Examples of the the word, fertile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fertile ), is the 9144 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are the red clays and dark loads of the river valley; north of which are less, fertile ,soils, produced by siliceous and sandstone formations. Wetumpka Meteor Crater
  2. Goods '. In fact, the interaction between these two approaches provide a, fertile ,field for deeper understanding in agricultural science. New technologies, such
  3. Berlin, were illegally occupied and re-built by young squatters and became a, fertile ,ground for underground and counterculture gatherings. Matte and surrounding
  4. The alluvial soil deposited by these rivers has created some of the most, fertile ,plains in the world. Bangladesh has 57 trans-boundary rivers, making water
  5. Into agricultural areas towards the south-east of the continent. The marginally, fertile ,parts are primarily utilized as rangelands and have been traditionally used for
  6. Suffrage for white men. Settlers rapidly arrived to take advantage of the, fertile ,soil. Southeastern planters and traders from the Upper South brought slaves
  7. Of inland Australia was sporadic. More focus was on the more accessible and, fertile ,coastal areas. The first party to successfully cross the Blue Mountains just
  8. Provincehood, was " the Gold Colony ". Agriculture attracted settlers to the, fertile ,Fraser Valley, and cattle ranchers and later fruit growers came to the drier
  9. Coffee and sisal, but three decades of civil war (1975–2002) destroyed the, fertile ,countryside, leaving it littered with landmines and driving millions into the
  10. Migration from the east. Sorry further writes that Asgard is a land more, fertile ,than any other, blessed also with a great abundance of gold and jewels.
  11. All ant colonies also have some fertile males called" drones" and one or more, fertile ,females called" queens ". The colonies are sometimes described as
  12. Uses nutrients in wood ash, but these expire within a few years. * Terra Greta, fertile ,tropical soils created by adding charcoal. Some examples of fertile arable land
  13. Support amongst most of the population of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and only found, fertile ,ground with disaffected portions of the Orthodox minority. Also, the revolt in
  14. The coast. In between lies Stratford, Gaelic for the Great Valley, which is a, fertile ,agricultural area noted for the growing of potatoes, soft fruit and the raising
  15. Soldiers ", or other specialized groups. Nearly all ant colonies also have some, fertile ,males called" drones" and one or more fertile females called" queens ". The
  16. Gathering ground of the flood-water),it separates the great desert with its, fertile ,watershed, and enters the Mediterranean at a vast delta. The most remote
  17. m) in the south, and the Panhellenic ridge stretches northward with narrow, fertile ,valleys on either side. The beaches are also a popular tourist attraction.
  18. Neutralize excess acid. Ammonium salts also are found distributed through all, fertile ,soil and in seawater. Substances containing ammonia, or those that are similar
  19. The Nile has been the lifeline of its region for much of human history. The, fertile ,floodplain of the Nile gave humans the opportunity to develop a settled
  20. And marble and iron are mined on other islands. The larger islands have some, fertile ,valleys and plains. Of the main islands in the Aegean Sea, two belong to Turkey
  21. Over most of the outback, combined with soils which are usually not very, fertile , inland Australia is relatively sparsely settled. More than 90 percent of
  22. That some persons find it difficult to believe that it was once all green and, fertile , The cause of this change is, however,very easily explained. The rich soil
  23. With the Carthaginians, Romans and Ancient Greeks, the region was considered a, fertile ,area, and the Namibians were known for their fine cavalry. The indigenous
  24. Close to the sea. Some examples of in fertile non-arable land being turned into, fertile ,arable land are: * Ran Islands: These islands off the west coast of Ireland, (
  25. And the chief female god (feminine form of Di-) represented as the earth or, fertile ,soil. After the worship of Zeus had displaced the oak-grove oracle at Dodoma
  26. Of the world's the earliest known civilizations, each of them developing around, fertile ,river valleys. The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and the
  27. Lies a smooth, slowly rising landscape irrigated by numerous waterways, with, fertile , valleys and the northeastern sandy plain of the Camping (Hempen). The thickly
  28. Population. Economy The farmland of the canton of Aargau is some of the most, fertile ,in Switzerland. Dairy farming, cereal and fruit farming are among the canton's
  29. Memphis, from which they could control the labor force and agriculture of the, fertile ,delta region as well as the lucrative and critical trade routes to the Levant.
  30. Workers of a number of species can lay unfertilized eggs that become fully, fertile ,haploid males. The role of workers may change with their age and in some
  31. Aegean Coast Located on the west coast of Anatolia, the Aegean region has a, fertile ,soil and a typically Mediterranean climate; with mild, wet winters and hot, dry
  32. A small town about 27 kilometers northwest of Athens, which is nestled in the, fertile ,valleys of western Attica, though the date is most likely based on counting
  33. With dominant kart topography. Northern Bosnia (Rosalina) contains very, fertile ,agricultural land along the river Save and the corresponding area is heavily
  34. Progress in human development. Geographically, the country straddles the, fertile ,Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta and is subject to annual monsoon floods and cyclones.
  35. In the U. S. turned farmland into desert. * Rainforest Deforestation: The, fertile ,tropical forests turn into in fertile desert land. For example,Madagascar's
  36. Nile River Valley. The predictable flooding and controlled irrigation of the, fertile ,valley produced surplus crops, which fueled social development and culture.
  37. There are a few natural harbors. The area from the coast to the Tell Atlas is, fertile , South of the Tell Atlas is a steppe landscape, which ends with the Saharan
  38. On a bend of the navigable river Arachnids (or Acanthus),in the midst of a, fertile ,wooded plain. History It was founded between 650 and 625 BC by Gorges, son of
  39. Testily ve Ti caret Merkel, or BOTTOM. ) Bursa was also known for its, fertile ,soil and agricultural activities, which have decreased in the recent decades
  40. Texas and Oklahoma. Arkansas is a land of lakes and rivers, thick forests and, fertile ,soil. The Arkansas Delta is a flat landscape of rich alluvial soils formed by
  41. Two thirds of Regina. The northern and western side consist of stony but, fertile ,plains, which are well cultivated and produce luxuriant crops of grain, with
  42. Success of ancient Egyptian culture, the most important of which was the rich, fertile ,soil resulting from annual inundations of the Nile River. The ancient Egyptians
  43. Preta, fertile tropical soils created by adding charcoal. Some examples of, fertile ,arable land being turned into in fertile land are: * Droughts like the 'dust
  44. County, in Far's Province, Iran. Baden is situated at an elevation of in a, fertile ,plain on the high road between Isfahan and Shiraz, from the former and from the
  45. And the Upper Thracian Plain in the south represent Bulgaria's lowest and most, fertile ,regions. The Black Sea coastline covers the entire eastern bound of the country
  46. Calgary, north to Edmonton, and then east to Lloyd minster, contains the most, fertile ,soil in the province and most of the population. Much of the forested part of
  47. Of Africa to the Atlantic Ocean, and borders the Sahara to its north and the, fertile ,region of the Sudan to the South. Situated between 11°3' and 13°5' north
  48. In Central, Eastern and Western parts of Bosnia. Northern Bosnia contains very, fertile ,agricultural land along the river Save and the corresponding area is heavily
  49. The state, the Grand Prairie consists of a more undulating landscape. Both are, fertile ,agricultural areas. The Delta region is bisected by an unusual geological
  50. Provides relatively mild temperatures for the region and, coupled with the, fertile ,glacial sedimentary soils on the valley floor, the region is conducive to

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