Examples of the the word, reassurance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reassurance ), is the 12317 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Increases the patient's chance of survival or may just provide the simple, reassurance ,that the ambulance crew are on their way. Great Yarmouth First Responders
  2. The diagnosis and raising awareness of the condition is an important, reassurance ,for the family and patient. Non-pharmacological interventions, including
  3. She was plagued throughout her life with self-doubt and required constant, reassurance ,that she was talented and attractive. The Wizard of Oz In 1938,at age 16
  4. Faith helped bind all of these tenets together as a source of comfort and, reassurance ,in the face of difficult conditions and as a means of political authority
  5. The patient has spasm of the pelvic floor which can be relieved with, reassurance , In second degree, the spasm is present but maintained throughout the pelvis
  6. The group quickly improvised most of the song. It provided much-needed, reassurance ,and re-validated their longstanding" blank page approach" to writing and
  7. Affect an individual's biology * Psychological healing — the care, concern and, reassurance ,provided by a homeopath as part of the consultation can assure the patient the
  8. Controlled by the copyright holder. However, copyright is merely the legal, reassurance ,that one owns his/her work. Technically, someone owns their work from the time
  9. From his teammates, especially Hayward who was" an immense help and, reassurance ," even though neither of them were great talkers, in Hobbs' case because he
  10. Is almost always perceived as hostile there is, often,still an element of, reassurance ,in it, for conspiracy theorists, in part because it is more consoling to think
  11. And therapies that can help when their use is warranted. Explanation and, reassurance ,alone are often sufficient treatment; education is an important part of any
  12. Degree, the spasm is present but maintained throughout the pelvis even with, reassurance , In third degree, the patient elevates the buttocks to avoid being examined. In
  13. The same issues. Both committee reports were written by Burke and led to the, reassurance ,to the Indian princes that Britain would not wage war on them and the demand
  14. The First Fraser Ministry was sworn in by Kerr. By some accounts, Kerr sought, reassurance ,at that meeting that the Coalition senators would not have given in before
  15. For help or any way of indicating distress. Respiratory support, together with, reassurance , until medical assistance arrives ensures that the victim will generally
  16. To one's needs not being met, be those needs for attachment, attention, reassurance , or any other form of care that would be otherwise expected to arise from that
  17. Fair hair. The static poems ascribed to Gill Skallagrímsson may offer further, reassurance ,that the sagas are on the right track, although doubts have been expressed
  18. Capacity to make everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and, reassurance ,from others. Associated features may include perceiving oneself as helpless
  19. Currently more aware of the fact that Jesus is the Lord, maybe because we need, reassurance ,that he is in control of everything (and our lives too). Other times, the
  20. Must (Moses) and Ha run (Aaron) carried by angels which confirmed peace and, reassurance ,for them from their Lord. The Qur'an states: The Islamic scholar Al Bailey
  21. Closer interaction with the public, and the opportunity to provide face to face, reassurance ,and advice, or even supervising from within or on the water, which is most
  22. Would produce a memorable impact. These features were rounded off by the gentle, reassurance ,of the closing voice-over (spoken by Johnny Morris) - avoiding the emphatic
  23. As global financial breakdown. At the Congress Wen also passed on a message of, reassurance ,that China's growth will not dip below 8 % in 2009. We did not introduce a
  24. If a patient is delirious or agitated, this can usually be treated by, reassurance ,and, if necessary, physical restraints. Additionally, benzodiazepine such as
  25. Someone fumbles with an explanation. Mostly by Chinese. ) LAH is also used for, reassurance ,: *Don't worry, he can do it one LAH - Don't worry, he can get it done. LAH
  26. To motorists due to gaps in the middle of several highways and removed, reassurance ,markers in municipalities with former Connecting Link agreements, including
  27. To commune with the spirit of the late President Roosevelt. He sought personal, reassurance ,from the spirit world, rather than seeking political advice. Indeed, after his
  28. Something is seriously wrong that does not lessen with normal test results and, reassurance ,from health professionals. ) The typical RSI patient presents with a strong
  29. We treat, and we’re glad patients and their physicians now have additional, reassurance ,that the guidelines are medically sound. " Alternative therapies A number of
  30. As hosts. At the sight of the film becoming concerning, they pause and offer, reassurance ,to the audience.; Puppeteers * Kevin Clash as Grouch Cab Driver, Pestie, Grouch
  31. Directly onto the Thruway. I-790 has some other oddities: no exit numbers, no, reassurance , markers,and it runs concurrent with New York State Route 5 for its entire
  32. In his office with Mike, and is often the catalyst for Mike to question the, reassurance ,he has been given by a producer that the story of the moment is being ethically
  33. Difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and, reassurance ,from others #needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his
  34. The one between advance directional signs, interchange directional signs, and, reassurance , signs. Advance directional signs appear at a certain distance from the
  35. Doubt and disbelief in the doctors' diagnosis, and report that doctors ’, reassurance ,about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing, or unclasping.
  36. Conservative MP for Cosgrove, in the House of Commons. Kirk bride was seeking, reassurance ,for one of her constituents, a victim of Ratcliffe, that he would remain in
  37. 45500. DIN 45 500 approval was intended to provide audio equipment buyers with, reassurance ,that their equipment was capable of good quality reproduction. In theory, only
  38. Word سكينة (Saki nah) is mentioned six times in Quran. It stands for peace, reassurance , calmness, and tranquility. Chapter 2,verse 248 says:" And their messenger
  39. Practiced through the ages, as individuals received psychological counsel and, reassurance ,from others. According to Colin Felt ham," The Stoics were one of the main
  40. Of the nations. The curse is ended. (22:1-5) ##Conclusion ###Christ's, reassurance ,that his coming is imminent. Final admonitions. (22:6-21) Interpretations
  41. Residing with a family in Quebec City, Canada in 1942. The little prince's, reassurance ,to the Pilot that his dying body is only an empty shell resembles the last
  42. The operation provided the Kurdish population with humanitarian aid and, reassurance ,of safe skies. However, this was marred by a friendly-fire incident on 14 April
  43. On the advance directional signs, the interchange direction signs and on the, reassurance ,signs). Dutch national road numbers are placed on a rectangle, with motorways
  44. Especially cognitive behavioral therapy; and pharmaceutical therapy. Education, reassurance ,and some form of cognitive-behavioral therapy should almost always be used in
  45. Reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). * Supportive therapy includes evaluation, reassurance , and informational counseling, and is an important part of therapy in an
  46. Of the observed pattern, and other evidence (such as fungal spikes) provides, reassurance ,that most widely accepted extinction events are indeed real. A quantification
  47. Known as" white coat syndrome. " Many hypochondriacs require constant, reassurance , either from doctors, family,or friends, and the disorder can become a
  48. Authors, however,reported that all these instances were" readily managed with, reassurance , " Following numerous anecdotal reports of benefits. There are also several
  49. Wrong thing at the wrong time, to both of them; Peppermint Patty when she seeks, reassurance ,over her" big nose" and her lack of femininity, and Marcie when she tries to
  50. Of many foreign TIMO's (Timberland Investment Management Organizations) is a, reassurance ,of the economic potential of the forestry activity. Worldwide TIMO's manage

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