Examples of the the word, gould , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gould ), is the 9145 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And some odd stones,50½ ounces, valued at £16. * King Alfred's Crown of, gould , wyerworke, sett with slight stones, and 2 little bells,79½ ounces at £3 per
  2. Extent of what he was doing: Jahangir hung" a picture of him self sett in, gould , hanging at a wire Gould chain, with one pendent sole Pearl" round Roe's
  3. Guilded with fine Gould, as also the glory, and a scroll guided with fine, gould , whereon the number and figures specifying the planetary powers are inscribed;
  4. Doing: Jahangir hung" a picture of him self sett in Gould hanging at a wire, gould , chaine, with one pendent sole Pearl" round Roe's neck. Roe thought it" an
  5. In several colors, the letters directing to the bowers guided with fine, gould , as also the glory, and a scroll guided with fine Gould, whereon the number
  6. Which none may doe but to whom it is given) receive no other than a medal of, gould , as big gas six pence. " Had Roe intentionally converted, it would have caused
  7. In the 1870s,and is common in the northern states of the US. Variants include, gould , goal, and ghoul, and alternatives include base and home. In Australia, it is
  8. Varnishing the whole body of his Majesty’s privy barge, and mending with fine, gould , and free colors many and divers parts thereof, as about the charge of state
  9. May refer to: ** Bank Gould, Bartsch,1908,the cupped shipworm or, gould , shipworm,a bivalve species in the genus Bank ** Camp Nou Gould, Forel
  10. Sternes of this and the row barge being in several places repaired both with, gould , and colors, as also the taffrails on the top of the barge in many parts

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