Examples of the the word, bilingual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bilingual ), is the 9140 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Art Of Controversy (Die Must, Recht EU beaten). (, bilingual ,) The Art of Being Right *
  2. The number of monolingual French-speakers carried the day over the mostly, bilingual ,Flemish inhabitants. Only since the 1960s,after the fixation of the Belgian
  3. Which led to the decentralization of government, introduction of intercultural, bilingual ,education, implementation of agrarian legislation, and privatization of state
  4. And multimedia. The Missourian is associated with the Spanish-English, bilingual ,publication Adelaide! And the youth oriented Vox magazine. With a daily
  5. 1996,Vol. 82/4 Several of Ambrose's works have recently been published in the, bilingual ,Latin-German Fonts Christian series (currently edited by Repels). Several
  6. Political parties demand that the entire Brussels-Capital Region be fully, bilingual , including its subdivisions and public services. They also demand that the
  7. Commission is competent for policies aiming directly at private persons or at, bilingual ,institutions (for example, the central for social welfare of the 19
  8. Regards the language border as artificial and demands the extension of the, bilingual ,region to at least all six municipalities with language facilities in the
  9. Law),it is illegal for commercial signage to be in Breton alone; it must be, bilingual ,or else in French alone. Since commercial signage usually has limited physical
  10. And French) Just for Laughs festival and to the Just for Laughs Museum,a, bilingual , international museum of comedy. Sport The sporting culture of Canada is
  11. S books. A few children in Cornwall have been brought up to be, bilingual ,native speakers, and the language is taught in many schools. Cornish gained
  12. Flemish & French Community /, bilingual ,language area Following a usage which can be traced back to the Burgundian and
  13. Being regarded as scandalous and blasphemous. The first surviving edition (, bilingual ,Swedish–Esperanto) was published in Sweden in 2003. The play has been
  14. Other languages were more widely spoken, but many of their speakers were, bilingual ,in English. He created a series of grammatical signs to represent French
  15. a million in Wallonia and an estimated 0.87 million or 85 % of the officially, bilingual ,Brussels-Capital Region. The German-speaking Community is made up of 73,000
  16. Of the debate, although part of the meaning can be lost. People who are, bilingual ,enough to understand both the English- and French-language debates without need
  17. And communes to promote the use of Breton, for example by installing, bilingual ,signage or translating their website. Education An attempt by the French
  18. Catalonia, where Catalonia's native Catalan is more dominant, Barcelona is a, bilingual ,city: Catalan and Spanish are both official languages and widely spoken. The
  19. Do use Breton to a very limited extent, for example in signage. Some, bilingual ,signage may also be seen, such as street name signs in Breton towns, and one
  20. After a constitutional reform in 1970. The Brussels-Capital Region was made, bilingual , and it is one of the three federal regions of Belgium, along with Flanders and
  21. Later on by health insurance companies. Since the 1970s,there are no, bilingual ,universities in the country except the Royal Military Academy and the Antwerp
  22. There are extremely few Basque Mongols: essentially all Basque speakers are, bilingual ,on both sides of the border. This reality, coupled with the fact that Spanish
  23. Part of Lusatia, where the Sorts, a Slavic people, still live. These areas are, bilingual , i.e., German and Sorbian are both used. Protected areas Brandenburg is known
  24. The vicinity of Aswan in Egypt. They are a subgroup of the Beja people who are, bilingual ,in Beja and Arabic. Overview The Arabia extend from the Nile at Aswan to the
  25. Languages. One effect of the policy is that worn out road signs are replaced by, bilingual ,ones. There are regular periodicals solely in the language such as the monthly
  26. Groups, such as the dialect of Carinthia, where in the past many speakers were, bilingual ,with Slovene, and the dialect of Vienna, which has been influenced by
  27. Hebrew Magnetic text). Literary structure Scholars have speculated about the, bilingual ,literary structure of Daniel - Chapters 2 through 7 in Aramaic, the rest in
  28. A trilingual work containing Breton, French and Latin. Today the existence of, bilingual ,dictionaries directly from Breton into languages such as English, Dutch,German
  29. Their native languages as official in their territories, and most of them have, bilingual ,education (native and Spanish). Some of the largest indigenous groups are the
  30. A Broadway revival of Gypsy starring Patti Lupine, and in 2009,he tackled a, bilingual ,revival of West Side Story, with Spanish translations to some dialogue and
  31. Belgium at the time. From 1880 on, more and more Dutch-speaking people became, bilingual , resulting in a rise of monolingual French-speakers after 1910. Halfway through
  32. S Party has a more ambiguous position on the issue: on one hand, it demands a, bilingual ,Catalan-Spanish education and a more balanced language policy that would defend
  33. Was Cornish," last native speaker ", to refer to a person who may have been, bilingual ,in both English and Cornish and furthermore," last person with traditional
  34. And Assure by the Babylonians, Medes and their allies ensured that much of the, bilingual ,elite were wiped out. By the 7th century BC, much of the Assyrian population
  35. Widely spoken languages in Bali, and the vast majority of Balinese people are, bilingual ,or trilingual. There are several indigenous Balinese languages, but most
  36. Refugees, offers (German/French) instruction. The John F. Kennedy School,a, bilingual ,German–American public school located in Bettendorf, is particularly popular
  37. Programmes in comedy writing and performance. Montreal is also home to the, bilingual ,(English and French) Just for Laughs festival and to the Just for Laughs
  38. Esperanto version and to French. In 2010, it was published in Russia as another, bilingual ,(Russian–Esperanto) edition. Nobel was elected a member of the Royal Swedish
  39. In Spanish),and by several free newspapers like 20 minutes, ADN and Que (all, bilingual ,). Several major FM stations include Catalonia Radio, RAC 1,RAC 105 and Cadenza
  40. Origins and the role that Brussels plays as the capital city in a, bilingual ,country, Flemish political parties demand that the entire Brussels-Capital
  41. Wallonia and the Flemish Region. Geographically and linguistically, it is a, bilingual ,enclave in the unilingual Flemish Region. Regions are one component of Belgium
  42. Between legal systems. It may provide the basis for the production of, bilingual ,dictionaries that include the information necessary to make legal communication
  43. At most high schools in the city. Cardiff has 86 state primary schools (two, bilingual , ten Welsh medium),11 infant schools, ten junior schools and 20 state
  44. With colloquial Algerian Arabic spoken by about 83 percent (including, bilingual ,Berbers) and Berber by 45 percent (excluding Berber-Arabic bilingual s).
  45. Tongan 2.4 % other Pacific Islander 2.1 % other 2 % note: most people are, bilingual ,(2000 census) Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write: total
  46. Region. French and Dutch are the official languages; most public services are, bilingual ,(exceptions being education and a couple of others). The Capital Region is
  47. Language area of Belgium) and to the French Community Commission (for the, bilingual ,language area). The Flemish Community, however,did the opposite; it merged
  48. Leaders, political parties give preference to candidates who are fluently, bilingual , Also, by law, three of the nine positions on the Supreme Court of Canada must
  49. To their high level of results in school exams. Another teaching method is a, bilingual ,approach by http://div-yezh.org/ Div Yeah (" Two Languages" ) in the State
  50. Southern region of Wallonia. The Brussels-Capital Region, officially, bilingual , is a mostly French-speaking enclave within the Flemish Region. A

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