Examples of the the word, potassium , in a Sentence Context

The word ( potassium ), is the 9135 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Petalite ore. This element formed compounds similar to those of sodium and, potassium , though its carbonate and hydroxide were less soluble in water and more
  2. Point. In general, their densities increase, with the notable exception that, potassium ,is less dense than sodium, and the possible exception to francium, whose
  3. Process. For several years in the 1950s and 1960s,a by-product of the, potassium ,production called Altar was a main source for rubidium. Altar contained 21 %
  4. Radioisotopes of cesium, such as 134Cs and 137Cs. Rats fed cesium instead of, potassium ,die. Cesium chloride (non-radioactive) has also promoted as an alternative
  5. A main source for rubidium. Altar contained 21 % rubidium while the rest was, potassium ,and a small fraction of cesium. Today the largest producers of cesium, for
  6. Metal is produced electrolytically from a mixture of fused lithium chloride and, potassium ,chloride. Sodium was first produced commercially in 1855 by thermal
  7. i. e., the reaction is complete),the NBS liberates the iodine from the, potassium ,iodide, which then forms the blue-black complex with starch, indicating the
  8. The Streaker amino acid synthesis involves the treatment of an aldehyde with, potassium ,cyanide and ammonia, this produces an amino nitrite as an intermediate.
  9. Conformed to the precedent set in other newly discovered elements of the time:, potassium , sodium, magnesium,calcium, and strontium (all of which Davy isolated himself
  10. Of argon implies that it must be placed before the reactive alkali metal, potassium , Henry Moseley later solved this problem by showing that the periodic table is
  11. Levels. Since aldosterone is responsible for increasing the excretion of, potassium , ACE inhibitors can cause retention of potassium . Some people, however,can
  12. Cleavage of alkanes proceeds via cycloaddition to metal oxides. Most famously, potassium ,permanganate converts alkanes to a pair of carboxylic acids. Reactions specific
  13. With a strong base such as sodium hydride or n-butyllithium or with sodium or, potassium ,metal.: 2 R-OH + 2 Nah → 2 R-O-Na+ + 2H2↑: 2 R-OH + 2 Na → 2 Round+ + H₂: 2
  14. Material in more detail by in 1828. By reduction of thorium tetrachloride with, potassium , he isolated the metal and named it thorium after the Norse god of thunder and
  15. Can cause retention of potassium . Some people, however,can continue to lose, potassium ,while on an ACE inhibitor. A severe allergic reaction that rarely can affect
  16. A similar experiment in 1827 by mixing anhydrous aluminum chloride with, potassium ,and yielded aluminum. Further, Pierre Bertie discovered aluminum in bauxite
  17. Reactions have also been reported with acetaldehyde, hypochlorite solutions, potassium ,ferricyanide and peroxides. Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz often used
  18. Compounds to 2 to 4 tonnes per year. There are several methods to separate, potassium , rubidium and cesium. The fractional crystallization of a rubidium and cesium
  19. Salts in these environments commercially viable. The principal source of, potassium ,– potash – is mined in Canada, Russia,Belarus, Germany,Israel, United States
  20. After redoing the experiments of Listed he concluded that this metal was pure, potassium , He conducted a similar experiment in 1827 by mixing anhydrous aluminum
  21. A water-extract of burned plant ashes, called potash and composed mostly of, potassium ,carbonate, was mildly basic. After heating this substance with calcium
  22. Increasing the excretion of potassium , ACE inhibitors can cause retention of, potassium , Some people, however,can continue to lose potassium while on an ACE inhibitor
  23. Handled with great care. Of note is the toxicity of cesium because it replaces, potassium , Also,francium's extreme radioactivity is a great hazard, although the
  24. Many vitamins including: A,B1,B2,B6,niacin and C, and are rich in iodine, potassium , iron, magnesium and calcium. In addition, commercially cultivated microalgae
  25. The main-group series. The alkali metals include lithium (Li),sodium (Na), potassium , ( K),rubidium (Rb),cesium (Cs) and francium (Fr). Hydrogen (H)
  26. These being the substitution of sodium for the considerably more expensive, potassium , Seville likely also conceived the idea of the electrolysis of aluminum oxide
  27. Iodine and tellurium, later several other pairs of elements (such as argon and, potassium , cobalt and nickel) were known to have nearly identical or reversed atomic
  28. Atomic weight of terrestrial argon is greater than that of the next element, potassium , This was puzzling at the time when argon was discovered, since Mendeleev had
  29. Determination involving electrochemical method Electrolyzing the solution of, potassium ,iodide produces iodine, which reacts with ascorbic acid. The end of process is
  30. Of magnesium nitride Mg3N2,and when the gas is passed over heated sodium or, potassium , sod amide,NaNH2,and potassamide,KNH2,are formed. Where necessary in
  31. The first sample of uranium metal by heating uranium tetrachloride with, potassium , The atomic mass of uranium was then calculated as 120,but Dmitri Mendeleev in
  32. Are #E300 ascorbic acid #E301 sodium acerbate #E302 calcium acerbate #E303, potassium , ascorbate #E304 fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid (i) ascorbic palmitate (
  33. Process, which involved the reduction of anhydrous aluminum chloride with, potassium , Both of the electrodes used in the electrolysis of aluminum oxide are carbon.
  34. Form extensive deposits in ancient lake and seabeds, making extraction of, potassium ,salts in these environments commercially viable. The principal source of
  35. And chemist Hans Christian Listed. He reacted anhydrous aluminum chloride with, potassium ,amalgam and yielded a lump of metal looking similar to tin. Friedrich Wöhler
  36. Using arseno-benzol injections),tropical eating sores (cleaning and, potassium ,permanganate),heart disease (treated with digitalis),tropical dysentery (
  37. That acts on kidney tubules, causes sodium and chloride ions retention and, potassium ,excretion. Sodium is a" water-holding" molecule, so water is also retained
  38. Can be isolated by the thermal decomposition of sodium aside. Potassium Pure, potassium ,metal may be isolated by electrolysis of its hydroxide in a process that has
  39. NBS). In this titration, the NBS oxidizes the ascorbic acid in the presence of, potassium ,iodide and starch. When the NBS is in excess (i.e., the reaction is complete
  40. That has changed little since Davy. Thermal methods also are employed in, potassium ,production, using potassium chloride. Potassium salts such as carnal lite
  41. And was followed by a host of similar combinations, modified by the addition of, potassium ,nitrate and various other substances. Gelignite was more stable, transportable
  42. Used as emetics. Antimony compounds are used as antiprotozoan drugs. Antimony, potassium ,tart rate, or tartar emetic, was once used as an anti-schistosomal drug
  43. Can be estimated quantitatively by distillation of the salts with sodium or, potassium ,hydroxide, the ammonia evolved being absorbed in a known volume of standard
  44. In the body at about 4.6 ppm. *Cesium has no biological role, but can replace, potassium ,to some extent in the body due to having similar chemical properties. Thus
  45. Meaning" stone" ), to reflect its discovery in a solid mineral, as opposed to, potassium , which had been discovered in plant ashes, and sodium, which was known partly
  46. Called ammonium alum, is used as a mordant and in leather tanning. Aluminum, potassium ,sulfate (Al (K) (SO4)2) (H2O)12 is used similarly. The consumption of
  47. Niacin, and riboflavin, plus some dietary minerals including calcium, iron, potassium , zinc, copper,and manganese. Cooked amaranth grains are a complementing source
  48. Enolate. Food chemistry Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium , and calcium salts are commonly used as antioxidant food additives. These
  49. Since Davy. Thermal methods also are employed in potassium production, using, potassium , chloride. Potassium salts such as carnal lite, langbeinite, polyhalite, and
  50. Biological role but may help stimulate metabolism, and can accumulate ahead of, potassium ,in muscle. Rubidium is present in the body at about 4.6 ppm. *Cesium has no

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