Examples of the the word, undo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( undo ), is the 9131 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which by the Incarnation of Christ brought forth a new world of harmony to, undo ,the damage caused by the fall of the first man, Adam. St. Paul's
  2. Not interrupted, he soon received orders from senior government officials to, undo ,this change, which he did. Within a week, the US TIA issued A proposal to
  3. It is usually bad to leave an easily used return path for your opponent to ", undo ," your progress. The game is sufficiently complex that checking whether there
  4. The Muscat Harbor File: MutrahDecor. JPG|The Mutual Cornice was renovated to, undo ,the destruction done by Cyclone Gone File: DustStormMuscat. JPG|Dust storms are
  5. Dreaming about stories, as of old; but these forenoons in the Custom House, undo ,all that the afternoons and evenings have done. I should be happier if I could
  6. Undo and redo – As with word processors, text editors will provide a way to, undo ,and redo the last edit. Often—especially with older text editors—there is only
  7. A mysterious young woman who has an unprecedented para psychological ability to, undo ,events by changing the past. Joe Chip and Pat have a repressed and distrustful
  8. Incorporate any bindings or variable assignments found there. *: Incremental, undo , separately remembered for each line. *: Display version information about the
  9. Circ f)^ = FM \CIRC go Notice that the order of g and f have been reversed; to, undo ,f followed by g, we must first undo g and then undo f. For example, let and let
  10. Having blue eyes. *lines 13.174-209 – Even execution of a criminal would not, undo ,their crime; only the uneducated think that revenge is a Good. That is not what
  11. He undertook to enable Philip V to carry out an ambitious foreign policy to, undo ,the Treaty of Utrecht, with the aim of countering the Habsburgs and recovering
  12. The dismantling of their religious structures was an effort to symbolically, undo ,the changes they felt they caused due to their abuse of their spiritual power
  13. Dollars a year by 2020 with the SARS as seed funds, did not go far enough to, undo ,the general incentive to pursue destructive projects inherent in the world
  14. Reforms challenge his position as the (advancer) of Such and may eventually, undo ,the regime. Beginning in the mid-1980s,and particularly around the end of the
  15. Ruby and, with less mature modules, Ada,Delphi and SQL). Weaknesses * Partial, undo ,feature (working for graphics edits) A file archiver is a computer program
  16. The proper rituals, consult his ministers, and made it extremely difficult to, undo ,any acts carried out by an ancestor. The French prelate Bosses made a classic
  17. Complex editors usually provide a multiple level history such that issuing the, undo ,command repeatedly will revert the document to successively older edits. A
  18. Played an important part in Peruvian politics. Gradually, he also attempted to, undo ,some of the most radical effects of the Agrarian Reform initiated by Velasco
  19. Were unlimited only in his own universe he would be unable to permanently, undo ,Spider-Carnage's actions himself. Though it tested him to the extreme, he sent
  20. Is only one level of edit history remembered and successively issuing the, undo ,command will only" toggle" the last change. Modern or more complex editors
  21. Used" retroactive continuity ", as a purely additive process that did not ", undo ," any previous work, a common theme in his work on All-Star Squadron. Kurt
  22. Order to gain access to European and trans-Atlantic institutions, it has had to, undo ,many negative effects of the breakup of Yugoslavia and the war that ensued, and
  23. Ritualistically confirm anti-gay values; rather it cuts against them, works to, undo ,them. The point of outing, as I have defended it, is not to wreak vengeance
  24. The order of g and f have been reversed; to undo f followed by g, we must first, undo ,g and then undo f. For example, let and let. Then the composition is the
  25. GIMP classic: is a patch against the 2.6.8 GIMP source code that was created to, undo ,the changes made to the GIMP user interface between the 2.4 and 2.6 versions. A
  26. Mastering demands of the body Tirthankaras The purpose of life is to, undo ,the negative effects of karma through mental and physical purification. This
  27. Time a program saves a file, quits,and reloads. This loses details such as, undo ,history or cursor position. Image based systems don't force losing all that
  28. The covenant relationship with YHWH) and a Creation Theology (YHWH will, undo ,the fertility of the earth in response to Israel following other fertility gods
  29. In little-endian mode on a big-endian motherboard must both swap bytes and, undo ,the exclusive-OR when accessing little-endian chips. Active operations
  30. Effects). In issue #326,Engelhardt was told to bring Reed and Sue back and, undo ,the other changes he had made. This caused Engelhardt to take his name entirely
  31. F have been reversed; to undo f followed by g, we must first undo g and then, undo ,f. For example, let and let. Then the composition is the function that first
  32. Men. When Tiresias sided with Zeus, Hera struck him blind. Since Zeus could not, undo ,what she had done, he gave him the gift of prophecy. An alternative and less
  33. Epoch, are also characteristic areas of study. The goal of the Annals was to, undo ,the work of the Sorbonnistes, to turn French historians away from the narrowly
  34. The acceleration of the Reformation during his reign. Queen Mary's attempts to, undo ,the reforming work of her brother's reign faced major obstacles. Despite her
  35. His death, an achievement which" took many generations of decadent heirs to, undo ,". Through his personal patronage, Suleiman also presided over the Golden Age
  36. After he stumbled onto her bathing naked. His mother, Chariclo, begged her to, undo ,her curse, but Athena could not; she gave him prophecy instead. Che lone At the
  37. Quality) of certain perishable food for a longer period of time, it cannot, undo ,spoilage that occurred prior to irradiation. Irradiation cannot successfully be
  38. Were part of the" Aryan master race ". Hitler stated that he wanted to, undo ,the" unnatural division" of the Nordic race into many countries ("
  39. As barren of permanent political results as the first had been. His efforts to, undo ,the mischief wrought in Rome by the long schism were almost entirely
  40. Such as" put book ". The parser was actively upgraded with new features like, undo ,and error correction, and later games would 'understand' multiple sentence
  41. On the defensive as the Iranians needed more time to reorganize their forces to, undo ,the damage inflicted by the purge of 1979–80. However, the Iranian tanks raced
  42. Life. Conditioning Okinawan karate uses supplementary training known as hobo, undo , This utilizes simple equipment made of wood and stone. The marinara is a
  43. Or suspension FG 'process name or job ID' () can be issued. *: Incremental, undo , separately remembered for each line. *: Capitalizes the character under the
  44. The Kenosha government was shown with peaceful intentions, even trying to, undo ,the ill effects visited upon Wolfs bane. Kenosha was also shown to have typical
  45. Hunt (The Secret of the Unicorn and Red Rackham's Treasure),and a quest to, undo ,an ancient Inca curse (The Seven Crystal Balls and Prisoners of the Sun). In
  46. Not want the crown to go to Mary, who he feared would restore Catholicism and, undo ,his reforms, as well as those of Henry VIII. For this reason, he planned to
  47. May not be the identity function on the domain X of f. In other words, f can, undo ,or" reverse" g, but cannot necessarily be reversed by it. Every function with
  48. To the Fourteenth Amendment. It would therefore appear that states may not, undo ,prior ratification of amendments, although they may ratify an amendment which
  49. A concerted attempt to factor in unpaid work were made, then it would in part, undo ,the injustices of unpaid (and in some cases, slave ) labor, and also provide
  50. Deconstruction is that," It's possible, within text, to frame a question or, undo ,assertions made in the text, by means of elements which are in the text, which

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