Polarizer. The Faraday rotator will rotate the polarization by 45 degrees. The, analyser , then enables the light to be transmitted through the isolator. Light traveling
  23. Several improvements over this earlier program. Flex, an automatic lexical, analyser , is often used with Bison, to tokenize input data and provide Bison with tokens
  24. Traveling in the backward direction becomes polarized at 45 degrees by the, analyser , The Faraday rotator will again rotate the polarization by 45 degrees. This
  25. Logic is a simple digital computer (more specifically, a digital differential, analyser , ),implemented with mechanical wheels and levers instead of typical electronics
  26. Some encoding create artifacts which could be misleading to any automatic, analyser , Despite this the ubiquity of the mp3 has meant much research in the field
  27. Flex, a family of automatic test equipment produced by Terabyte * Flex lexical, analyser , a free software alternative to led * FlexSystem, enterprise solution developer
  28. Front end. A Real-time Spectrum Analyzer does not have any such blind time. The, analyser , is able to sample the incoming RF spectrum in the time domain and convert the
  29. Discharge tube, or a synchrotron radiation source. The concentric hemispherical, analyser , ( CIA) is a typical electron energy analyser , and uses an electric field to
  30. Debugger (or tracing) activity on complex hardware events, like a logic, analyser , programmed to ignore the first seven accesses to a register from one particular
  31. 282 kg of propellant was 540 kg. Canada provided a $5 million thermal plasma, analyser , This was the Canadian Space Agency's first participation in an interplanetary
  32. Synthesised communications receiver, and personal computer with FFT spectrum, analyser , software could be used to successfully detect extremely weak UHF television
  33. Productivity suite; and the Wireshark network packet sniffer and protocol, analyser , Open Source development is often performed" live and in public ", using
  34. R = -3 dB bandwidth of the signal kHz # Analyses = bandwidth of the spectrum, analyser , kHz # K = logarithmic form factor of the spectrum analyzer ~2 dB note: if
  35. Polarized vertically),a Faraday rotator, and an output polarizer, called an, analyser , ( polarized at 45 degrees) Light traveling in the forward direction becomes
  36. Implicit in the input tokens. The parser often uses a separate lexical, analyser , to create tokens from the sequence of input characters. Parsers may be
  37. Figure 2 shows a Faraday rotator with an input polarizer, and an output, analyser , For a polarization dependent isolator, the angle between the polarizer and the
  38. Receiver, the QRC-15 DF system, the APA-69A DF display, the APA-74 pulse, analyser , the Apex tape recorder, the System 3 receiver to intercept enemy
  39. The pattern generator and the error detector * Digital communication, analyser , is optional to display the transmitted or received signal * Electrical-optical
  40. At great cost. For example, in 1947,UCLA in the USA installed a differential, analyser , built for them by General Electric at a cost of $125,000. However, a " proof of
  41. Sample chamber holding the sample and the secondary ion extraction lens *mass, analyser , separating the ions according to their mass to charge ratio Vacuum SIMS
  42. Be very useful to avoid the carrier so maximum input power of e.g. a spectrum, analyser , used to detect spurious content will not be exceeded. RF example 2: Wave traps A
  43. As the MIT machine. This machine had 12 integrators, and was the largest, analyser , built for a period of four years. In the United States, further differential
  44. Mechanical analog computer for fire-control systems, based on the differential, analyser , It was used by the Imperial Russian Navy in World War I. * In 1929 the first
  45. End in -er): analyses is the imperative form of at analysis" to analyze ", analyser , is " analyses ", plural of the noun analyze" analysis ". Using an acute accent
  46. Of the solar wind. *Comprehensive SupraThermal and Energetic Particle, analyser , collaboration (http://www.ieap.uni-kiel.de/et/ag-heber/costep/ COSTED) which
  47. Brother, Lord Kelvin, which represents the invention of the differential, analyser , On Lord Kelvin's advice,Thomson's integrating machine was incorporated into
  48. Del Or y Nicaragua. León,2004; 202 pass., ISBN 84-9773-137-9 The differential, analyser , is a mechanical analogue computer designed to solve differential equations by
  49. In the diagnosis of disease. Many methods of introducing samples into the, analyser , have been invented. This can involve placing test tubes of sample into racks
  50. Theorem and stores the data in memory for later processing. This kind of, analyser , is only real-time for the amount of data / capture time it can store in memory

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