Examples of the the word, admittedly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( admittedly ), is the 9147 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. TV contracts were permitted to play off). Sinatra's then-attorney, who, admittedly , made a bad deal, elected not to renew, even though extending such contracts was
  2. By acting outside the law earn his ire, not superhuman per se. Jameson is, admittedly ,more tolerant of superheroes who act with government sanction, such as the
  3. And was vigorously shaken to simulate depth charge attacks. Petersen was, admittedly ,obsessive about the structural detail of the U-boat set, remarking that" every
  4. This was paid for by the local trade guilds. All girls were educated from 1820, admittedly , a long time after the boys, but very early for free education for females (the
  5. whether human language is solely human or on a continuum with (, admittedly ,far removed) animal communication systems. Studies in ethology have forced
  6. Still commands important sectors within the organization. The PLO's role has, admittedly ,diminished in later years, in favor of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA
  7. Of what he calls" Type-F Monism ". He admits that" The type-F view is, admittedly ,speculative, and it can sound strange at first hearing. Many find it extremely
  8. De Lavoie '. Modern historiographical debates In recent years, sparked by the, admittedly ,tiny Savoyard separatist movement, much attention has been focused on
  9. Species in the struggle-for-life of mathematical ideas. Mathematicians, admittedly , still keep a warm place in their hearts for the remarkable algebraic
  10. Probably be best compared to the later 7th to 10th century examples, though, admittedly , the variations in Latin uncial are much wider and less rigid than Greek.
  11. Does have some structural affinities with Spinoza's Ethics (though, admittedly , not with the latter's own Tracts) in erecting complex philosophical
  12. Proponents of this school claim that McClellan is criticized more for his, admittedly ,abrasive personality than for his actual field performance. Several geographics
  13. Will likely last beyond 2010. At 87,Cavour is in excellent health, although, admittedly ,60 years on stage have made him" a little hard of hearing ". He still sings in
  14. Gospel according to ..." followed by the name of the author. Whatever these, admittedly ,early ascription may imply about the sources behind or the perception of these
  15. Of any weight when opposed to the repeated observation of facts by other men, admittedly ,sane and honest. The whole history of science shows us that whenever the
  16. Both record and narrative, are scanty ". He goes further and explains ", admittedly , no attempt has yet been made to bring the resources of modern historical
  17. Before he turned to theosophy around 1900 – has strong parallels to, and was, admittedly ,influenced by Stirner's conception of the ego, for which Steiner claimed to
  18. Palestine is concerned, the Powers have made no statement of fact which is not, admittedly ,wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have
  19. The great German writer and playwright Friedrich Schiller lived in Oggersheim (, admittedly , he was on flight from his native Württemberg). War came back to the
  20. Any Platonist foundations for mathematics. While (1) and (2) above are, admittedly ,canonical, especially within the consensus set theory known as the
  21. Publicly endorsed the accuracy of Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Although Allen by, admittedly ,did manipulate Lawrence during the war, their relationship lasted for years
  22. As in a conventional plug). Whereas a conventional side electrode will (, admittedly , rarely) come adrift in use and potentially cause engine damage, this is
  23. Groups, though implied, are relegated to a subordinate position. It is, admittedly ,artificial by it has grown up with the grown of the science and is still
  24. Appendix to Little Wars, Wells speaks of the changes required to convert his, admittedly ,simplistic rules into a more rigorous Kriegspiel. " However, Wells also states
  25. And credits. Some critical observers consider that Uribe's policies, while, admittedly , reducing crime and guerrilla activity, might be too slanted in favor of a
  26. In a realm of aggressively anthropomorphic canines, some of whom, admittedly , have strong speech impediments, he doesn’t talk or wisecrack or engage in
  27. Castigated as malign creatures who lured men into homosexuality, and there were, admittedly ,homosexual castrate, as Casanova's accounts of 18th-century Italy bear witness
  28. Vergil's 25-year-old half brother, Kevin Calloway, was the target as he, admittedly ,had been selling drugs. The controversy began when police decided to charge all
  29. Exclusive-or should take the place of the inclusive-or. About this issue (in, admittedly ,very technical terms) Reichenbach observes: In line (30) the" ( x) " means
  30. Relating the early history in terms of a complex interaction with the (, admittedly ,more ancient) Cambodian kingdoms to the south, and praising the Proto-Khmer as
  31. Vergil's 25-year-old half brother, Kevin Calloway, was the target as he, admittedly ,had been selling drugs. The controversy began when police decided to charge all
  32. The Parthenon, which had been Christian churches for nearly a millennium were, admittedly , converted into mosques, yet countless other churches, both in Constantinople
  33. Not as indulgent as it would have been had I not had a business partner, admittedly ,... I liked having a label. It enabled you to put out stuff that you liked
  34. Speed of the vessel: According to Israeli accounts, the torpedo boat made (, admittedly ,erroneous) measurements that indicated the ship was steaming at. Israeli naval
  35. The garment is typically described as an apron dress. The Viking Apron Dress (, admittedly ,a construction based on conjecture from the Hereby
  36. it is almost impossible to attribute to him a definite individual system. He is, admittedly ,an eclectic (Stomata, i. 37). This attitude determines especially his
  37. That Greek fire was often poured directly on the decks of enemy ships, although, admittedly , decks were kept wet due to lack of sealants. Likewise, Leo prescribes the use
  38. Along with four co-defendants. However, a parade of wealthy witnesses, admittedly ,listened to wiretaps at one time or another. They included Alec Gores, a
  39. Training and finesse. This was addressed in Uncanny X-Men #452,where the, admittedly ,less-powerful (yet more experienced) Emma Frost was able to outflank an
  40. There was a great deal of money to be made in this way. The record breaker, admittedly ,before our wars, was the capture of the Spanish frigate the Hermione, which was
  41. A still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence. And though, admittedly ,such a thing never happened, it is still conceivable that someone might
  42. Another attempted return has been argued to have occurred in 1485,when (, admittedly ,suspect) accounts suggest he escaped from Edinburgh Castle on a rope made of
  43. Critics John Neubauer and Marcel Cornis-Pope remark that the novel is ", admittedly ,not Preda's best work ", and discuss his" complex representation" of
  44. Game. A false document should not be confused with a mockumentary,an, admittedly ,fictional film presented in the manner of a documentary. Origin of the
  45. Schools for young men and young ladies. While their minds and intellects are, admittedly ,on an equal, it is a patent fact that their association in the classroom can
  46. Hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly , enjoy full employment, but,as William Scorer has said, this was at the cost
  47. Data, if shredded into particles 1 mm² in size, leaves over 100 kibibyte of (, admittedly ,hard to recover, but not impossibly so) data on each particle. In addition
  48. Of opposite sign. Strictly speaking Li is a mixed system therefore, although, admittedly , the diamagnetic component is weak and often neglected. In the case of heavier
  49. Change that" He later commented to New York Times columnist Frank Rich that “, admittedly , evangelicals have not exhibited an ability to build a bond of friendship to
  50. In the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind * Molyneux's Problem (, admittedly , this oscillated between empirical and prior assessment) * Philosophical

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