Examples of the the word, bearer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bearer ), is the 12315 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 2000,52). In the autumn of 1944,he was conscripted to serve as a stretcher, bearer ,in Bedbug (Kurtz 1992,18). In February 1945,he met his father for the last
- Of justified true sentences. But belief is the most commonly invoked truth, bearer , since Plato's day. Justification In many of Plato's dialogues, such as the
- Transferred immediately from the bearer 's bank account, instead of having the, bearer ,pay back the money at a later date. Debit cards usually also allow for instant
- Bach and Beethoven, to breathe life into such an unwieldy form and make it the, bearer ,of the highest thoughts. " In presenting Bach's fugues as among the greatest
- Bestow the animal's powers on its bearer – for example; a deer might give its, bearer ,swiftness. A person's akin was very personal. It was rarely shared with
- The sword cannot be sheathed when a dragon comes within five miles of its, bearer ,'s presence. Four generations earlier, the sword belonged to Bellomarius," the
- Of its own. Injuries from losses of blood, for example, would not kill the, bearer , In some telling, wounds received by one wearing the scabbard did not bleed at
- Traditional historians such as Édouard Perry conclude that she was a standard, bearer ,whose primary effect was on morale. This type of analysis usually relies on the
- Gave in and offered him Prince Hulas. He took the youth on as his weapons, bearer ,and beloved. Years later, Heracles and Hulas joined the crew of the Argo. As
- But no object can be identified if none exists. Thus, a proper name must have a, bearer ,if it is to be meaningful. Existence in the wide and narrow senses According to
- Neville was the best man, and the couple's infant son, Brooklyn,was the ring, bearer , The media were kept away from the ceremony, as the Beckhams had an exclusive
- Generation to generation. Unless canting arms incorporate an obvious pun on the, bearer ,'s name, it may be difficult to find meaning in them. As changes in military
- Its gradual development into a proper name shows the Christians identified the, bearer ,with the promised Messiah of the Jews who fulfilled all the Messianic
- Vowel character is used instead. Independent vowels are constructed using three, bearer ,characters: Urey (ੳ),Air (ਅ) and IRI (ੲ). Except Air (
- Likewise, in the sentence," here, there is a pot "," here" is the, bearer ,of the property" pot-existence" – this shows that the categories of property
- M1 and as a result contends that in film a woman is the ", bearer ,of meaning, not maker of meaning. " http://books.google.com/books? ID
- To ensure that the national passport reflects the official identity of the, bearer ,and it would be inconsistent ... to continue to issue passports, albeit limited
- Are never used without additional vowel signs. Dotted circles represent the, bearer ,consonant. Vowels are always pronounced after the consonant they are attached
- Uncommon whilst PRI circuits serving PBX are commonplace. Data channel The, bearer ,channel (B) is a standard 64 bit/s voice channel of 8 bits sampled at 8 kHz
- Plus, Polish writer (b. 1847) *1915 – John Simpson Kirkpatrick, stretcher, bearer , with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gladioli during World War I
- Hemisphere in general, with western civilization no longer the chief standard, bearer ,of Christianity. Some Europeans (including diaspora),Indigenous peoples of
- A subcomponent of this is to use smaller amounts of cash to purchase, bearer ,instruments, such as money orders, and then ultimately deposit those, again in
- Copper wires. The 144 bit/s payload rate is broken down into two 64 bit/s, bearer ,channels ('B' channels) and one 16 bit/s signaling channel (CD' channel
- Jeremy Bentham. John Stuart Mill was a pupil of Bentham's and was the torch, bearer ,for utilitarian philosophy through the late nineteenth century. In contemporary
- Constructed with language-specific affixes that identify the gender of the, bearer , Common feminine suffixes used in English names are -a, of Latin or Romance
- The" energies of Lucifer," they were referring to the Morning Star, the light, bearer , the search for light; the very antithesis of dark, satanic evil. Tail
- From an early Old Welsh or Cambric Artur. The earliest historically attested, bearer ,of the name is a son or grandson of Sedan mac Brain (d. AD 609),Medieval
- Or in a dream or trance. The akin was to bestow the animal's powers on its, bearer ,– for example; a deer might give its bearer swiftness. A person's akin was
- Cards, the funds paid using a debit card are transferred immediately from the, bearer ,'s bank account, instead of having the bearer pay back the money at a later
- Apples in Spanish. Known for a rich taste and thick pulp, it is a prolific, bearer , grown around the world. * Jacques is found in the south of France (Aide
- Luke, Onesimus, and Demos) appear in both epistles. Tactics is named as the, bearer ,of the letter, just as he is in Ephesians and Philemon, and he is to tell the
- Or of Caesar. In the Epistle to Titus, Apollos is mentioned with Zens as, bearer ,of the letter to Crete. Other Martin Luther and some modern scholars have
- The Principality's laws permit the corporations it charters to issue, bearer ,shares. Until recently, the Principality's banking laws permitted banks to
- In a Sanskrit sentence like," sound is impermanent "," sound" is the, bearer ,of the property" impermanence ". Likewise, in the sentence," here, there is a
- Quarters of a personal coat of arms correspond to the ancestors from whom the, bearer ,has inherited arms, normally in the same sequence as if the pedigree were laid
- Cheques" for the value of ZWN 100 million and ZWN 250 million. #15 May: new, bearer ,checks with a value of ZWN 500 million (then equivalent to about USD 2.50).
- Do presently upon the duty of your allegiance obey and fulfill whatsoever the, bearer ,hereof shall direct you to do in our name. Whereof fail you not, as you will
- From Latin extra, right ) means to the right from the viewpoint of the, bearer ,of the arms and" sinister" ( from Latin ministry, left ) means to the left.
- Lasting until the call is terminated. There can be as many calls as there are, bearer ,channels, to the same or different end-points. Bearer channels may also be
- The word vizier, vezir in the Ottoman language, from Persian air, meant the, bearer ,of a burden. Aladdin, in accepting the office, accepted his brother's burden
- He knows. Epistemologists argue over whether belief is the proper" truth, bearer , " Some would rather describe knowledge as a system of justified true
- Image and endowed with free will, has been singled out to be the recipient and, bearer ,of Revelation. The product of this human-divine encounter is the Torah, the
- Itself is a part of pure experience; one of its 'terms' becomes the subject or, bearer ,of the knowledge, the knower, the other becomes the object known (p. 4) ".
- Messenger, servant of God (ABD),announcer (Bashir),witness (Shahid), bearer , of good tidings (mubashshir),Warner (neither),reminder (Sudhakar),one
- International Cricket Stadium, Kandy ". The name Muralitharan means" the, bearer ,of the flute ", which is a synonym for Lord Krishna, a deity in Hinduism who is
- Larger denominations were progressively issued: #5 May: banknotes or ", bearer ,checks" for the value of ZWN 100 million and ZWN 250 million. #15 May: new
- Year 2005: Configurations In ISDN, there are two types of channels, B (for ", bearer ,") and D (for" data" ). B channels are used for data (which may include
- A broken object which, when placed together with the other half, verified the, bearer ,'s identity. The Greek word passed through Latin" symbolum" into English "
- When both mounted cavalry and infantry units would designate a standard, bearer , who carried the Colors into battle. As he charged, his forward motion caused
- Countries were asked to dip their flag to King Edward VII: the American flag, bearer ,did not. Team captain Martin Sheridan is famously quoted as saying" this flag
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