Examples of the the word, wildfire , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wildfire ), is the 12312 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That fire is necessary for the plants to remain healthy, and second, that, wildfire , suppression policies have allowed dead chaparral to accumulate unnaturally
  2. Used to predict and compare the benefits of different fuel treatments on future, wildfire ,spread. Additionally, while fuel treatments are typically limited to smaller
  3. In American history, and the Four mile Canyon Fire of 2010,the most destructive, wildfire ,in Colorado's recorded history. However, there are some mountainous
  4. Feared his punishment and rumors of his arrival on the Rhine spread like, wildfire , While feared by the people, he was highly respected by the Roman senate. He
  5. Pseudotsuga microcard, has several design features to tolerate and survive, wildfire , notably the very thick bark, and the presence of numerous adventitious buds on
  6. Multiple fuel treatments are often needed to influence future fire risks, and, wildfire , models may be used to predict and compare the benefits of different fuel
  7. Video of Putin co-piloting a firefighting plane to dump water on a raging, wildfire , Such photo ops are part of a public relations approach that, according to
  8. Warming has also been associated with an increase in length and severity of the, wildfire ,season in the Western United States. However, one individual element does not
  9. Smith and Authorship By William May Oxford University Press ISBN 0199583374 A, wildfire ,is any uncontrolled fire in combustible vegetation that occurs in the
  10. Shaped by a Mediterranean climate (mild, wet winters and hot dry summers) and, wildfire , featuring summer drought-tolerant plants with hard sclerophyllous evergreen
  11. The name, or combustible material. Buildings may become involved if a, wildfire ,spreads to adjacent communities. While the causes of wildfire s vary and the
  12. Were an illusion. Útgarða-Loki reveals that Loki had actually competed against, wildfire ,itself (Logic, Old Norse" flame" ), Þjálfi had raced against thought (Huge
  13. A French privateer, and a French rider. Racers were also blamed for starting a, wildfire ,that caused a panic on a train running between Dakar and Bamako, where three
  14. Will die as the duff dries in the summer. They therefore require periodic, wildfire ,to clear competing vegetation and soil humus before successful regeneration can
  15. San Diego was the site of the Cedar Fire, which has been called the largest, wildfire ,in California over the past century. The fire burned, killed 15 people, and
  16. Can begin to grow and thrive. Even though it is healthy for an ecosystem,a, wildfire ,can still be considered an abiotic stressor, because it puts an obvious stress
  17. Systems. Foresters may combat insect infestation, disease,forest and grassland, wildfire , but increasingly allow these natural aspects of forest ecosystems to run their
  18. Eroding away other nutrients and creating flash flood conditions. A 2003, wildfire , in the North Yorkshire Moors destroyed of heather and the underlying peat
  19. Completely new feeling about life. A mania for large scale reforms spread like, wildfire , affecting schools, universities,the administration, family legislation. In
  20. Fires to minimize the amount of flammable material available for a potential, wildfire , While some wildfire s burn in remote forested regions, they can cause extensive
  21. Round20%3AMode20b%3ADocG%3AResult&ao= This oxygen level probably increased, wildfire ,activity, as well as resulted in insect and amphibian gigantism--creatures
  22. Able to amass local support quickly. News of the prince's arrival spread like, wildfire ,throughout the peninsula. In order to help speed his ascension to power, he was
  23. Flames of a wildfire arrive at a particular location, heat transfer from the, wildfire ,front warms the air to, which pre-heats and dries flammable materials, causing
  24. And the role it plays in propagating the lichen woodland. The phenomenon of, wildfire ,by lightning strike is the primary determinant of understory vegetation and
  25. And also a large target for lightning strikes, increasing the likelihood of, wildfire , Because bamboos are very aggressive as early succession plants, the
  26. States. However, one individual element does not always cause an increase in, wildfire ,activity. For example, wildfire s will not occur during a drought unless
  27. Vegetative structure, soil nutrients, and soil structure (e.g. after a, wildfire ,) *erosion of the toe of a slope by rivers or ocean waves *weakening of a slope
  28. Fires in tree canopies encourage spotting, and dry ground fuels that surround a, wildfire ,are especially vulnerable to ignition from firebrands. Spotting can create spot
  29. Months by as much as 15 %. History In the Welsh Borders, the first evidence of, wildfire ,is rhyniophytoid plant fossils preserved as charcoal, dating to the Silurian
  30. To have caused considerable confusion and controversy within the fields of, wildfire ,and land management: first, that older stands of chaparral become“ senescent ”
  31. Severe thunderstorm or pyrocumulonimbus can be enhanced in the area of a large, wildfire , which can propel smoke, soot,and other particulate matter as high as the
  32. The same period. The Black Death, a disease that spread among the populace like, wildfire , killed as much as a third of the population in the mid-14th century. In some
  33. For the able editors, and never came to anything, full of fire, too much of it, wildfire , not in the least like an Alcibiades except in the change of fortune he
  34. Wildfires than by small fires. Causes The four major natural causes of, wildfire ,ignitions are lightning, volcanic eruption, sparks from rockfalls, and
  35. Suppression depends on the technologies available in the area in which the, wildfire ,occurs. In less developed nations the techniques used can be as simple as
  36. Of the ecosystem. Consequently, until the 1970s,when a better understanding of, wildfire ,was developed, all fires were suppressed. This led to an increase in dead and
  37. Most particles in the stratosphere came from volcanoes, but smoke and other, wildfire ,emissions have been detected from the lower stratosphere. Pyrocumulus clouds
  38. Dry out and are therefore more flammable, often a consequence of droughts. A, wildfire ,front is the portion sustaining continuous flaming combustion, where unburned
  39. A more accurate description of the color of the liquid. *" The black" is a, wildfire ,suppression term referring to a burned area on a wildfire capable of acting as
  40. To emergency fire suppression efforts. In economic terms, expenditures used for, wildfire ,suppression in the early 20th century have contributed to increased suppression
  41. At or, when heated sufficiently, ignite at. Even before the flames of a, wildfire ,arrive at a particular location, heat transfer from the wildfire front warms
  42. Ore, used clay from the garden and straw to make a kiln, and lit the kiln with, wildfire ,by making it with a bow. ' Colin Smythe, his long-term friend and agent
  43. The black" is a wildfire suppression term referring to a burned area on a, wildfire ,capable of acting as a safety zone. * Black coffee refers to coffee without
  44. Periodically, portions of a Pacific Northwest lowland forest may be burned by, wildfire , may be logged, or may be blown down by a wind-storm. These types of
  45. The same phenomenon depending on the type of vegetation being burned. A, wildfire ,differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed at which it can
  46. Burn an average of per year. Above all, fighting wildfire s can become deadly. A, wildfire ,'s burning front may also change direction unexpectedly and jump across fire
  47. And coastal sage scrub habitats in low elevations along the coast are prone to, wildfire , and the rates of fire have increased in the 20th century, due primarily to
  48. The 70th birthday of imprisoned ANC leader Nelson Mandela. * June 14 – A small, wildfire ,starts in Montana just north of the boundary for Yellowstone National Park. The
  49. Risk of encountering a natural disaster such as an earthquake, hurricane, wildfire , or tornado. In 2009,Forbes ranked Pittsburgh as having the 2nd-lowest natural
  50. Can also be as small as or less. Although smaller events may be included in, wildfire ,modeling, most do not earn press attention. This can be problematic because

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