Examples of the the word, dwarf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dwarf ), is the 9134 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 8 solar masses),it will eventually shed enough mass to form a white, dwarf ,having mass below the Chandrasekhar limit, which will consist of the former
  2. The appearance of space as one emerges from the Earth's atmosphere. * A black, dwarf ,is the designation used in astronomy for a star that has burned out. * The term
  3. Solar winds/Interstellar winds/Interstellar medium *96.7 AU: The distance of, dwarf ,planet Eris from the sun, as of 2009. Eris and its moon are currently the most
  4. Compass. In that same year, Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazza discovered the, dwarf ,planet Ceres. Piazza had only been able to track Ceres for a few months
  5. S Digest Foundation Fellowship,1992–95 Ceres commonly refers to: * Ceres (, dwarf ,planet),smallest of the five identified dwarf planets, originally classified
  6. The form P = K_1 \rho. Solving the hydrostatic equation leads to a model white, dwarf ,which is a poly trope of index 3/2 and therefore has radius inversely
  7. Boeotian vase-paintings show a caricature version of the episode, acted out by, dwarf ,pygmies with negroid attributes, and an aged and lame Odysseus leaning on a
  8. The frame-mounted cranks to the rear wheel. These models were known as, dwarf ,safeties, or safety bicycles, for their lower seat height and better weight
  9. Who died in April 2009,having lived to see the reclassification of Pluto as a, dwarf ,planet. It won out over numerous other suggestions partly because it was named
  10. Commonly refers to: * Ceres ( dwarf planet),smallest of the five identified, dwarf ,planets, originally classified as a planet, and later as the largest asteroid
  11. Of the first humans correlates with the extinction of the dwarf hippos and, dwarf ,elephants. Water wells discovered by archaeologists in western Cyprus are
  12. 8200 BC. The arrival of the first humans correlates with the extinction of the, dwarf ,hippos and dwarf elephants. Water wells discovered by archaeologists in western
  13. Type Sc which is inclined 45° to our line of sight. *The Anglia Dwarf, a 14.8 m, dwarf , spheroidal galaxy that belongs to our Local Group of galaxies. It was
  14. Star system consisting of a bright binary star to which the much fainter red, dwarf ,Proxima Centauri is gravitationally bound; Proximal is the nearest known star to
  15. In quantum physics, including the use of degeneracy physics in describing, dwarf ,stars. This precipitated his famous dispute with Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
  16. Indications of the reliability of Chandrasekhar's formula are: *Only one white, dwarf ,with a mass greater than Chandrasekhar's limit has ever been observed. (See
  17. And volume inversely proportional to its mass. As the mass of a model white, dwarf ,increases, the typical energies to which degeneracy pressure forces the
  18. Is the family of strepsirrhine primates that contains the various, dwarf ,and mouse lemurs. Like all other lemurs, cheirogaleids live exclusively on the
  19. Union (IAU) reclassified Pluto, grouping it with two similarly sized ", dwarf ,planets" rather than with the eight" classical planets ". Tombaugh's widow
  20. The riddle also appears in the riddles of Gestumblindi in Harvard saga. The, dwarf ,Liter was kicked by Thor into the funeral fire and burnt alive. Anna,Baldr's
  21. a billion of income for Alaska workers. These 55,000 ecosystem-dependent jobs, dwarf ,the 350 estimated jobs that would be created by a project such as the China
  22. For the 'Coventry Model' in what became Britain's first cycle factory. The, dwarf ,ordinary addressed some of these faults by reducing the front wheel diameter
  23. Planetary astronomy, discovered many trans-Neptunian objects, most notably the, dwarf ,planet Eris, which prompted the International Astronomical Union to redefine
  24. In Cretan waters. Prehistoric fauna Dwarf elephants, dwarf hippopotamus, and, dwarf , deer were native to Pleistocene Crete. Mammals of Crete include the
  25. Sea creatures common in Cretan waters. Prehistoric fauna Dwarf elephants, dwarf ,hippopotamus, and dwarf deer were native to Pleistocene Crete. Mammals
  26. Ago, at Aleppo. Legend says that it was constructed by the mythical Methane, dwarf ,people. In 1859 Stephen Ainsworth of West Bloomfield, New York, began
  27. In the enclitics" -inn" ( masc. ) e.g. Aldrin" the elf" evergreen" the, dwarf ," and Hawkins" the hawk "," -in" ( fem. ) join and" -it" ( neut. )
  28. Alpha are truly gravitationally bound. Proximal is an M5.5V spectral class red, dwarf ,with an absolute magnitude of +15.53,which is considerably less than the Sun.
  29. One of the brightest two galaxies in the IC 342/Mafia Group of galaxies. The, dwarf ,irregular galaxy NGC 1569 is a magnitude 11.9 starburst galaxy, about 11
  30. The actual value. In a broad survey of the metallicity of M-class, dwarf ,stars,Barnard's Star's was placed between −0.5 and −1.0 on the metallicity
  31. In poor seeing conditions this increases to 1.5 arc seconds or even more. The, dwarf ,planet Pluto has proven difficult to resolve because its angular diameter is
  32. Fast, unmanned travel to nearby star systems. Overview Barnard's Star is a red, dwarf ,of the dim spectral type M4,and it is too faint to see without a telescope.
  33. Is part of Centaurus. One of the stars in Centaurus (BPM 37093) is a white, dwarf ,whose carbon atoms are thought to have formed a crystalline structure. Since
  34. Sports was still dividing Beagles into four varieties: the medium Beagle; the, dwarf ,or lapdog Beagle; the fox Beagle (a smaller, slower version of the Foxhound);
  35. Also known occasionally as Barnard's" Runaway" Star, is a very low-mass red, dwarf ,star approximately six light-years away from Earth in the constellation of
  36. Unknown mechanism would stop the collapse. They were partly correct: a white, dwarf ,slightly more massive than the Chandrasekhar limit will collapse into a neutron
  37. Investigations. Remaining issues, such as the cusp halo problem and the, dwarf ,galaxy problem of cold dark matter, are not fatal to the dark matter
  38. The river. Notable features Planetary systems * Lies 876 was the first red, dwarf ,star to be found to possess a planetary system. It is orbited by four planets
  39. Often a band of short pine trees (Minus Hugo),which is in turn superseded by, dwarf ,shrubs, typically Rhododendron ferrugineum (on acid soils) or Rhododendron
  40. American astronomer. Although he is best known for his discovery in 1930 of the, dwarf ,planet Pluto, the first object to be discovered in what would later be
  41. Is significant, as red dwarf s are extremely common. (See Habitability of red, dwarf ,systems). It is estimated that 10 % of the stars in our galaxy are sun-like;
  42. Collision between asteroids. A family has also been associated with the Pluto, dwarf ,planet. Quasi-satellites and horseshoe objects Some asteroids have unusual
  43. It has probably received more attention from astronomers than any other class M, dwarf ,star due to its proximity and favorable location for observation near the
  44. Gentian (Gentian caulks) File: Chamois_Alpina_230705b. JPG|Alpine, dwarf ,orchid (Chamois Alpina) File: Pulsatile_Alpina_schneebergensis.
  45. Yucca brevifolia) is found in the Mojave Desert. Flowering plants include the, dwarf ,desert poppy and a variety of asters. Fremont cottonwood and valley oak thrive
  46. Class of cataclysmic variable stars, in which the companion star is a white, dwarf , rather than a main sequence star. RS CVN is the prototype of a special class
  47. As a planet, and later as the largest asteroid, and then most recently as a, dwarf ,planet *Ceres (Roman mythology),the Roman goddess of agriculture Ceres may
  48. Raw! It's a fact. " Casement then added how assailants would" bring down a, dwarf ,on the way home, for the marital cooking pot ... The Dwarfs, as I say, dispense
  49. The Chandrasekhar limit () is an upper bound on the mass of a stable white, dwarf ,star. It was named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, the Indian astrophysicist
  50. Pine, red fir, and Lodge pole Pine to thrive. Brushy areas are abundant with, dwarf ,Manzanita and acanthus; the unique Sierra puffball is also found here. Right

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