Examples of the the word, snail , in a Sentence Context
The word ( snail ), is the 12322 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Boat, Basseterre harbor Image: Lymphoma gibbous. JPG|Flamingo Tongue, snail ,Lymphoma gibbous on a Sea Fan Image:3537_aqua images. JPG|Divers and anemone on
- Numerous shrimp species of various kinds, crayfish,a number of freshwater, snail ,species, and at least one freshwater clam species are found in freshwater
- Varians File: Biomphalaria Alabama. JPG|An albino individual of freshwater, snail ,Biomphalaria Alabama. All snail s in the family Planorbidae have the red oxygen
- Had been using heavier versions of P08 pistols, equipped with larger capacity ", snail ," drum magazine, and longer barrel; these were semi-automatic. Bergmann, by
- Red lips meriting snail ) * Pachymelania baroness (west African freshwater, snail ,) * Tylomelania patriarchal is (black Sulawesi snail s) Bivalves Aquatic plants
- And stone fish carry poison fatal to humans. The giant East African land, snail ,arrived only in the 1970s but already has spread from the Port-Vila region to
- Stevenson where Mrs. Donahue consumed part of a drink containing a decomposed, snail ,while in a public bar in Paisley, Scotland and claimed that it had made her ill
- Bought the bottle for her, nor the shopkeeper who sold it, were aware of the, snail ,'s presence. The manufacturer was Mr. Stevenson, whom Mrs. Donahue sued for
- For the inherent risks; Embonpoint: a plump, hourglass figure.; escargot:, snail ,; escritoire: writing desk; spelled" escritoire" in current French; esprit de
- The brominated indole indigo dye is produced by a medium-sized predatory sea, snail , the marine gastropod Durex Brandeis. The organobromine nature of the compound
- Our time. ’ For centuries" cures" such as consistently drinking water from a, snail ,shell for the rest of one's life," hitting a stutterer in the face when the
- Of one freshwater species have been wiped out by an introduced species of, snail , A fast-growing invasive Bryozoa off the northeast and northwest coasts of the
- Wildlife Refuge in Iowa protects Discus McClintock, a species of ice age, snail ,surviving in air chilled by flowing over buried kart ice formations.
- An inherited ocular disorder characterized by the loss of cone cells *Cone, snail , a carnivorous mollusk of the family Conical *Cone-billed Tanager (
- Said to have been used by soldiers to warm their arms and legs, and the edible, snail ,Helix Romania. There is also some evidence they may have introduced rabbits
- Tailed trumpet snail ) * Hitting semiotic (red onion or tire tracked ne rite, snail ,) * Exterior violates" Red Lips" ( Red lips meriting snail ) * Pachymelania
- The changing needs of society, as with the transition from" socialism at a, snail ,'s pace" in the mid-1920s to the rapid industrialization of the Five-Year
- Of 50 to 100 brain cells. That means they are about as intelligent as a slug or, snail ,or a Manchester United supporter ”. *" Ask not what the surgeon can do for you
- Freshwater mollusks such as snail s and clams. There are at least twenty-one, snail ,and clam species of special concern, including fifteen which appear to exist
- Purple ', referring to their monopoly on the precious purple dye of the Durex, snail , used, among other things, for royal clothing, and for their spread of the
- E-mail continued to be popular throughout the decade, and began to replace ", snail ,mail" as the primary way of sending letters and other messages to people in
- Have an administrator approving profiles to the database. While the traditional, snail ,mail pen pal relationship has fallen into a decline due to modern technology
- Signs of jewelry came from the people in Africa. Perforated beads made from, snail ,shells have been found dating to 75,000 years ago at Bombs Cave. In Kenya, at
- Endeavor septemlineata has been used to control the imported giant African, snail ,China Julia, which was displacing native snail s, and Plateaus manokwari
- Days, this blue thread was made from a dye extracted from a Mediterranean, snail ,called the Hilton. Maimonides claimed that this blue was the color of" the
- He is crowned September 1. * August 26 – May Donahue finds the remains of a, snail ,in her ginger beer, launching Donahue v. Stevenson. * August 27 – The
- On the West Indian genus Period. According to Gould" Period is the land, snail ,of maximal diversity in form throughout the entire world. There are 600
- In classical antiquity from a mucus secreted by the spiny demure, snail , The first recorded use of the word 'purple' in English was in the year A. D.
- Fish. In Thailand the introduced species Panacea canaliculata (golden apple, snail ,), which is generally a destructive herbivore, has wiped out phylactolaemate
- In a public bar in Paisley, Scotland and claimed that it had made her ill. The, snail ,had not been visible, as the bottle of beer in which it was contained was
- New Guinea and Guam to control populations of the imported giant African, snail ,China Julia, which was displacing native snail s. However, there is now
- In the fossil record. Most of Gould's empirical research was based on the land, snail ,genera Poecilozonites and Period. He also contributed to evolutionary
- Other introduced species include cane toads imported in 1937,the giant African, snail ,(an agricultural pest introduced during WWII by Japanese occupation troops)
- In size from under to over in diameter. A pair of beads made from Nassau sea, snail ,shells, approximately 100,000 years old, are thought to be the earliest known
- Fill the internal cavity of an organism, such as the inside of a bivalve or, snail ,or the hollow of a skull. Antigenic mineralization This is a special form of
- Is a strategy seen in African cichlid fish, where the male collects empty, snail ,shells which the females use to lay eggs. A third type is scramble competition
- Cake with bean paste filling (豆陷烧饼) (You Xian Shaw Bing) * Freshwater, snail ,shaped cake (螺蛳转) (Duo Si Chuan) * Chinese" fajitas" ( 春饼卷菜 — not to be
- Tadpole and phyla snail s) * Melanizes transfer (spike tailed trumpet, snail ,) * Hitting semiotic (red onion or tire tracked ne rite snail ) * Exterior
- File: Pseudofusulus variant. PNG|Common and albino tic color forms of land, snail ,Pseudofusulus variant File: Biomphalaria Alabama. JPG|An albino individual of
- Of invertebrate Gla-containing proteins is synthesized by the fish-hunting, snail ,Bonus geographic. These snail s produce a venom containing hundreds of
- His work as well: ants point to death, decay,and immense sexual desire; the, snail ,is connected to the human head (he saw a snail on a bicycle outside Freud's
- Cút Lon")- is a snack favored by many Vietnamese students. Paddy crab and paddy, snail ,are the main ingredients in" bun lieu OC" - a popular noodle dish - and in
- In purpose and mechanism, and can be highly complex (the venom of the cone, snail ,contains dozens of small proteins, each targeting a specific nerve channel or
- High rates of endemic among known species. All 651 species of terrestrial, snail ,are endemic, as are a majority of the island's butterflies, scarab beetles
- Produced them. The oldest art objects in the world—a series of tiny, drilled, snail , shells about 75,000 years old—were discovered in a South African cave. Many
- The post-glacial period. Thus, for example, archeologists found fresh-water, snail ,shells and man-made structures in roughly of water off the Black Sea coast of
- Derived from the street's half-circular shape (Polish word climax meaning ", snail ,"). Twin towns — Sister cities Torn is twinned with: National senators
- Of the world is so accelerated that all reality appears to proceed at a, snail ,'s pace, causing him to gradually slip into depression. The band's frontman
- Tracked ne rite snail ) * Exterior violates" Red Lips" ( Red lips meriting, snail ,) * Pachymelania baroness (west African freshwater snail ) * Tylomelania
- That is massive in both size and weight. Spring alumnus is a species of sea, snail ,with a very large shell. Exoskeleton Exoskeletons is the internal support
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