Examples of the the word, abstain , in a Sentence Context
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- Specifically Gaudy Vaishnavism, one of the four regulative principles is to, abstain ,from taking any intoxicant. This excludes the consumption of alcohol. In
- Harmful to the body should be avoided. ” Gaudy Vaishnavas generally also, abstain ,from caffeine, as it is alleged to cloud the mind and over-stimulate the senses
- International Society for Krishna Consciousness),whose followers“ not only, abstain ,from meat, fish,and fowl, but also avoid certain vegetables that are thought
- Strictly outlawed, as it would amount to violence against the bees. Some Jains, abstain ,from farming because it inevitably entails unintentional killing or injuring of
- Was disputed within the Christian community. This led to the Lebanese forces to, abstain ,from the Syrian attack against Noun. In October 1990,the Syrian air force
- Vor die Judenschaft: the" protected" Jews had an alternative to" either, abstain ,from marriage or leave Berlin" ( quoting Simon Dub now). In the same year
- Ritual fasting is an obligatory act during the month of Ramadan. Muslims must, abstain ,from food, drink,and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk during this month
- Meat only on specific holy days. Observant Hindus who do eat meat almost always, abstain ,from beef. The cow in Hindu society is traditionally identified as a caretaker
- Palm Sunday, although the day is otherwise a fast day. Married couples also, abstain ,from sexual relations on fast days, that they may devote themselves to prayer (
- The LDS faithful observes a health code called the Word of Wisdom in which they, abstain ,from the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee,tea, and tobacco. The Word
- Is a companion of bird (righteousness) and both these are in Paradise; and, abstain ,from lying because it is a companion of four (sin) and both these are in
- Jesuit Reductions in South America, missions in China, etc.),led the Pope to, abstain ,from an official condemnation of the Jesuits. In 1611 and again in 1625 a
- That philosophy, especially ontology and the philosophy of mathematics should, abstain ,from set theory owes much to the writings of Nelson Goodman (see especially
- Το θειον) and righteousness towards humanity, to maintain a pure lifestyle, to, abstain , from criminal and immoral activities, to transmit their rules uncorrupted and
- Where their names are recorded by clerks. A member who wishes to pointedly, abstain ,from a vote may do so by entering both lobbies, casting one vote for and one
- Extremely unfavorable to his brand of Cartesianism, Spinoza was compelled to, abstain ,from publishing more of his works. Wary and independent, he wore a signet ring
- Treatment, Bartlett returned to the Australian Democrats leadership, vowing to, abstain ,from alcohol. 2004 Support for the Australian Democrats fell significantly at
- IN"> left"> 1. I undertake the training rule to, abstain ,from taking lifePāṇātipātā German sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.
- Vote while Labor campaigned heavily for" no" vote, invalidate their vote or, abstain , Turnout was 91 %, with more than 53 % voting" yes ". The Labour Party argued
- Background. ... The technology and social effects of typography incline us to, abstain ,from noting interplay and, as it were," formal" causality, both in our inner
- Often the fuel of choice for range cookers such as Rayburn. The Amish, who, abstain , from the use of electricity, rely on kerosene for lighting at night. More
- His body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and thus the believer will be led to, abstain ,from all intoxicating drinks, tobacco,and all other narcotics, and from
- Forbids the death penalty. The first of the Five Precepts (Panca-sila) is to, abstain ,from destruction of life. Chapter 10 of the Dhammapada states:" Everyone fears
- More traditionalist Tribute John Silken and then urging Silken supporters to, abstain ,on the second, run-off,ballot. All this meant that Knock had made plenty of
- For seven days. A woman whose menstruation is prolonged must continue to, abstain ,for seven more days after bleeding has stopped. Name leviticus15 /> The
- Roll Junkie. Suicide and legacy Toward the end of his life, Brood vowed to, abstain ,from most drugs, reducing his drug use to alcohol and a daily shot of speed ("
- Assembly. The charter reaffirmed the desire of all participating states to, abstain ,from the use or threat of force. Signatories would not be able to join other
- After revealing that affair in 1991,Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz called Miller to, abstain ,from taking an MP’s oath due to accusations laid against him. When Lesser
- To refrain from intervention in European affairs and demanded Europe to, abstain ,from interfering with American matters. There were few serious Europeans
- Or bisexual. These individuals remain in good standing in the church if they, abstain ,from homosexual relations and obey the Law of Chastity. While there are no
- Talks to follow regarding final status. In return the Palestinians promised to, abstain ,from use of terror and changed the Palestinian National Covenant which had
- Center found that women who identify as lesbian or bisexual are less likely to, abstain ,from alcohol. Lesbians and bisexual women have a higher likelihood of reporting
- Samādiyāmi. 3. I undertake the training rule to, abstain ,from sexual misconduct. Kāmesumicchācāra German sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.
- Samādiyāmi. 2. I undertake the training rule to, abstain ,from taking what is not given. Adinnādānā German sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.
- A promise to his mother, Putlibai, and his uncle, Becharji Swami, that he would, abstain ,from eating meat, taking alcohol, and engaging in promiscuity. He held fast to
- Wanted a substantial or total change. Finally,31 % stated that they planned to, abstain ,from voting in the February elections. On February 3,1989,Stressed was
- Which permit married priests, bishops must either be unmarried or agree to, abstain ,from contact with their wives. It is a common misconception that all such
- Example, the Torah mandates that a woman in her normal menstrual period must, abstain ,from sexual intercourse for seven days. A woman whose menstruation is prolonged
- To their table, provided there was room, on which occasions the guests were to, abstain ,from quarrels, slanderous talk and idle gossiping. The ordinary attire of the
- Bound to say matins in the choir at two o'clock in the morning, and always to, abstain ,from eating meat, save in illness. The distinct rules of their order with
- To Five Precepts of moral conduct. In both codes the first rule is to, abstain ,from taking the life of a sentient being (). Buddhist monks should avoid
- 110 AD in his letter to the Mycenaeans. In 7:1,he said," They the Docetists, abstain ,from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they confess not the Eucharist to
- Or anti-military-service way by early Buddhists. In Pale texts, injunctions to, abstain ,from violence and involvement with military affairs are directed at members of
- Precepts in both traditions are essentially identical and are commitments to, abstain ,from harming living beings, stealing,sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication
- Eat only the flesh of animals which they believe have not been mistreated, and, abstain , from the meat of animals reared in factory farms or from particular products
- 20 March. During this time Baha'is in good health between the ages of 15 and 70, abstain , from eating and drinking. Exemptions to the fast are given to people who are
- Time he was to battle non-Muslims, the Kefir, to the extent of taking a vow to, abstain ,from drinking (a common fraction among his people) for the rest of his life
- But quickly, teetotalism became the norm and Methodists were commonly known to, abstain ,from all alcoholic beverages. Other countries An estimated 75 million people
- There is reason to believe it is non-public, there is a duty to disclose it or, abstain ,from trading. Tracking insider trades Since insiders are required to report
- Pracaksate" The vow of brahmacarya is meant to help one completely, abstain ,from sex indulgence in work, words,and mind -- at all times, under all
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