Examples of the the word, sting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sting ), is the 9137 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Others aware of police presence. Unmarked vehicles are used primarily for, sting ,operations or apprehending criminals without alerting them to their presence.
  2. An example of by the government. Chong's experience as a target of Ashcroft's, sting ,operation is the subject of Josh Gilbert's feature length documentary a/k/a
  3. Khan, who was arrested in August 2003 after being caught in a government, sting , Khan had tried to sell a missile to an FBI agent posing as a Somali
  4. Structure, rather than from the tip, which is used only to inject venom. The, sting ,is typically used to immobilize prey, but in some wasps and bees may be used in
  5. And employ an acidic venom (antitoxin) to cause pain in those that they, sting , whereas wasps use a chemically different venom designed to paralyze prey, so
  6. Live" in order to mislead arms traffickers in a planned law enforcement, sting , The last survivor, a fifteen-year-old girl found under the base of the
  7. As Phaeton flew too high and encountered the celestial scorpion, its deadly, sting ,raised to strike. Alarmed, he dipped the chariot too close, causing the
  8. As bees, despite numerous differences between them. Although a bee, sting ,can be deadly to those with allergies, virtually all bee species are
  9. The signs can be literally read as 'the (creature with) a burning, sting ,'. The Claws of the Scorpion were also known as the Scales in Babylonia.
  10. Painful sting of any insect, although it is usually not fatal to humans. This, sting ,is given the highest rating on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. The sting of Jack
  11. Theorists Bernard Mandeville and Karl Marx. " Despite the honey bee's painful, sting ,and the stereotype of insects as pests, bees are generally held in high regard.
  12. Broke the match-fixing story in Indian and International Cricket and later on a, sting ,operation on defense deals in Indian Army. In 2007,it closes shop and
  13. Resigned from his role as columnist for The Mail on Sunday in protest over the, sting ,operation against Lord Tribesman that jeopardized England’s bid to host the 2018
  14. Length of the body. In some species, the visitor has become modified as a, sting , and the eggs are laid from the base of the structure, rather than from the tip
  15. Scorpions to have serotonin in their venom may be to increase the pain of their, sting ,on large animals, and also to cause lethal vasoconstriction in smaller prey.
  16. In suspicion of having contacts and connections to Taliban. During this, sting ,operation, it was revealed that Mahmood had a meeting with Asama bin Laden to
  17. Morgan Tsvangirai (the president of the MDC) was lured into a government, sting ,operation that videotaped him talking of Mr. Mugabe's removal from power. He
  18. Virtually all bee species are non-aggressive if undisturbed and many cannot, sting ,at all. Humans are often a greater danger to bees, as bees can be affected or
  19. District Attorney's office, ultimately cooperating with them to conduct a, sting ,operation involving giving the man a phony check. Subsequently, Robert J." Joe
  20. Such as that of Johannes Kepler,1604),Scorpio also seems to threaten to, sting ,Serpentarius in the foot. This is consistent with Aloft, who already included
  21. Copied. IBM cooperated with the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation in a, sting ,operation, reluctantly supplying Fujitsu and Hitachi with proprietary MVS and
  22. Accepted money to ask questions in the House of Commons in a newspaper ", sting ,", and later Tim Smith and Neil Hamilton were found to have received money from
  23. Traditionally malevolent, this character is liable to chase spectators and ", sting ," them. A uniquely Creole tradition of this version of carnival is the
  24. This, a new feature introduced with the 2003 relaunch was a 'breaking news, sting ,': a globe shown briefly onscreen to direct a viewer's attention to the
  25. Popular for gardeners. Solitary bees are either sting less or very unlikely to, sting ,(only in self-defense, if ever). While solitary females each make individual
  26. In Northern Ireland in 1981. John DeLorean was arrested in October 1982 in a, sting ,operation where he was attempting to sell cocaine to save his struggling
  27. Venom through fangs; scorpions and sting ing insects, which inject venom with a, sting ,(which, in insects such as bees and wasps, is a modified egg-laying device –
  28. And sentenced to a term of imprisonment. Major attempted to draw some, sting ,from the financial scandals by setting up public inquiries – the Nolan Report
  29. Washington’D. C. Mayor Marion Barry is arrested for drug possession in an FBI, sting , *1993 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is officially observed for the first time
  30. Types of animals that inject it into their victims by the means of a bite or a, sting , Unlike poison, which is ingested or inhaled into the victim's tract
  31. Fang (Terry Gilliam) — burst into the room to the sound of a jarring musical, sting , Ximénez shouts, with a particular and high-pitched emphasis on the first
  32. Then slavery in the lower South, like a" scorpion encircled by fire, would, sting , itself to death. " According to historian Chandra
  33. There could be orphans working in the mines. * Though the hippopotamus has no, sting , the wise man would prefer to be sat upon by the bee. * If a wolf is after your
  34. Of her husband. In one instance, Isis heals Horus from a lethal scorpion, sting ,; she also performs other miracles in relation to the Lippi, or the plaques of
  35. Very first animals. Ant bites are often said to have curative properties. The, sting ,of some species of Pseudomyrmex is claimed to give fever relief. Ant bites are
  36. Formed by the addition of letters The nine-word sequence I, in,sin, sing, sting , string, staring,starting (or starling),startling can be formed by
  37. The darkness of 'Follies ', so much so that the first act is bitter enough to, sting , Yet he and Warren Carlyle, the choreographer, just as clearly revel in the
  38. It is ultimately helpless to prevent us from serving it or to free us from the, sting ,of its goad. Political pessimism about one's country often correlates with a
  39. Located in Central and South America, are considered to have the most painful, sting ,of any insect, although it is usually not fatal to humans. This sting is given
  40. Was relevant. Wilde hesitated, then for the first time became flustered:" You, sting ,me and insult me and try to unnerve me; and at times one says things flippantly
  41. This sting is given the highest rating on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. The, sting ,of Jack jumper ants can be fatal, and an antivenom has been developed. Fire
  42. On the CD were remade for Jam. CD tracks # Blue Jam Intro # Doc Phone # Lamar, sting ,# 4 ft Car # Suicide Journalist # Acupuncture # Bad Sex # Mayo Sting #
  43. Occurs, the fluorescence gradually returns. Relationship with humans Scorpion, sting ,and venom All known scorpion species possess venom and use it primarily to kill
  44. Other classified military programs or operations, Narcotics,or police, sting ,operations. * Some organizations are called" black" when they keep a low
  45. The game for Miami 24–21. While the Browns faithful may have felt the initial, sting ,of disappointment, there was tremendous upside in the loss: Schottenheimer's
  46. In its tail. Hera then sent a gadfly (Greek bistros, compare estrus) ) to, sting ,Io as she wandered the earth. Eventually Io settled in Egypt, where according
  47. Greatly in their severity, ranging from usually minor and acute (as in a bee, sting ,) to almost immediately deadly (as in botulinum toxin). Terminology Toxins
  48. Look because of the large follicles from which the feathers grew. In Thailand, sting ,ray leather is used in wallets and belts. Sting ray leather is tough and
  49. Packs of TM500. In June 2006,the PSI made a number of arrests following a MI5, sting , operation targeting a dissident republican gun smuggling plot. The IRA had
  50. Breaking news. The graphics relaunch in January 2007 has since seen the globe, sting ,replaced by a red strap line to highlight the breaking story immediately. To

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