Examples of the the word, elf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elf ), is the 9146 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Meaning" wand "," staff" or (especially in compounds) " magic" and ", elf ,". The name" Gandalf" occurs as a character in William Morris' 1896 fantasy
  2. The remaining elves turned into draw by powerful magic, and at this time any, elf ,who is evil enough can spontaneously turn into a draw. The existence of draw in
  3. Mth Already 28 On This Day in Canada ---- Alfred the Great (,", elf ,counsel "; 848/849 – 26 October 899) was King of Wessex from 871 to 899.
  4. Cards. Elves can travel on a wide variety of vehicles including troll wagons, elf ,cycles, rafts,giant pigs, unicorns,dragons and magic clouds. Different types
  5. God of fertility (according to Grímnismál, Poetic Edda). Sorry describes the, elf ,differences as follows::" There is one place there that is called the Elf Home
  6. With the lack of free will that the world now displays. He then transforms the, elf ,Algrim into Nurse. The Be yonder became enamored with the beauty and power
  7. By Greenwood hims elf , and Drift Do'Burden, the highly popular Draw, or dark, elf , ranger created by R. A. Salvatore. History Early years Ed Greenwood began
  8. In America into the Christmas elves of pop culture. Successively, the word, elf , as well as literary term fairy, evolved to a general denotation of various
  9. A mystical realm which is sometimes an eerie and unpleasant place. The, elf ,is occasionally portrayed in a positive light, such as the Queen of Defame in
  10. To the shining light elves of Old Norse. English and Lowland Scottish The, elf ,makes many appearances in ballads of English and Scottish origin, as well as
  11. Ended when it became difficult to conceal her pregnancy in the dancing, elf ,costume. Moore modeled anonymously on the covers of a number of record albums
  12. Father Christmas's helper),the Snow Man (his gardener),Birth the, elf ,(his secretary),and various other, minor characters. The major characters
  13. In South Africa, this fish is commonly known as shad on the east coast, and, elf , on the west coast. Shad can not be commercially sold in KwaZulu-Natal and has a
  14. Article was expressed in the enclitics" -inn" ( masc. ) e.g. Aldrin" the, elf ," evergreen" the dwarf" and Hawkins" the hawk "," -in" ( fem. ) join
  15. They inspire in their prey. In the distant past of Earth dawns setting,an, elf ,scholar discovered that the time of the Horrors was approaching, and founded
  16. In line 112 of Beowulf. On the other hand, oaf is simply a variant of the word, elf , presumably originally referring to a changeling or to someone stupefied by
  17. Heir to the thrones of Armor and Condor, the king who returns. * Pergolas,an, elf ,prince, who aids Frodo and the Fellowship. Son of King Tranquil of Kirkwood. *
  18. Returned to the world, Humans began to either change into, or give birth to, elf ,and dwarf infants, a phenomenon called Unexplained Genetic Expression (UGE).
  19. Instances of elves in ballads are male; the only commonly encountered female, elf ,is the Queen of Elf land, who appears in Thomas the Rhymer and The Queen of
  20. Bring bad dreams to sleepers. The German word for nightmare, Alptraum, means ", elf ,dream ". The archaic form Aldrich means" elf pressure "; it was believed that
  21. Means" elf pressure "; it was believed that nightmares are a result of an, elf ,sitting on the dreamer's chest (incur). This aspect of German elf -belief
  22. Figure in English mythology, also called Puck. Puck is a clever and mischievous, elf ,and personifies the trickster or the wise knave. In the play, Shakespeare
  23. Such as item boxes becoming Christmas presents, Nightopians dressing in, elf ,costumes, and Christmas trees replacing Idea captures. The background music is
  24. For nightmare, Alptraum, means " elf dream ". The archaic form Aldrich means ", elf ,pressure "; it was believed that nightmares are a result of an elf sitting on
  25. Queen is surprised to learn that the lover who has made her pregnant is an, elf ,and not a man. In the saga of Rolf Khaki a king named Helga rapes and
  26. Elves; the dark elves are described as the most divergent sub-race, and dark, elf ,player characters are considered outcasts from their homeland, either by choice
  27. Also addressed as alpha. The conclusion of Grimm is that the classification ", elf ," can be considered to" shrink and stretch by turns ". The etymology
  28. Concept of" insolence, contempt,and excessive violence ". Álfheimr (,", elf ,home" ) is one of the Nine Worlds and home of the Light Elves in Norse
  29. Silmarillion — one Gala, Morgoth, creates the Orc race as a foul mockery of the, elf , Another Gala, Aulë, creates the Dwarf race as an act of subcreation that
  30. What was written across the top of the character sheet: M Elf (that is, male, elf , ). Gary Gaga borrowed M elf 's name for the spell M elf 's acid arrow. * and
  31. Evident already because many dwarves have elvish names, including simple Alpha ", elf ,", and Alberio" king of elves ". Loki is particularly difficult to classify;
  32. Neogi, militant gift (humanoid hippopotamus),centaurlike dragons, hubristic, elf ,armadas, spacefaring orcs called" SRO ", mysterious arcane, the Thri-kreen
  33. From the original Danish ellerkonge or everyone, which does mean ", elf ,king ". According to German and Danish folklore, the Erlang appears as an
  34. She may return home once the child is weaned. In none of these cases is the, elf ,a sprite character with pixie-like qualities. English folktales of the early
  35. Is a later blend of Norse mythology and elements of Christian mythology,an, elf ,is called elver in Danish, alv in Norwegian, and ALV or Alva in Swedish (the
  36. A form of secret history (as when Josepha Sherman's Son of Darkness has an, elf ,living in New York City, in disguise) on the other. In works such as Robert A.
  37. Where the familiar story of the seduction of a human being by an, elf ,or fairy leads to the delights of the fairy-realm but later the longing for his
  38. Aspired to be a dancer. She started her career as" Happy Hotpoint ", a tiny, elf ,dancing on Hotpoint appliances in TV commercials during the 1950s series Ozzie
  39. 46 (2006),47.7 (2005),48 (2004) Fiscal year: 21 March - 21 March An, elf ,(plural elves) is a being of Germanic mythology. The elves were originally
  40. Currently October and November) to allow for breeding. On the West Coast, elf ,is a commercially fished species. Other common names are blue, chopper,and
  41. And often hostile to normal humans (meat men). Like many other fictional, elf ,races, they are excellent archers. Mos tali are a machine-like dwarf race
  42. But none recall: Who from that eldritch sleep returned: The harping of the evil, elf ,–: In mystery was Tara cloaked –: Until young Finn McCook hims elf : The right of
  43. Elven character created by Gary Gygax's son Luke. After Luke had rolled up his, elf ,'s abilities and filled out the rest of his character sheet, he couldn't think
  44. Elves are almost as small as insects. On the other hand, Edmund Spenser applies, elf ,to full-sized beings in The Faerie Queen. The influence of Shakespeare and
  45. K. Rowling's Harry Potter stories (see House- elf ). Variations of the German, elf ,in folklore include the moss people and the waste Frauen (" white women" ).
  46. Mostly surviving in the adjective elvish, and is replaced by the English form, elf , Ellen via 18th century German translations of Shakespeare's A Midsummer night
  47. In the western English county of Wiltshire. They were served by Bobby the house, elf ,until the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The Malfoy are
  48. Which they could have derived. The vision of the small but crafty Christmas, elf ,(possibly derived from the elves of English fairy tales of the Victorian period
  49. History of Middle-earth, the original Cert has Daemon was created by the, elf ,Daemon, the minstrel of king Things of Corinth and was later expanded into
  50. Faerie Queen. The influence of Shakespeare and Michael Dayton made the use of, elf ,and fairy for very small beings the norm. In Victorian literature, elves

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