Examples of the the word, occupancy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( occupancy ), is the 9150 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the vegetated area has been badly damaged by recent eruptions. Handl's, occupancy ,A German, Johann Hand, obtained a permit to mine pumice in October 1916.
  2. Reopened in early January 2007. The final piece of the road network, a high, occupancy ,vehicle lane connecting Interstate 93 north to the Ted Williams Tunnel
  3. Tourists. It is surpassed the target of 2.0-2.3 million tourists. The average, occupancy ,of starred hotels achieved 65 percent (last year 60.8 percent),so still
  4. Linked to the arrival and departure schedule of the RMS (Royal Mail Ship), occupancy , levels are very low at about 10 %. Some 1,180 short- and long-term visitors
  5. Completed in 1981,and housing approximately 500 students in suite-style double, occupancy ,rooms, which share bathrooms with the adjacent suite. All rooms are fully
  6. Mountains are, by the Anglo-American Convention of 1818,under the" joint, occupancy ,and use" of citizens of the United States and subjects of Britain (which is
  7. The site surrounding the buildings, that have as their principal purpose human, occupancy ,or use. Etymologically, architect derives from the Latin architects, itself
  8. When the aircraft was fully loaded; costs per seat increased rapidly as, occupancy ,declined. A moderately loaded 747,one with only 70 percent of its seats
  9. Of the current MCG is now. At the same time the Richmond Cricket Club was given, occupancy ,rights to six acres (2.4 hectares) for another cricket ground on the eastern
  10. Anarchism undertakes to protect no titles except such as are based upon actual, occupancy ,and use. " Tucker opposed title to land that was not in use, arguing that an
  11. Visited Lebanon in 2009,a 39 % increase from 2008,with Hotels reporting an, occupancy ,rate of 95 % in 2009. In March 2010,the Lebanon Opportunities review reported
  12. In distant countries, are either such where the lands are claimed by right of, occupancy ,only, by finding them desert and uncultivated, and peopling them from the
  13. I, built in the thirtieth dynasty. From the Ptolemaic times of the Greek, occupancy ,of Egypt, that began three hundred years before the Roman occupancy that
  14. Airport arrivals dropped from 621,000 to 378,000 and average hotel, occupancy ,dropped to 50 % between 1985 and 1993. Services for tourists were lacking at
  15. NO (net exports): If a person spends money to renovate a hotel to increase, occupancy ,rates, the spending represents private investment, but if he buys shares in a
  16. Completed in 1981,and housing approximately 500 students in suite-style double, occupancy ,rooms, which share bathrooms with the adjacent suite. All rooms are fully
  17. Innkeeper's Diary (London: Chatty & Winds,1931). During his idiosyncratic, occupancy ,many famous people came to stay, such as H. G. Wells. United States president
  18. Contributed more than 130 surplus Babbitt duplex housing units for long-term, occupancy ,facilities. Older buildings were repaired, and additional facilities were
  19. The Zodiac and 17 Barrow Street. An after-hours gay club with no liquor or, occupancy ,licenses called The Snake Pit was soon raided, and 167 people were arrested.
  20. Directions (Mayo 2004: 9–10). Dolores Piper no (1984) has located the human, occupancy ,of the isthmus at around the Late Glacial Period (cited in Mayo 2004: 13).
  21. Cases, passenger trains operate on a fixed schedule and have superior track, occupancy ,rights over freight trains. Oversight of a passenger train is the
  22. May vary according to the context and the object which is at stake ". Including, occupancy , use and enjoyment, and the right to sell, devise,give, or lease all or part
  23. Temporarily reduced rents and government subsidies helped restore residential, occupancy ,in the years following the attacks. Since then, real estate development in the
  24. Land that was not in use. Though he believed that non-invasion, and ", occupancy ,and use as the title to land" were general rules that people would find in
  25. Of elaborate stained-glass. Few of these houses were used for single-family, occupancy , however, and many had been converted into low-cost apartments. The middle
  26. Asteroids. An outward migration of Neptune could also explain the current, occupancy ,of some of its resonances (particularly the 2:5 resonance) within the Kuiper
  27. Town in the mid-1840s. The Treaty of 1818 established joint U. S. – British, occupancy ,of territory west of the continental divide to the Pacific Ocean. In 1846 the
  28. Visited the Gibraltar area in prehistoric times after the Neanderthal, occupancy , While the rest of Europe was cooling, the area around Gibraltar back then
  29. And the United States, which both claimed the Oregon Country, agreed to" joint, occupancy ,", deferring resolution of the Oregon boundary dispute until the 1846 Oregon
  30. The Greek occupancy of Egypt, that began three hundred years before the Roman, occupancy ,that followed, the structure began to decay and no later works are known. Cult
  31. Dioxide differential above outdoor levels at steady state conditions (when the, occupancy ,and ventilation system operation are sufficiently long that CO2 concentration
  32. Consumption. Over-illumination stems from several factors: *Not using timers, occupancy ,sensors or other controls to extinguish lighting when not needed; *Improper
  33. To accomplish the light's purpose. * Turning lights off using a timer or, occupancy ,sensor or manually when not needed. * Improving lighting fixtures, so that they
  34. And Portuguese tourists providing the main contingents. The average annual, occupancy ,rate was 60.3 % in 2008,reaching its maximum in March and April, when it
  35. Which may be often moved as needs change. They may also be controlled by room, occupancy ,detectors in an effort to conserve energy, * Logic functions. For example, the
  36. Traffic through September. The hotel industry also reports a slowdown, as room, occupancy ,continues to decline. The Lord of the Rings is a high fantasy epic written by
  37. To be common or abundant, and 0.02 per km² elsewhere, and with a total area of, occupancy ,of 327,000 km², a total population estimate of approximately 28,000 is
  38. Efforts to restore and furnish the houses as they were during the time of her, occupancy ,were begun in 1997. New public buildings were opened in May 2007. Works *
  39. The client wants in the building. Throughout the project (planning to, occupancy ,), the architect co-ordinates a design team. Structural, mechanical,and
  40. That" various writers have made (assertions) of the continuance of British, occupancy ,and of the British tongue in South and West Devon to a time well within the
  41. It is now the Park Savoy Hotel and for many years was considered a single room, occupancy ,hotel.; Musical theater Despite his claim that he knew nothing about music and
  42. Suggest that disturbances can stabilize the coevolution and shared niche, occupancy ,of similar species inhabiting species rich communities. The habitat plus the
  43. Receipts declined annually from 2000 through 2002. In 2003 Paraguay’s hotel, occupancy ,rate was 38 percent. It increased by 15 percent in 2004. Small gains in tourism
  44. That individuals would come to the realization that" equal liberty" and ", occupancy ,and use" doctrines were" generally trustworthy guiding principle of action,"
  45. Program, the country has one of the world's-highest per-housing-unit, occupancy ,rates for housing, and government officials have publicly stated that the
  46. May account in part for the magnitude of the number suggested, if indeed the, occupancy ,figures at the time of the impacts were significantly lower than would
  47. Goldman Sachs Group World Headquarters scheduled for, occupancy ,in 2009. Goldman Sachs is seeking gold-level certification under the United
  48. Included the team that would move to Baltimore ten years later and take up, occupancy ,in the rebuilt version of the big stadium. Seeds of success (1954–59) After
  49. To 280,000 in 1994. In 2000,tourist arrivals exceeded 466,000. The average, occupancy ,rate is 68 %, with the average number of tourists staying for 8 days and
  50. The animals to discover the same information. Much more commonly, however,drug, occupancy ,at a purported site of action can be inferred indirectly by competition studies

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