Examples of the the word, psalm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( psalm ), is the 9151 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The reading of An'I'm Zero," The Hymn of Glory ",Mourner's Kaddish,The, psalm ,of the Day and either Avon Slam or Signal. Mincha commences with Ashram
  2. Of Do minus regnant (Psalm 93),for four voices; each of the lines of the, psalm ,begins with a voice singing a new tune alone, quickly followed by entries of
  3. Are," while the composer's signature use of sprechstimme is evident in his, psalm ," De Profundity. " Paul Hindemith's distinctive modal language is represented
  4. To come, and have made manifest the secrets of the heart; let him produce a, psalm , a vision, a prayer -- only let it be by the Spirit, in an ecstasy, that is, in
  5. In which the solo voice sings a melody in the manner of the numerous metrical, psalm ,collections of the day (e.g. Stern hold and Hopkins Psalter,1562) with each
  6. Of the prophets. Jonah is almost entirely narrative except the, psalm ,in chapter 2. The actual prophetic word against Nineveh is given only in
  7. Walk around the synagogue carrying their Four species while reciting, psalm ,118:25 and special prayers known as Hotshot. This takes place either after the
  8. Penitential psalm s, in an archaic style which reflects the influence of the, psalm ,collections. Other items from the three-part and four-part section are in a
  9. Prayers commence as on week-days. Of the hymns, Psalm 100 (Minor Today,the, psalm ,for the Thanksgiving offering),is omitted because the today or Thanksgiving
  10. Psaltery. POLMAR, a frequent visitor, may have taught Hildegard simple, psalm ,notation. The time she studied music could also have been the beginning of the
  11. Metre (rhythm),most probably to sixteenth or seventeenth century metrical, psalm ,tunes. Subsequently, individual tunes have become linked to specific hymns from
  12. Of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia" ( 1763)," A, psalm ,of thanksgiving, Adapted to the Solemnity of Easter: To be performed on Sunday
  13. Of a menorah, and the worshiper meditates on this shape as he recites the, psalm , The Ashkenazi rite is more common than the Sephardi rite in America, and it
  14. On chanting or recitation of the Psalms, using fixed melodic formulas known as, psalm ,tones. Early Catholics employed the Psalms widely in their individual prayers
  15. Usually in response to the" cry" of Israel (e.g., in Exodus, Judges and, psalm ,107). The most important of these events is the Exodus, by which Yahweh saves
  16. In the center of the church. Everyone stands holding lighted candles during the, psalm , Next are chanted the Evlogitaria of the Resurrection, hymns which are normally
  17. The revision of the Breviary by Pius X in 1910. Pius X modified the traditional, psalm ,scheme so that, while all 150 psalm s were used in the course of the week, these
  18. Is recited during the Amid ah prayer. *Recitation of the Psalm of the day; the, psalm ,sung by the Levites in the Temple for that day during the daily morning service
  19. Traditional Choral evensong is a staple of most cathedrals. The style of, psalm ,chanting harks back to the Church of England's pre-reformation roots. During
  20. Among modern audiences. Recent rediscoveries of works by Vivaldi include two, psalm ,settings of Nisei Do minus (RV 803,in eight movements) and Digit Do minus (RV
  21. Shorter due to psalm s (or in the case of Compline the first few verses of a, psalm ,) being removed. Pius X was probably influenced by earlier attempts to
  22. Carries out an important function in the narrative as a whole. The prayer is a, psalm ,of thanksgiving, serving to interpret Jonah's swallowing by the fish as an act
  23. Coffin with a lead plate on which was inscribed Liberal me Domino. A five-part, psalm ,for three choirs was sung at the funeral. Music and reputation Palestrina left
  24. The belly of the fish, to land, to the city of Nineveh). Thus, the use of a, psalm ,creates an important theological point. In the popular understanding of Jonah
  25. Worship of the denomination, its emphasis on biblical simplicity, and its, psalm ,singing. Presbyterians were a cross-section of society; they were involved in
  26. To ninety animals. Some are placed in the text to make correspondences with the, psalm ,they are illustrating. The Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci also made his own
  27. Shall be exalted in that day’ ( ISA. 2:11); and further it is written, ‘ A, psalm ,and song for the Shabbat day’ ( PS. 92:1) – meaning the day that is
  28. Congregations before concluding the Sabbath USAF service with the daily, psalm , The ark is opened for the duration of the song. Busch ARI refers to the order
  29. Annotations (Amsterdam,1612),which includes thirty-nine separate monophonic, psalm ,tunes, constituted the Ainsworth Psalter, the only book of music brought to New
  30. The reply of the choir or congregation to the preceptor who recited the, psalm , Hymns The hymns are short poems going back in part to the days of Prudential
  31. When such believers come together," Every one of you (note every one) hath a, psalm , hath a doctrine, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation," and so on. When
  32. Of the local church (bishop) or the leader of the choir chose a particular, psalm ,as he thought appropriate. From about the 4th century certain psalm s began to
  33. His earliest compositions, a contribution to a joint setting of the alternative, psalm ,In exit Israel composed for the procession to the font at the Paschal Vigil.
  34. Responsories are similar in form to the antiphons, but come at the end of the, psalm , being originally the reply of the choir or congregation to the preceptor who
  35. Or choirs ". Locker goes on to say that" Zwingli freely allowed vernacular, psalm ,or choral singing. In addition, he even seems to have striven for lively
  36. 1922,Weill joined the November Group's music faction. That year he composed a, psalm , a divertimento for orchestra, and Sinfonia Sacra: Fantasia, Passacaglia, and
  37. Sometimes of biblical, sometimes of patristic origin, used to introduce a, psalm , The term originally signified a chant by alternate choirs, but has quite lost
  38. The Liturgyand the music is generally more elaborate and varied than that of, psalm ,or hymn tunes. Though the anthem of the Church of England is analogous to the
  39. Imitation. In writing polyphonic settings of psalm s, Josquin was a pioneer, and, psalm , settings form a large proportion of the motets of his later years. Few
  40. The service. The rite begins with reading Psalm 50 (the great penitential, psalm ,), followed by the chanting of a special Canon. After this, the senior priest (
  41. Ambrose refers only to the performance of psalm s, in which solo singing of, psalm ,verses alternated with a congregational refrain called an antiphon. St. Ambrose
  42. On 1 September 1715,four days before his 77th birthday. Reciting the, psalm ,Domino, ad adjuvant me festival (O Lord, make haste to help me),Louis "
  43. In his Cine Recants, which tell the Tristan and Isolde story. Charles Ives ', psalm ,settings exemplify the composer's incomparably radical harmonic language. Tone
  44. Which also permitted the use of vernacular languages in the liturgy) longer, psalm ,texts were reintroduced into the Mass, during the readings. The revision of the
  45. And he seems to have continued to do so at Lincoln. Two exceptional large-scale, psalm ,motets, Ad Domingo cum tributary (a8) and Domino quit habitat (a9),are
  46. And syllabic text declamation to highly ornate contrapuntal fantasias, to the, psalm ,settings which combined these extremes with the addition of rhetorical figures
  47. To Christian songs of praise, and frequently used the word as a synonym for ", psalm ,". Christian hymned Originally modeled on the Psalms and other poetic passages
  48. Are headed" A Psalm of David ", the headings are later additions, and no, psalm ,can be attributed to David with certainty). Chronicles merely retells Samuel
  49. An epithet,'El, who shows himself' in a few places in the Old Testament (in, psalm ,50:1,for example). It would have originated as a description of El's
  50. Extra Services. These parts are often published separately. The Psalter This, psalm ,book is the very backbone of the Breviary, the groundwork of the Catholic

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