Examples of the the word, undercut , in a Sentence Context
The word ( undercut ), is the 12304 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The old differences faded away after the realignment of the 1970s and 80s that, undercut ,the New Deal coalition. Voters who attend church weekly gave 61 % of their
- Debt, which was contracted to build infrastructure, appear to have, undercut ,most conservation efforts. The military-dominated governments contracted huge
- The CIA invented the concept of" brainwashing" as a propaganda strategy to, undercut ,communist claims that American POWs in Korean communist camps had voluntarily
- If necessary, win a war. If Germany were to occupy oil-rich Romania, this would, undercut ,all the British strategic assumptions based on Germany's need to import oil
- To which specific clans made collective claim, the government may also have, undercut ,clan solidarity. In many instances, real improvement in the living conditions
- The Arctic coast, where wave action and near-shore temperatures combine to, undercut ,permafrost bluffs along the shoreline and cause them to fail. Annual erosion
- Parades for McKinley in every major city a few days before the election, undercut ,Bryan's allegations that workers were coerced to vote for McKinley. He
- In Russia, Pepsi initially had a larger market share than Coke, but it was, undercut ,once the Cold War ended. In 1972,PepsiCo company struck a barter agreement
- By his enemies, and his lack of patronage networks helped politicians eager to, undercut ,him. He lost his 1828 bid for re-election to Andrew Jackson. In doing so, he
- Fearsome has a position paper arguing that approval voting has three flaws that, undercut ,it as a method of voting and political vehicle. They argue that it can result
- House of Commons. Meighen sought to move the Tories to the left, in order to, undercut ,the Liberals and to take support away from the Co-operative Commonwealth
- Flow of MDMA to the U. S. Criticism Critics from the left cite episodes that, undercut ,leftist governments or showed support for Israel. Others cite human rights
- Aggressively competed with the Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Office) and sought to, undercut ,the current Foreign Minister, Baron Konstantin von Neural, at every turn.
- Of the constant undercut ting of slopes by waves. If the slope/cliff being, undercut ,is made of unconsolidated sediment it will erode at a much faster rate then a
- Power but has few very bad mineral resources, and political instability has, undercut ,some economic advantages present. The government welcomes foreign
- Urban centers of production, as the steam-based production factories could, undercut ,the traditional cottage industries, because of economies of scale and the
- Was penalized for accidentally purchasing a non-qualifying item, it would, undercut ,the potential savings advantages of the account). Therefore, using the card
- Stop buying and make it themselves (or a competitor could enter the market and, undercut ,them). Each person would thus be able to calculate whether it would be better
- Schools was rejected by the government. By 1980 postmodernist sensibilities, undercut ,confidence in overarching metanarratives. As Jacques Revel notes, the success
- Of Banzer's presidency, but human rights violations and eventual fiscal crises, undercut ,his support. He was forced to call elections in 1978,and Bolivia again entered
- Consciousness. Merleau-Ponty and others question whether Husserl here does not, undercut ,his own position, in that Husserl had attacked in principle historicism, while
- A 2.9 % population growth rate, and the drop in world demand for uranium have, undercut ,the economy. Niger shares a common currency, the CFA franc, and a common
- Which some believe to have been caused by IMF-induced budget restrictions—which, undercut ,the government’s ability to sustain national infrastructure even in crucial
- A 3.4 % population growth rate and the drop in world demand for uranium have, undercut ,an already marginal economy. Traditional subsistence farming, herding,small
- Attempted a comeback but the patriotic euphoria that followed the war, undercut ,their pessimistic appeals. After 1816 the Federalists had no national influence
- Attacked for trying to obtain a third non-consecutive term. FDR systematically, undercut ,prominent Democrats who were angling for the nomination, including two cabinet
- Concern over India building large dams over various Punjab rivers that could, undercut ,the supply flowing to Pakistan, as well as the possibility that India could
- That utilitarian and skeptical arguments in defense of free scientific inquiry, undercut ,what they are invoked to defend. His general defense of a free society is not a
- Crucifixion. Even so, saying that the human body is temporary has a tendency to, undercut ,the importance of the belief in resurrection of the dead and the goodness of
- 1970s the newly built supermarkets and high street chain stores or off-licences, undercut ,the pub prices to such a degree that within ten years all but a handful of pubs
- Focuses on English subjects, with bawdy jokes and respected figures often being, undercut ,with humor, that has cemented his reputation. Chaucer also translated such
- In Spain, sought to apply Maimonide's Aristotelianism in ways that, undercut ,traditionalist belief and observance, giving rise to a major intellectual
- To pressure the United Nations into enforcing a ceasefire, Damascus Radio, undercut ,its own army by broadcasting the fall of the city of Sinatra three hours
- Pricing has led to the term" fare war" to describe efforts by airlines to, undercut ,other airlines on competitive routes. Through computers, new airfares can be
- Likewise, the Ruhr steel industry went into sharp decline, as its prices were, undercut ,by lower-cost suppliers such as Japan. The welfare system provided a safety net
- Is rendered as Hera's" jealousy ", the main theme of literary anecdotes that, undercut ,her ancient cult. It remains however a controversial claim that primitive
- Before, in 1896 and in 1900 against William McKinley. During the campaign, Taft, undercut ,Bryan's liberal support by accepting some of his reformist ideas, and
- Was £59 return, available all year around. Business Premier fares also slightly, undercut ,air fares on similar routes, targeted at regular business travelers. In 2009
- Set by IMF programs since 1987,though economic crises in recent years have, undercut ,Bolivia's normally good record. The rescheduling of agreements granted by the
- Assembly work back to the island in the late 1990s. Although these gains were, undercut ,by international competition, the apparel sector in 2008 made up two-thirds of
- And exhibited 145 peanut products. By 1920,the U. S. peanut farmers were being, undercut ,by low prices on imported peanuts from the Republic of China. In 1921 peanut
- Edge on both sides (the bevel on the bottom side is sometimes called an, undercut ,). This is to minimize drag and lower the lift. Lift must be low because the
- Union as an ally to counter Germany, and the signing of the German-Soviet pact, undercut ,completely the assumptions behind Turkish security policy. Winston Churchill
- Would appoint bishops (investiture). The end of lay investiture threatened to, undercut ,the power of the Empire and the ambitions of noblemen for the benefit of Church
- Almost any expedient to spur production. The method, however,subsequently was, undercut ,by heavy-handed efforts to increase farm production and amalgamate farms into
- By prominent members of the Bush administration, but the war within Iraq has, undercut ,the influence of this doctrine within the Republican Party. Rudy Giuliani
- Care and unemployment insurance. He won conservative support by promising to, undercut ,the appeal of Socialists—the Socialists always voted against his proposals
- And economic aid, which helped to strengthen the nation,India's influence was, undercut ,regionally and internationally by the perception that its friendship with the
- As the Loewe set had only one tube socket, it was able to substantially, undercut ,the competition since, in Germany, state tax was levied by the number of
- Was the conflicting interests of distinct social classes, which tended to, undercut ,a unified commitment to the Patriot cause. The Assembly balanced the competing
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