Examples of the the word, fore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fore ), is the 12324 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And housing in the UK. It was dissolved in 1968. When direct action came to the, fore ,again in the 1980s,it was generally accepted by the peace movement as a normal
  2. Groups, with Berber, Jewish,Greco-Roman and Germanic varieties to the, fore , As Hacker stated:: We must mention here one of the most important results of
  3. Fourth Symphony was also the first in which the influence of Mahler came to the, fore , prefiguring the route Shostakovich was to take to secure his rehabilitation
  4. For it is not pleasant to have the Devil coming for the conclusion of a sheet, fore ,it is written. " When Wollstonecraft revised the Rights of Woman for the second
  5. The iconic noir counterpart to the femme fatale, the private eye, came to the, fore ,in films such as The Maltese Falcon (1941),with Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade
  6. And other staples and inflation. " Later, on 20 May 1793,women were at the, fore ,of a crowd that demanded" bread and the Constitution of 1793. " When their
  7. As well as releasable iron ballast in two conical hoppers along the bottom, fore ,and aft of the crew sphere. The crew occupied the 2.16 m (7.09 ft) pressure
  8. Was assassinated around the same time (221 BC),bringing Hannibal to the, fore , It seems that, having apparently dealt with the threat of a Gaulo-Carthaginian
  9. In the Cold War era, as more conservative educational policies came to the, fore , The administrative progressives The form of educational progressivism which
  10. Film. The New German Cinema also allowed for female directors to come to the, fore ,and for the development of a feminist cinema which encompassed the works of
  11. Also, the deep roots bind the sand together, and the dune grows into a, fore ,dune as more sand is blown over the grasses. The grasses add nitrogen to the
  12. Vedanta. Carvana, the founder of an atheistic materialist school, came to the, fore ,in North India in the sixth century BCE. Sanskritic culture went into decline
  13. Era Concerns about the length of the drug approval process were brought to the, fore ,early in the AIDS epidemic. In the mid- and late 1980s,ACT-UP and other HIV
  14. Of Islam, Constantinople became the gates of Christian Europe standing at the, fore ,of Islamic expansion. As the Byzantine Empire was situated in-between the
  15. Enemies in the current civil war. Its disloyalty to the president came to the, fore ,during the mutinies in 1996–1997,but ever since then it has faced internal
  16. Authority in both political and spiritual matters. The theory came to the, fore ,in England under the reign of James I of England (1603–1625,also James VI of
  17. The king’s inferior and owed his position to the king. This issue came to the, fore ,in the first part of the eleventh century when Rome and the pope sought
  18. The ship is taken up by machinery and fuel, whilst the remaining two sevenths, fore ,and aft, are the crew's quarters; officers forward, and the men placed aft. And
  19. Was attacked from either side by Defense and Orion and rapidly lost the, fore ,and main masts. Orion and Defense were unable to immediately pursue, as Defense
  20. But built into this formal, material apparatus itself. These traits come to the, fore ,in Hi, Mom! S" Be Black, Baby " sequence. This sequence parodies cinéma vérité
  21. Been removed, replaced with an armored deck. Esmeralda's armament consisted of, fore ,and aft 10-inch (25.4 cm) guns and 6-inch (15.2 cm) guns in the midships
  22. Orion and Defense were unable to immediately pursue, as Defense had lost its, fore ,topmast and Orion was narrowly missed by an improvised fire ship that drifted
  23. By the social and physical worlds we live in; it needs to be brought to the, fore ,through appropriate spiritual practices. Latter-Day Saints According to The
  24. Powerless to intervene. Finally, a native Akkadian king named ADSI came to the, fore ,circa 1720 BC and completely freed Assyria from the pretence of Babylonian
  25. World. The 747SP is shorter than the 747-100. Fuselage sections were eliminated, fore ,and aft of the wing, and the center section of the fuselage was redesigned. The
  26. Worship becoming commonplace and a more worldly orientation coming to the, fore , A Hundred Schools of Thought In around 500 BCE, after the Zhou state weakened
  27. When we talk about what is right and what is wrong. Meta-ethics came to the, fore ,with G. E. Moore's famous work Principal Ethical from 1903. In it, he first
  28. Haitian coup d'état followed after the St Jean Bosco massacre brought to the, fore ,the increasing prominence of former Ton tons Machetes, and General Prosper April
  29. Closer to the tip of the harpoon. The shaft was fitted into the socket of the, fore ,shaft and a bone ring was then placed over the joint to hold the two pieces
  30. As well as, protecting the wooden shaft from splitting. Connected to the, fore ,shaft of the harpoon is the toggle head spear tip. This tip was made of two subs
  31. Is sub-horizontal and since it has thorax that is pulled downwards by the large, fore ,limbs it would not be able to move the neck and limbs synchronously as a
  32. And downplayed his politics. Although Morris' political work is well to the, fore , Thompson also used his literary talents to comment on aspects of Morris' work
  33. And heavier, with shorter facial portions. Hyenas are digitigrade, with the, fore ,and hind paws having four digits each and sporting bulging pawpaws. With the
  34. Locations as part of a trade exchange, a possibility which raises to the, fore ,the importance of this art form within the society of the times. The most
  35. Was among other things, to know with greater or lesser certainty the outcome, fore ,the patient, ‘ to prognosticate ’. Prognosis, then,is one of the essential
  36. By the Social Democratic Party, established in 1899. The movement came to the, fore ,without major confrontations when tensions during Russia's failed war against
  37. Of pine and consisted of a main shaft and a 15–20 centimeter (6–8 inches) long, fore ,shaft with a flint point. There are no definite earlier bows; previous pointed
  38. Of St. James's where colonial and commercial considerations were more to the, fore ,of men's minds. Only a handful of statesmen in England or the Dutch Republic
  39. Century The Christadelphian position on conscientious objection came to the, fore ,with the introduction of conscription during the First World War. Varying
  40. Aramaic of Assyria, and then Babylon, started to come to the, fore , As described in 2 Kings 18:26,Hezekiah, king of Judah, negotiates with
  41. Neighborhood of New Orleans. Connick's musical talents soon came to the, fore ,when he started learning the keyboards at the age of three, played publicly at
  42. On Scottish Gaelic. Like English, periphrastic constructions have come to the, fore , but to a much greater degree. Scottish Gaelic contains a number of apparently
  43. To 17,000 tons, had a speed of, and an armament of four guns in two turrets, fore ,and aft with a mixed-caliber secondary battery amidships around the
  44. Firepower. The heavy guns were also better-positioned, being super firing both, fore ,and aft with no turret amidships. The armor scheme was also marginally
  45. State during 1917 were among the key factors that brought sovereignty to the, fore ,in Finland. P. E. Svinhufvud's Senate proposed Finland's declaration of
  46. Viking metal and folk metal movements and Immortal brought blast beats to the, fore , Some bands in the Scandinavian black metal scene became associated with
  47. To be identified with the" alternative metal" trend that would come to the, fore ,in the next decade. Meanwhile, new bands such as New York's Winger and New
  48. By the pilot pushing and pulling on this control frame thus shifting his weight, fore ,or aft, and right or left in coordinated maneuvers.; Roll: Most flexible wings
  49. The first escort carriers had only one aircraft elevator, two elevators, one, fore , and one aft, quickly became standard, so did the one aircraft catapult. The
  50. A Swede and a mace on his Lyft side/ Clad with a hauberk and plates to, fore ,his Brest/ legged harness on his legged/ Spores on his heels on his hands his

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