Examples of the the word, healer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( healer ), is the 9148 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a pediatrician or pediatrician. The word pediatrics and its cognates mean, healer ,of children; they derive from two Greek words: (intros = doctor or healer ).
  2. Can form a group, an adventuring group will often consist of a" tank ", a ", healer ,", one or more" damage dealers ", someone to do" crowd control" and someone
  3. Concepts health - disease - doctor - physician - surgeon - surgery - healing -, healer ,- witch-doctor - hospital - nurse - medication - operation - Public Health -
  4. Component. " Healer god-Protector from evil The function of Apollo as a ", healer ," is connected with Paean (Παιών-Παιήων) the physician of the Gods in Iliad
  5. Ascends (also known as Zulus),his trumpeter Minus, father Archives,the, healer ,Ia pyx, his faithful sidekick Achates, and Midas as a guide. His wife Cressey is
  6. And prepare for the return of Malebolgia. Jim's newfound status as a powerful, healer ,gains him all sorts of notoriety. During a stint on a television talk show, Jim
  7. During the Parthenon's construction of her being called Athena Hygiene (", healer ,"): In classical times the Planter, or “ Feast of Adorning ”, was observed
  8. Of Sciences on the exorcisms carried out by Johann Joseph Gasser, a priest and, healer , and also a Swabian. Mesmer said that while Gasser was sincere in his beliefs
  9. In 1895 by Daniel David (D. D.) Palmer in Davenport, Iowa. Palmer, a magnetic, healer , hypothesized that manual manipulation of the spine could cure disease.
  10. Above his left. According to Roman era orthography, the figure represents the, healer ,Asclepius, who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one
  11. Netherlands. His mother Katharina Guldenmann, an inn-keeper's daughter, was a, healer ,and herbalist who was later tried for witchcraft. Born prematurely, Johannes
  12. Boss after he tries to convince his boss to run a story on Jim being a faith, healer , The next day, when the old man is healed,Marc's boss attempts to force Marc
  13. To other gods: to Dionysus, to Apollo Helios, to Apollo's son Asclepius the, healer , About the 4th century BCE, the paean became merely a formula of adulation; its
  14. Mean healer of children; they derive from two Greek words: (intros = doctor or, healer ,). There may be other differences in spelling: in the USA, a pediatrician (US
  15. Term for the professional that carries the more general notion of ", healer ,", traditional (for example, an Albury) or otherwise: manggagámot.
  16. Following on from the earlier communal tradition of Baal She, his fame as a, healer ,spread not only among the Jews, but also among the non-Jewish peasants and the
  17. Greek island of KOS is dedicated to him. In the Harry Potter series, the main, healer ,on Arthur Weasley's ward was named Hippocrates Southwick. The Hippocrates
  18. Have been experienced coincidental with but independent of anything the faith, healer ,or patient did or said. These patients would have improved just as well even
  19. In the San Juan valley, near the border with Haiti, followers of a VDU faith, healer ,named Liberia resisted the occupation and aided the Haitian capos in their war
  20. Alexios, from ἄκεσις," healing" ), Acestor (; Ἀκέστωρ, Akestōr, literally ", healer ,"),Paean (; Παιάν, Paiān, from παίειν," to touch" ), and Hiatus (; Ἰατρός
  21. The kinsman is a healer ", from gamma," paternal kinsman ", and Rapid,", healer ,"; (died c. 1750 BC) ) was the sixth king of Babylon (that is, of the First
  22. Her best friend, Anna Vyrubova, to secure the help of the charismatic peasant, healer ,Rasputin in 1905. He was said to possess the ability to heal through prayer and
  23. Healer can direct the effects to the beneficiary. Contact healing involves the, healer ,being in the closest proximity but not necessarily touching. Absent healing is
  24. Explore social and cultural history. Other characters * Rebecca – a Jewish, healer , daughter of Isaac of York * The Black Knight or Knight of the Fetter lock –
  25. The practice of medicine is so specialized among them that each physician is a, healer ,of one disease and no more. " Although Egyptian medicine, to a good extent
  26. Rising from the dead. The synoptic gospels represent Jesus as an exorcist and, healer ,who preached in parables about the coming Kingdom of God. He preached first in
  27. Paths can be seen early in the first game. A gold ring belonging to the, healer ,rests in a nest on top of a tree; fighters might make it fall by hurling rocks
  28. Joker, on one occasion pretending to be crippled and attending a faith, healer ,revival, only to jump up and proclaim herself healed. Thurber had two brothers
  29. Into the care of Rebecca, the beautiful daughter of Isaac, who is a skilled, healer , She convinces her father to take him with them to York, where he may be best
  30. Speaking role. Hammurabi (Akkadian from Favorite Hammurabi," the kinsman is a, healer ,", from gamma," paternal kinsman ", and Rapid," healer "; (died c. 1750 BC)
  31. Hold the cure to heal all that suffer. This is the uncanny mark of the wounded, healer , Mediator Shamans act as" mediators" in their culture. The shaman
  32. P During the 1920s and 1930s,Aimee Simple McPherson was a controversial faith, healer ,of growing popularity during the Great Depression. Subsequently, William
  33. Contemporary opinions saw Rasputin variously as a saintly mystic, visionary, healer , and prophet or, on the contrary, as a debauched religious charlatan. There has
  34. In human evolutionary history). The word Boo" shaman; spirit medium;, healer ," first appeared on oracle bones from the late Shang Dynasty (ca. 1600–1046
  35. Been widely revered, such as in Ancient Greece, where the serpent was seen as a, healer , and Asclepius carried two intertwined on his wand, a symbol seen today on many
  36. Come to see him off. * The King of Pain: The King of Pain was an itinerant, healer ,and, liniment salesman in 19th century San Francisco who made a fortune
  37. Call their own god, the beautiful Paean. Some common epithets of Apollo as a, healer ,are" pain" ( παιών: touching)," epikourios" ( επικουρώ: help)," Julius
  38. Alleviation. In this case, the patient genuinely has been helped by the faith, healer ,or faith-based remedy, not through any mysterious or numinous function, but by
  39. Usually reserved for monk-confessors),believing him to be a psychic and faith, healer , That Rasputin helped to discredit the tsarist government, leading to the fall
  40. Until the 1980s. A friend of Roberts was Kathryn Kuhlmann, another popular faith, healer , who gained fame in the 1950s and had a television program on CBS. Also in this
  41. Through the same ridicule as a child. It was her grandmother's career as a, healer ,and Beverly's own caring, high intelligence, and sensitivity that largely
  42. Game, Resistance 2. As of 2011,the character Daedalus is the most powerful, healer ,in the superhero MMO DC Universe Online. In a 2008 release by alternative band
  43. To induct health benefits from some usually unspecified higher source where the, healer ,can direct the effects to the beneficiary. Contact healing involves the healer
  44. Excess negative energies which confuse or pollute the soul. The wounded, healer ,is archetype for a shamanizing journey. This process is important to the young
  45. As Culicarius (; from Latin culicārius," of midges" ). In Apollo's role as a, healer , his appellations included Celsius (; Ἀκέσιος, Akesios, from ἄκεσις," healing
  46. Which Judaism does not accept. The Gospels claim that Jesus was a preacher, healer , and messiah. There is no reason to think Jesus would have come into conflict
  47. Minus, his father Archives, his friends Achates, Sergestus and Acton,the, healer ,Ia pyx, the steady helmsman Palings, and his son Ascends (also known as
  48. Which was used exactly by the god Apollo at the oracles. In Ilia's Apollo is the, healer ,under the gods, but he is also the bringer of the diseases and of death with
  49. And have access to healing and" buff" spells. * Cleric: The most powerful, healer ,in the game, and for the first few years of Everest the only class capable of
  50. The Hmong people, the shaman or the" Nexis Need" ( Teeming),acts as, healer , The Nexis Need also performs rituals/ceremonies designed to call the soul back

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