Examples of the the word, plight , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plight ), is the 9142 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the British Olympics Committee, who is unsympathetic to Liddell's religious, plight ,* David Welland as the Prince of Wales, who tries to get Liddell to change his
  2. Were adopted by American families in the years following the war, when their, plight ,was covered on television. The U. S. Immigration Act of 1952 removed race as a
  3. When Lynch tells him which one. Disguised Klansmen spies discover Elsie's, plight ,and leave to get help. The Klan, gathered together at full strength and with
  4. At which BO Diddle performed during his lifetime to raise awareness about the, plight ,of the homeless in Alachua County, and to raise money for local charities
  5. The weekly presidential radio address. She used the opportunity to discuss the, plight ,of women in Afghanistan during the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan, saying," The
  6. Novella. In their view, Conrad portrays blacks very sympathetically and their, plight ,tragically, and refers sarcastically to, and outright condemns, the supposedly
  7. And 'good' as being relative descriptive terms, as they refer to the relative, plight ,of human existence caught between such realities and confused in its
  8. Themes such as the loneliness of the individual, and the universality of the, plight ,of man. When he died, Samuel Beckett wrote that" Yeats is the great of our
  9. By Amos, and God says that he" will never pass by them again. " The, plight ,of Israel has become hopeless. God will not hold back judgment because Israel
  10. Faced by Fijian Hindus. Despite the creation of a human rights commission,the, plight ,of Hindus in Fiji continues to be precarious. It was reported that almost all
  11. Her own past glories, establishing her credibility, and explaining her present, plight , She has been banished as high priestess from the temple in the city of Your and
  12. A political activist, he has advocated for many causes, including Israel,the, plight ,of Soviet and Ethiopian Jews, the victims of apartheid in South Africa
  13. Trade barriers. Therefore, it is argued, people really concerned about the, plight ,of the Third World should actually be encouraging free trade, rather than
  14. Wounded Dido. Meanwhile, Juno,looking down on the tragedy and moved by Dido's, plight , sent Iris to make Dido's passage to Hades quicker and less painful. When
  15. A documentary about the war in Vietnam for" Pull Out The Pin ", and the, plight ,of Indigenous Australians for" The Dreaming ". " Houdini" is about the
  16. Away from the religion-dominated Middle Ages and to turn its attention to the, plight ,of the individual man in society. It was a time when individual expression and
  17. The reformation are clear in Hus's and Wycliffe's writings. In explaining the, plight ,of the average Christian in Bohemia, Hus wrote," One pays for confession, for
  18. Expensive delicacy. Among others, scientists expressed their concern about the, plight ,of the scalloped hammerhead at the American Association for the Advancement of
  19. God’s anger against Odom for taking advantage of the Jews of Judah during their, plight , thus sealing their doom. In the final aspect of the vision, Israel’s
  20. Little importance. A 2005 book," Deep Water" by Jacques Leslie focused on the, plight ,of the people resettled by the dam, and found the situation little changed.
  21. To stop gender apartheid in Afghanistan, to educate the public regarding the, plight ,of women in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. Mavis Leno is on the board of the
  22. His loneliness on the road to that of Selkirk: Oh, Alexander Selkirk knew the, plight ,Of being king and government and nation. A road, a mile of
  23. Their coasts. Rowena sends messengers to her father Hen gist to alert him of the, plight ,of the Britons. Hen gist holds counsel, considers several strategies, yet comes
  24. Of Mughal. The Atoms were not slow to take advantages of the miserable, plight ,of the Mughal. The Whom king came out of his refuge and ordered his commanders
  25. See none. Her sensibility, therefore,prevents her from knowing that her true, plight ,is her condition, the disability of being female. ” However, as Matilda
  26. They are less educated and live in arid lands. The Nan dis faced the Kipsigis ', plight ,to a lesser extent. Most Kipsigis are known for humility, hardship endurance
  27. Views, negative portrayal of aspects of capitalism, and sympathy for the, plight ,of workers, led to a backlash against the author, especially close to home.
  28. Dominating an atavistic peasantry, represent in allegorical form the political, plight ,of colonial Ireland subjected to the Protestant Ascendancy (Eagle ton 1995).
  29. Anyone, Munna, Rahi (1953),based on a Bulk Raj Anand story, was on the, plight ,of workers on tea plantations, the National Film Award winner, Shehar AUR Sauna
  30. Did not contain overt political themes or messages, apart from the Tramp's, plight ,in poverty and his run-ins with the law, but his 1930s films were more openly
  31. Value derives from the fact that the first portion of the essay describes the, plight ,of starving beggars in Ireland, so that the reader is unprepared for the
  32. Staying in Kabylia, at the camp of a NAFTA Berber chieftain friendly to their, plight , In Habit dispatched spies to look for the wayward Umayyad prince. When In
  33. The only ones left alive. They gain Sebastian's help after explaining their, plight , Sebastian reveals that their lives will be similarly short; Sebastian suffers
  34. Unpopular amongst some critics who found it too sympathetic to the worker's, plight ,and too critical of aspects of capitalism; but it found quite a large audience
  35. One of his men, however,Willa, who finds great distress in seeing Beowulf's, plight , comes to Beowulf's aid. The two slay the dragon, but Beowulf is mortally
  36. Titan Oceanus, and the chorus of Ocean ids all express sympathy for Prometheus ', plight , Prometheus meets Io, a fellow victim of Zeus' cruelty; and prophesies her
  37. The supposed death of Joseph (XII: 13,18) and in his response to the sons ', plight ,in Egypt. (XII: 83,86-87,96) Islamic literature fleshes out the narrative
  38. Me the extreme limits of man's degradation. " He was particularly moved by the, plight ,of the children living in the penal colony with their parents. For example:
  39. Hilary of Poitier's to the Eastern provinces). These contacts and the common, plight ,subsequently led to a rapprochement between the Western supporters of the
  40. In Nineteenth-Century/IN"> England"/> and these helped to popularize the children's, plight , The public outcry, especially among the upper and middle classes, helped stir
  41. Telephone Investment was dissolved but not before its parent's financial, plight ,had become irreversible, and in 1933 Associated Telephone Utilities went into
  42. The country may be ruined. Nevertheless, a nation that does not fight in this, plight ,has lost its spirit and is doomed. " One resigned on October 16, 1941,one
  43. Which The Penguin set up, which makes him a heroic figure. When the Penguin's, plight ,becomes news, Shreck hatches a plan to recall Gotham City's current mayor and
  44. Decisive victory for Ahmad Shah. East Turkestan and the Uyghurs Plagued by the, plight ,of the Uyghurs whose lands were conquered by the warring Qing dynasty, Ahmad
  45. Man, parachuted from the south tower of the World Trade Center to publicize the, plight ,of the unemployed. * In 1976 Rick Sylvester skied off Canada's Mount Asgard
  46. Will and testament. Then Ruhr Effendi referred to Ahmad as being in the same, plight ,as himself, but reacting differently. He thought this very regrettable. " p.
  47. Would damn their souls, to which Gatsby had replied it would not, and that the, plight ,of England's Catholics required that it be done. Gatsby also apparently asked
  48. Katrina. He spent several days touring the city to draw attention to the, plight ,of citizens stranded at the Ernest N. Moral Convention Center and other places
  49. He added,“ ... A BNP government would look far more sympathetically on the, plight ,of the Gurkha's than the current Labor government. ” Joanna Lumley, a
  50. Aluminium rich resources, he was unable to improve the desperate economic, plight ,into which Tour had plunged the country. On 23 December 2008,Mousse Davis

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