Examples of the the word, heath , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heath ), is the 9143 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stalks. So oats, barley,and rye may be made for once to grow upon a sandy, heath , by mixing with the scanty soil the ashes of the heath -plants that grow upon it
  2. And biologically diverse wetlands, along with rugged hill country (bush or, heath ,in the more exposed heights),as well as old-growth and regenerating Kari
  3. The valley bogs have lush growth of rushes, with sphagnum, cross-leaved, heath , sundews and several other species. Some bogs on Dartmoor have achieved
  4. Vegetation on the plateau is mainly dry heath , with an area of waved Calling, heath ,towards the northern end of the island, which is also rich in lichens, such as
  5. A cycling holiday, having hundreds of kilometers of cycle paths through forest, heath ,and along canals and many towns and villages offering refreshment along the way
  6. Of northern Dithmarschen began to meet in 1447" AUF her Had" (" on the, heath ,"); later, the Council of the 48—representatives of the most important
  7. Thus" heath yard" ), mentioned by Alfred the Great as AET Hate (at the, heath ,), in German Hadden and Haitian, a modern spelling of the runic DaBaby (r)
  8. To the hills and forest for shelter during the day and hunted in the open, heath ,at night. Early observers noted that the animal was typically shy and secretive
  9. Lowland ecoregions are the Borneo peat swamp forests, the Verandas or Sunderland, heath ,forests, the Southwest Borneo freshwater swamp forests, and the Sunday Shelf
  10. Strand veld can be found. Characteristic fanboy plants include Proteus, ericas (, heath ,), and resting (reeds). Some of the most striking and well-known members
  11. There are several historic references to Roman camps on or close to the, heath , Continuous recorded history dates back to Norman times. Residents Gallery
  12. Protect him. Gloucester protests against Lear's mistreatment. Wandering on the, heath ,after the storm, Lear meets Edgar, in the guise of Tom o' Bedlam, that is, a
  13. The Buddy South Forest,Nottinghamshire's largest area of dry lowland, heath , into the Nature Reserve, nearly doubling its size from. Some portions of the
  14. Tells Gloucester that Edmund betrayed him; then she turns him out to wander the, heath ,too. Edgar, in his madman's guise as Tom, meets blinded Gloucester on the
  15. Found in the county. Important habitats in the uplands include blanket bog, heath , glacial lakes and upland grasslands. Cork has the 13th highest county peak in
  16. Viral that often grow as epiphytes. Species in this genus may be part of the, heath ,complex in oak- heath forests in eastern North America. Taxonomy The species are
  17. The term was probably influenced by Gothic HAI i" dwelling on the, heath ,", appearing as HAI no in Fulfills' bible as" gentile woman" ( translating
  18. Plants require acidic soils, and as wild plants they live in habitats such as, heath , bog and acidic woodland. The plant structure varies between species – some
  19. Australia. In Tasmania, it preferred the woodlands of the midlands and coastal, heath , which eventually became the primary focus of British settlers seeking grazing
  20. Conditions are frequently experienced, occasionally resulting in field and, heath ,fires. Maximum temperature ranges from 5 to 10 °C (41–50 °F) in the winter to
  21. Four adjoining villages decided to build a church in the" middle of the, heath ,". This remained the town's name to date. The exact foundation date is now
  22. Industry was based on the wool from the sheep which were kept on the Camping, heath , The center of the textile industry in the province could be found in Turnhout.
  23. Fionn's intended bride Grainne and was finally killed by a giant boar on the, heath ,of Been Gullies. Foster son of Angus. *Lugsail Strong hand: sorcerers warrior
  24. The atrium Vesta too is frequently called regal. The sacred flames of the, heath ,were believed to be indispensable for the preservation and continuity of the
  25. Fast-draining sandy soil, the greatest part of a landscape that was formerly, heath ,has been planted with pine plantations. The south of the province is a river
  26. District) Dithmarschen. Population: 21,000. The German word Had means ", heath ,". In the 15th century four adjoining villages decided to build a church in the
  27. Ages. Hereby (, Old Norse Harbor, from hair heath land, and BYR yard, thus ", heath ,yard" ), mentioned by Alfred the Great as AET Hate (at the heath ),in
  28. In a range of habitats including open woods, woodland clearings, moorland,and, heath ,margins, sea-cliffs,rocky mountain slopes and hedge banks. It is commonly
  29. Area is covered by large swathes of grassland common overlooked by sandstone, heath ,ridges including the prominent CERN Bryan. The traditional agricultural
  30. Novi-belgii) Image: Aster tongolensis0. JPG|Aster tonogenesis Image: White, heath ,aster. JPG|Heath aster (Aster episodes) Image:2003 0928 133251AA.
  31. And a complex mosaic of calcareous grassland and acidic dry dwarf-shrub, heath , Cheddar Wood is one of only a few English stations for Starved Wood-sedge (
  32. A pilot plant for ta bun production was set up at Munster-Lager, on Lundberg, heath ,near the German Army proving grounds at Raubkammer. In January 1940
  33. Windmill stood at the corner of what is today Edith Road and May place Road. The, heath ,bordered Wailing Street. In 1766 Sir John Boyd had Dawson House built in
  34. And southwest of Britain. Stained Road, the northern boundary of the present, heath , is formerly the Roman Road, Via Trilobites. There are several historic
  35. Victory (" So foul and fair a day I have not seen" ). As they wander onto a, heath , the Three Witches enter, who have waited to greet them with prophecies. Even
  36. Including many Red Data Book plant species. Of particular note is the Cornish, heath , Erica pagans, that occurs in abundance here, but which is found nowhere else
  37. In Europe. Surrey also contains England's principal concentration of lowland, heath , on sandy soils in the west of the county. Agriculture not being intensive
  38. The site dedicated to Empedocles. * Ericeira,the, heath ,family or the heath er family is a plant family, comprising mostly calcium (
  39. Aimed to provide Peruvians without health insurance with improved access to, heath ,care. By the end of his term, SIS covered more than 11 million Peruvians living
  40. Elm and Appeal. In northeast Lower Saxony is Lundberg Heath. The, heath ,is dominated by the poor sandy soils of the guest, whilst in the central east
  41. Too. Edgar, in his madman's guise as Tom, meets blinded Gloucester on the, heath , Gloucester begs Tom to lead him to a cliff so that he may jump to his death.
  42. Where snow melts early, on gravel and rocky barrens, forming a distinct, heath ,community on calcareous soils. Climatology The Younger Drays and Older Drays
  43. Is hoped will be completed by 2012. The vegetation on the plateau is mainly dry, heath , with an area of waved Calling heath towards the northern end of the island
  44. The entire Jewish population of 's-Hertogenbosch was burnt alive on the same, heath ,in the 13th century. Conquered by the Germans in World War II (1940),it was
  45. Tales. In his novel, Cinderella is the spoiled child, whose confinement to the, heath ,is self-imposed after the death of her mother. * Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson
  46. As 'Camp Ought ', because the concentration camp was actually located at a, heath ,near Ought, a village a few kilometers south of 's-Hertogenbosch. In a tragic
  47. And δένδρον" tree" ) is a genus of over 1000 species of woody plants in the, heath ,family, most with showy flowers. It includes the plants known to gardeners as
  48. Diamond on a boar hunt, and Diamond was badly gored by a giant boar on the, heath ,of Been Gullies. Water drunk from Fionn's hands had the power of healing, but
  49. That is a byproduct of combustion. Brian is cut from the root burl of the tree, heath ,(Erica arboreal),which is native to the rocky and sandy soils of the
  50. Gentile ". It has even been suggested that Gothic HAI I is not related to ", heath ," at all, but rather a loan from Armenian ethanol, itself loaned from Greek

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