Examples of the the word, macular , in a Sentence Context

The word ( macular ), is the 12325 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Between ingestion of zeaxanthin and the prevention and treatment of age-related, macular ,degeneration (AMD). Less rigorous studies have proposed a correlation between
  2. Cat also cannot produce the amino acid Maurine, with Maurine deficiency causing, macular ,degeneration, where the cat's retina slowly degenerates, causing irreversible
  3. By the RPE. This phenomenon has been attributed in part to novel sparing in, macular ,degeneration. Bias in human societies When the phenomenon of skin pigmentation
  4. Between ingestion of zeaxanthin and the prevention and treatment of age-related, macular ,degeneration (AMD). Less rigorous studies have proposed a correlation between
  5. Pathways can also cause Micronesia. The Ampler grid test can be used to diagnose, macular ,degeneration. For this test, patients are asked to look at a grid, and
  6. Tippet experienced health problems. His eyesight grew worse as a result of, macular ,dystrophy, and he began to need special large-sized manuscript paper to see the
  7. Signs and symptoms Diabetic retinopathy often has no early warning signs. Even, macular ,edema, which may cause vision loss more rapidly, may not have any warning signs
  8. Growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis),which may be useful in treating, macular ,degeneration and other diseases. This effect helps AIDS patients with Kaposi's
  9. Side effects in treated patients, including cardiovascular conditions, macular ,edema, infections,liver toxicity and malignancies. Much interest has been
  10. Disorders of retinal capillaries contribute to the pathogenesis of age-related, macular ,degeneration. * Reduced capillary density (capillary rarefaction) occurs in
  11. Ocular congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is similar to that for age-related, macular ,degeneration, including counseling, regular monitoring, and the provision of
  12. Nutrients to the site, facilitating repair. Other diseases, such as age-related, macular ,degeneration, may be created by a local expansion of blood vessels, interfering
  13. Cuts off deep blue and violet light, below 430 nm (depending on age),and, macular ,pigment absorbs between 400 and 500 nm, but this pigment is located exclusively
  14. Studies possible causes of Parkinson's disease,Alzheimer's disease and, macular ,degeneration. *Center on Research and Education for Aging and Technology
  15. near-sighted,far-sighted, or an astigmatism),glaucoma, and age-related, macular ,degeneration. In 1987,it was estimated that 598,000 people in the United
  16. The direct effects of bright light and retinal stress apart from slowing down, macular ,degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. (Most saffron-related research refers
  17. Supplements. Other uses Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) Age-related, macular ,degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in
  18. Melanin has been suggested to be involved in the causation and progression of, macular ,degeneration and melanoma. Higher melanin levels also can be a disadvantage
  19. Simply delaying or arresting the continued loss of vision characteristic of, macular ,degeneration. A number of surgical treatments are also being investigated for
  20. And encounter ". (2007)- Hypertension * Licenses- $393 M (2007)- Age-related, macular ,degeneration * Sand immune and Neural- $944 M (2007)- Organ transplantation *
  21. Visual impairment in North America and Western Europe is related to age-related, macular ,degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. While both of these conditions are
  22. Diseases are less common and cataract surgery is more available, age-related, macular , degeneration,glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy are usually the leading causes
  23. Been studied including neovascular diseases that are features of age-related, macular ,degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity. Since the
  24. Itself in the spectrum of degenerative diseases of the eye, such as age-related, macular ,degeneration, and as part of the retinal damage caused by diabetes. Types There
  25. Not have any warning signs for some time. In general, however,a person with, macular ,edema is likely to have blurred vision, making it hard to do things like read
  26. That consuming spinach or collard greens five times a week cuts the risk of, macular ,degeneration by 43 %. Central serous chorioretinopathy CSCR is a disease in
  27. Retinopathy or background retinopathy. Some people develop a condition called, macular ,edema. It occurs when the damaged blood vessels leak fluid and lipids onto the
  28. Lifespan and accelerates certain features of aging (cataracts, muscle atrophy, macular ,degeneration, thymic involution),but the converse, increasing the levels of
  29. Blood cells in the vitreous humor. Other causes for floaters include cystic, macular ,edema and asteroid hypnosis. The latter is an anomaly of the vitreous humor
  30. In turn, is increased by impaired eyesight due to any cause (e.g. glaucoma, macular ,degeneration),balance disorder, movement disorders (e.g. Parkinson's
  31. Melanin that has been implicated in the causation and progression of, macular ,degeneration and melanoma. Signaling pathways that up regulate melanizations in
  32. Diseases that damage retinal neurons—nearly every disease of the eye, including, macular , degeneration,glaucoma, and diabetes-related blindness. Retinal damage is
  33. This makes it an interesting investigatory treatment for cancer, age-related, macular , degeneration,and other diseases featuring excessive blood vessel deposition.
  34. Disease, such as: (1) leaking blood vessels, ( 2) retinal swelling, such as, macular ,edema, ( 3) pale, fatty deposits on the retina (exudates) signs of leaking
  35. Permeability in blood vessels in addition to stimulating angiogenesis. In wet, macular ,degeneration, VEGF causes proliferation of capillaries into the retina. Since
  36. With fever, rigors,vomiting, and headache. Soon a rash appears; first, macular , not much different from the rose spots of typhoid, and rapidly becoming
  37. Macular Degeneration There are links between free sugar consumption and, macular ,degeneration in older age. Tooth decay In regard to contributions to tooth
  38. Can also be found in other nutritional supplements. Other uses Age-related, macular ,degeneration (AMD) Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading
  39. Print sizes, specialized print formats for dyslexia, eye tracking problems and, macular ,degeneration, as well as Braille, DAISY,Audiobooks and e-books. Green
  40. side effects * Bevacizumab (Avast in) has been used against wet age-related, macular ,degeneration, as well as macular edema from diseases such as diabetic
  41. Sensitivity in each type of cone, and the amount of yellowing in the lens and, macular ,pigment of the eye, differs from one person to the next. This alters the
  42. Pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin decreased the risk of developing age-related, macular ,degeneration by 34.7 %. B12 deficiency There has been concern about the
  43. Spectacles contain no lenses but are a bone-conducting hearing aid. Discomfort, macular ,degeneration, brought about by age and possibly smoking, has left Sykes
  44. Film debris is diagnosed by eliminating the possibility of true floaters and, macular ,degeneration. Diagnosis Floaters are often readily observed by an
  45. And (5) any changes in the blood vessels. Should the doctor suspect, macular ,edema, he or she may perform a test called fluorescein angiography. In this
  46. High-energy visible light (HEV) has been implicated as a cause of age-related, macular ,degeneration; before, debates had already existed whether" blue blocking
  47. The patient's central field of vision can be detected. A positive diagnosis of, macular ,degeneration may account for a patient's Micronesia. A controlled size
  48. Has been used against wet age-related macular degeneration, as well as, macular ,edema from diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and central retinal vein
  49. Via a gentle enema. Medicines for cancer, for arthritis, and for age-related, macular ,degeneration are often given via enema in order to avoid the
  50. And confirm which hemisphere is being distorted. Micronesia that is induced by, macular ,degeneration can be treated in several ways. A study called AREAS (age-related

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