Examples of the the word, maid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maid ), is the 9132 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Maid The narrator introduces a character he once dreamed about, an Abyssinian, maid ,who sings of another land. She is a figure of imaginary power within the poem
  2. Spells the name" Cuba Khan" and the place" Xanadu ". The Abyssinian, maid ,is derived from many figures in Coleridge's life, including women who
  3. Not for the king himself. Arcadia Weiss (NE Gorilla, b. 1790) the artist's, maid , younger by 35 years, and distant relative, lived with and cared for Goya after
  4. In 1909,there was scandal after Puccini's wife, Elvira,falsely accused their, maid ,Doris Manfred of having an affair with Puccini. The maid then committed
  5. Video games *In the video game Lunar Knights, a character named Sheridan has a, maid ,named Camilla. The banker in the game is also named Laura. References in other
  6. Power, especially after Ines de Castro, daughter of an important nobleman and, maid ,of the Crown Princess Constance, became the lover of her lady's husband: Peter
  7. Of that year. In February 1498,the bodies of a servant, Pedro Calderon, and a, maid , Fantasies, were found in the Tiber. In March 1498 the Ferries ambassador
  8. Running alongside hers. Likewise, it is Miss Marple herself who poses as a, maid ,to find out the facts of the case, not a young friend of hers who has made a
  9. The son of Irish Catholic immigrants. His mother, Nora (née Sullivan),was a, maid , and his father, John Leary, was an auto mechanic. As both of his parents are
  10. Basil Faulty, his wife Sybil and their employees, porter and waiter Manuel, maid ,Polly, and (in the second series) chef Terry. The episodes typically revolve
  11. Of Freya, and Loki, sitting before Pryor and appearing as a" very shrewd, maid ,", makes the excuse that" Freyja's" behavior is due to her having not
  12. Asia/Hutchinson is similar to the way Coleridge talks about the Abyssinian, maid , Hutchinson was someone he met after writing Kublai Khan. The person who was the
  13. On the gender system of early modern England, pointing to the common trinity of, maid , wife, or widow, with whores alone outside the stereotype. In this analysis
  14. Ignored, just as he had ignored the pleas of the calf. Later he prevented his, maid ,from violently expelling baby weasels from his house, on the basis that" It is
  15. Braddock, in 1734. She died in 1744. In 1747, he married his wife's former, maid , Mary Daniel. She was pregnant at the time of their marriage. Mary bore five
  16. Both of these concepts, Locke warns against, for example, letting " a foolish, maid ," convince a child that" goblins and sprites" are associated with the night
  17. The false paradise of Mount Mara in Paradise Lost, especially the Abyssinian, maid ,'s song about Mount Abort that is able to mesmerize the poet. In the manuscript
  18. This, and the couple entered into a wager in this respect. Frigga then sent her, maid ,Full to Garrote, advising him that a magician would soon enter his court to
  19. Hysteria arrives to this confusion, and tells Senex that Philip is the new, maid ,that he has hired. Pseudos returns, having procured the necessary mare's
  20. A dramatic if humiliating escape disguised as Flora MacDonald's" lady's, maid ,". Cumberland's forces crushed the rebellion and effectively ended Jacobitism
  21. Martin, notes " It was an ancient custom in the Isles that a man take a, maid ,as his wife and keep her for the space of a year without marrying her; and if
  22. S Metamorphoses, but Isis was a figure of redemption and the Abyssinian, maid ,cries out for her demon-lover. She is similar to John Keats's Indian woman in
  23. Fire to Zoroaster, the dove to Jesus, the angel Gabriel to Muhammad, and the, maid ,of heaven to Baha'u'Allah. The Bahá'í view rejects the idea that the Holy Spirit
  24. He says that from now on their marriage will be only a matter of appearances. A, maid ,enters, delivering a letter to Nora. Krogstad has returned the incriminating
  25. His children to Paris. The newly arrived family soon hired Louise Default,a, maid ,who eventually became an instrumental member of the family. Étienne, who never
  26. Assistant, press/PR officer),or as menial staff like a cleaner, maid ,or mechanic. When the employer is a diplomat, the employees are in a legal
  27. Falsely accused their maid Doris Manfred of having an affair with Puccini. The, maid ,then committed suicide. Elvira was successfully sued by the Manfred is, and
  28. Sets out to Safari (English: The Island) in search of a bride. He and the, maid ,Kyllikki make vows to each other but thinking Lemminkäinen has repudiated his
  29. Esther, his uncle's daughter: for she had neither father nor mother, and the, maid ,was fair and beautiful; whom Moroccan, when her father and mother were dead
  30. Hammer isn't returned. Thor is dressed as planned and Loki is dressed as his, maid , Thor and Loki go to Jötunheimr. In the meantime, Thrym tells his servants to
  31. Kiddish. One Friday night there was a knock at the door. " Sorry," said the, maid ," I can't let you in just now because Rabbeting Hairdos is in the middle of
  32. Dream.: A damsel with a dulcimer: In a vision once I saw:: It was an Abyssinian, maid ,: And on her dulcimer she played, : Singing of Mount Abort.: Could I revive
  33. He is witty, and successfully challenges the tyrant, saves the virginal, maid ,without expectations ** Theodore in The Romance of the Forest – saves Adeline
  34. V, who was to be crowned at Aachen. Durer journeyed with his wife and her, maid ,via the Rhine to Cologne and then to Antwerp, where he was well-received and
  35. The poem is the narrator's response to the power and effects of an Abyssinian, maid ,'s song, which enraptures him but leaves him unable to act on her inspiration
  36. Man and longtime Biel dug me backing vocal Amiga Sulejmanović as the bride's, maid ,of honor. The couple has three daughters: EMA (born in March 1995),RNA (
  37. A self-confessed freethinker. When his mother returned to work as a lady's, maid ,(at Up park, a country house in Sussex),one of the conditions of work was
  38. Appearance by her much is made of the clothes and hats she wears. She has a, maid ,called Maria who prevents the public adoration from becoming too much of a
  39. Sexual encounter. Meanwhile, not far away, Frid sleeps in Petra's lap. The, maid ,thinks of the joy and freedom that she longs for before becoming trapped in
  40. And a purposeless life dominated by sensuality and pleasure. Abyssinian, maid ,The narrator introduces a character he once dreamed about, an Abyssinian maid
  41. To resign her position and her daughter Suzette became Miscavige's personal, maid , Death and legacy For the last two years of his life, Hubbard lived in a luxury
  42. Image of divine truth. In addition to real life counterparts of the Abyssinian, maid , Milton's Paradise Lost describes Abyssinian kings keeping their children
  43. The poem's claim that the narrator would be inspired to act if the song of the, maid ,could be heard was a belief that Coleridge held regarding Evans after she
  44. Struggled in pain, cursed the heavens, and became close to death. Atlantis,a, maid ,of Alcmena who was nearby, observed Lucina's actions and quickly deduced Juno
  45. And Collin, who are sent to live in the area with their mother's old nurse, maid , Bess, and her husband, Gowther Mos sock. Setting about to explore the Edge
  46. Is in love with the character of Columbia, a straightforward and intelligent, maid , who is usually given the prologue and epilogue. Arlecchino has other
  47. Gods dress Thor as a bride, and Loki states that he will go with Thor as his, maid , and that the two shall drive to Jötunheimr together. After riding together in
  48. Carver took a bad fall down a flight of stairs; he was found unconscious by a, maid ,who took him to a hospital. Carver died January 5,1943,at the age of 78 from
  49. An 11-year-old pupil whose father had died and whose mother worked as a local, maid , He was a slow learner, and one day Wittgenstein hit him two or three times on
  50. Narrator turns prophetic, referring to a vision of an unidentified" Abyssinian, maid ," who sings of" Mount Abort ". Harold Bloom suggests that this passage reveals

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