Examples of the the word, economical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( economical ), is the 9138 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And useful properties The original motivation for expanders is to build, economical ,robust networks (phone or computer): an expander with bounded valence is
  2. Its current size of 27 European countries, and once more making Europe a major, economical ,and political center of power. Geography Europe makes up the western fifth of
  3. ongoing development since the 1970s-1980s. Since DBMS's comprise a significant, economical ,market, computer and storage vendors often take into account DBMS requirements
  4. They can be bought for a price or at auction. Bus operators will often find it, economical ,to convert retired buses to use as permanent training buses for driver training
  5. And the manufacture of spare parts and other components locally becomes more, economical ,than transporting them from elsewhere. Fully capable machine replicators are
  6. Low-salinity RAS are predicted to have positive environmental and, economical ,effects. Unwanted nutrients from the fish food would not be added to the ocean
  7. Cost of labor is low. For medium spans, trusses or box beams are usually most, economical , while in some cases, the appearance of the bridge may be more important than
  8. For example, California ). A grid-based building is less autonomous, but more, economical ,and sustainable with fewer lifestyle sacrifices. In rural areas the grid's
  9. Wrecking yard for breaking up for scrap and spare parts. Some buses, while not, economical ,to keep running as service buses, are often converted in some way for use by
  10. Is produced through differentiation. Derrida states that différance" is the, economical ,concept ", meaning that it is the concept of all systems and structures
  11. It is only necessary to assume a single change of *m → b. ’m would be most, economical , Step 5,examine the reconstructed system topologically In the final step, the
  12. Developmental choice would eventually dominate the population. This is called, economical ,adaptation. However, studies have shown that blind cave fish embryos begin to
  13. Practical ends such as the design, manufacture,and operation of efficient and, economical ,structures, machines,processes, and systems. ". Both are forms of
  14. Point for serious racers into the sport, kart racing, or karting, can be an, economical ,way for amateurs to try racing and is also a fully fledged international sport
  15. Meeting the demands of their markets while producing a fleet that is relatively, economical ,to operate and maintain. Compare Southwest Airlines and their reliance on a
  16. The railways have increased sharply. The railways have become more reliable, and, economical , Big Road hauliers such as Eddie Start LTD and WH Malcolm move goods by rail
  17. Are influenced by the many factors, be it cultural, religious,agricultural or, economical , Malaysian curries typically use curry powders rich in turmeric, coconut milk
  18. Reasons for adopting the codex form of the book are several: the format is more, economical , as both sides of the writing material can be used; and it is portable
  19. Cars and this is spreading to smaller cars. Diesel engines tend to be more, economical ,at regular driving speeds and are much better at city speeds. Their reliability
  20. Locations lack sun for solar cells, some locations lack sufficient wind for an, economical ,turbine installation. In the Great Plains of the United States a 10 meter
  21. Mustard, ginger,allspice and fenugreek; although she notes that it is more, economical ,to purchase the powder at" any respectable shop ". In 1810,the British
  22. Will run from a male, only males could be used in war. It is generally more, economical ,to capture wild young elephants and tame them than to breed them in captivity (
  23. By weight Mud bricks The soft mud method is the most common, as it is the most, economical , It starts with the raw clay, preferably in a mix with 25-30 % sand to reduce
  24. Second World War would be in prime car-buying age by 1960,if only to find an, economical , small second car for their growing family needs. Lusaka Katakana, ( Mr." K "
  25. De Mainland (later BAE Systems) with: ** supercritical airfoil section for, economical ,performance ** advanced aerodynamically efficient flight controls * 5.64 m (
  26. In southern Balochistan (Georgia) ca. 2500 - 2000 BC. Agriculture was the, economical ,base of this people. At several places dams were found, providing evidence for
  27. Other organizations helped to accelerate a campaign of domestic political and, economical ,destabilization, some of which was helped by the United States. By early 1973
  28. Between the Azerbaijan Border Guard and the Turkish Armed Forces. * Long-term, economical ,and military cooperation and application of the financial aid In May 2011
  29. Established itself provisionally in Bonn. As a result of the political and, economical ,tensions brought on by the Cold War, on 13 August 1961,East Germany began
  30. Production car racing, otherwise known as" showroom stock" in the US, is an, economical ,and rules-restricted version of touring car racing, mainly used to restrict
  31. In the elections of March 1992,amid economic collapse and social unrest. An, economical ,crises spread in the late 1996 following the failure of some Ponzi schemes
  32. Or any durable, hard (conformable) material. History The manufacture of, economical , reliable ballpoint pens arose from experimentation, modern chemistry, and the
  33. Russian brick in table below),while a smaller brick was adequate, and more, economical , in warmer regions. A notable illustration of this correlation is the Green
  34. Hence the use of the" 8 ". Plans call for the new design to be quieter, more, economical , and more environmentally friendly. The 747-8's fuselage was lengthened from
  35. It can also be expensive. In regions with sufficient rainfall, it is often more, economical ,to design a building to use rain, with supplementary water deliveries in a
  36. Require few or no lifestyle sacrifices. Composting or packaging toilets make it, economical ,and sanitary to throw away sewage as part of the normal garbage collection
  37. To move, migrate a database from one DBMS to another. The reasons are primarily, economical ,(different DBMS's may have different total costs of ownership-TCO),functional
  38. Solutions are sometimes restricted by the cost of the base station but may be, economical ,where the concentration of users is high. PBX networking vendors such as Cisco
  39. It from graphite will require some technological development before it is, economical ,enough to be used in industrial processes. The system of carbon allotropes
  40. Warranted a vast restoration effort, and the river today has a wide variety of, economical ,and recreational uses. There are numerous islands in the Detroit River, and
  41. Of heavier raw materials and to minimize the associated costs, it is more, economical ,for cement plants to be closer to the limestone quarries rather than to the
  42. Find IMF intervention and recommendations in Belarus counter-productive to the, economical ,development of those countries. The relationships with the United States have
  43. Sanka Dabčević-Kučar and Mike Trial attempted to increase the political and, economical ,independence of Croatia from other Yugoslav republics. Although" Croatian
  44. Since the process can lead to a biosafety failure. Currently, it is more, economical ,to smelt copper ore rather than to use bioleaching, since the concentration of
  45. Also, since a DBMS is complex and expensive to build and maintain, it is not, economical ,to build such a new tool (DBMS) for every application. Rather it is desired
  46. Be given higher loads at low speeds than a petrol engine, making them much more, economical ,for these applications. This characteristic is not so desirable in private cars
  47. The speed of all the devices must increase as well. When it is not practical or, economical ,to have all devices as fast as the CPU, the CPU must either enter a wait state
  48. In late summer to early autumn 2008,the building allocated to them was beyond, economical ,repair and they re-planned an opening, at a different location, in April 2010.
  49. 40 % of people are urban dwellers. All Arab nations suffer from conspicuous, economical ,inequalities, especially the concentration of wealth and power in ruling elite.
  50. Churches and country clubs. Their contribution for the social, political and, economical ,development of the country is immense, specially in relation to their

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