Examples of the the word, lure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lure ), is the 9141 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Franz Hipper's fast scouting group of five modern battlecruisers to, lure ,Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty's battlecruiser squadrons through a submarine
  2. The fact that mate is so prevalent in the Southern Cone, however,must not, lure ,visitors into thinking that other infusions are rare in the region; in
  3. Elephants. Arriving in Etruria in the spring of 217 BC, Hannibal decided to, lure ,the main Roman army under Flamingos, into a pitched battle, by devastating the
  4. To turn his attention towards the continent, while at the same time fai lure to, lure ,the superior British fleet away from the English Channel, ending in a decisive
  5. The breed is not yet registered by CKC. Arawak are eligible for ASIA and AKC, lure ,coursing and NO FCA open field coursing events. Origin Recent genetic, blood
  6. Criticism of his intellectual style is that it depended on a kind of teasing, lure ,—" fundamental truths to be revealed ... but always at some further point ".
  7. Would lead to a practice called" enhance" ( hook) where recruiter would, lure ,workers with advanced pay and other incentives such as alcohol and then trap
  8. Felt it better to close their infantry right up to the stream itself – was to, lure ,the allies across before unleashing their cavalry upon them, causing panic and
  9. Portrayed as fighting over the souls of humans, with the Devil seeking to, lure ,people away from God and into Hell. The Devil commands a force of evil angels
  10. The royal family. According to French historian Bernard Logan and others,the, lure ,of wealth from trade in the South (Sahara) and marketed to the North (the
  11. Constrained by a limited water supply and a labor shortage stemming from the, lure ,of higher wages in tourism and construction work. Manufacturing is made up of
  12. Grand Fleet by Admiral Sir John Bellicose. The German fleet's intention was to, lure ,out, trap,and destroy a portion of the Grand Fleet, as they believed that
  13. Championships from 1996 to 2000. The steroid era Drugs, baseball,and records The, lure ,of big money pushed players harder and harder to perform at their peaks. There
  14. Rail as Possessed Henrietta,Annie's possessed mother. Uses her memories to, lure ,her in order to kill her and everyone else. Gets killed when Ash stabs her
  15. Others took issue with the large main lobby, particularly its attempt to, lure ,casual visitors. In his review for Art forum, critic Richard Hennessy described
  16. Primarily as a boon to the city's convention business and, secondarily,as a, lure ,for an NFL team. In 1982,construction on the Hoosier Dome (later renamed the
  17. For a dead woman. Wallace tells her she was his wife, and they murdered her to, lure ,him into the fight. For Wallace to continue fighting, he needs the Scottish
  18. The same time, ruining her reputation at school. J. D. proposes that Veronica, lure ,them into the woods behind the school with the promise to" make the rumors
  19. Efficiency and eco-friendliness, and have been designed in an attempt to, lure ,new engine suppliers back into the sport – with the mass exodus of
  20. Would be vulnerable to a stab in the back. Hagen and Gunther decide to, lure ,Siegfried on a hunting-trip and murder him. They sing a trio in which
  21. Matthew Iodine) and the pedigree of Miller's script,Spacey's decision to, lure ,Altman to the stage proved disastrous: after a fraught rehearsal period, the
  22. Move to Jacksonville at one point in the late 1980s. Great efforts were made to, lure ,the Oilers, including the creation of a" Jacksonville Oilers" banner and
  23. Couch was well known. Many actresses wrote later of how Goebbels had tried to, lure ,them to his home. He acquired the nickname" Bock von Babelsberg" lit: "
  24. And America where they are popular, Afghan hounds are frequent participants in, lure ,coursing events and are also popular in the sport of conformation showing.
  25. Football League All Star Game in 1967 and 1968. The city briefly attempted to, lure ,the Baltimore Colts, whose owner Robert Ir say famously landed a helicopter in
  26. A gap to their pivot, take a jumping shot from the back court at the goal, or, lure , the defense away from a wingman. The third wave evolves into the normal
  27. High level épée is often a game of provocation, with each player trying to, lure ,the other into an attack. Maintaining the appropriate distance is more
  28. The same signal as birds, and Professor Rashida decides to use this method to, lure ,Godzilla away from Tokyo. Meanwhile, the Russians have their own plans to
  29. III's (without air refueling capability or any capable AAM) as decoys to, lure ,away the British Sea Harriers. The decoying would be later extended with the
  30. Zeus disguised himself, Ovid says, as Artemis (Diana) herself, in order to, lure ,her into his embrace. Callisto was then turned into a bear, as Hesiod had told
  31. Breed is no longer used for hunting, although it can be seen in the sport of, lure ,coursing. In popular culture Because of its distinctive appearance, the Afghan
  32. A fielded area outside the city, they dig a large pit laden with explosives and, lure ,Godzilla into it, but Godzilla is unharmed. They next string up a barrier of
  33. Decoys were set during the war by the U. S. Navy inside the Persian Gulf to, lure ,out the Iranian gunboats and destroy them, and at the time USS Incenses shot
  34. Liberation the PCF were infuriated by Sartre's philosophy, which appeared to, lure ,young French men and women away from the ideology of communism and into
  35. The ‘ veiled treason’ which attempts by sordid means and mercenary proffers to, lure ,our people from their allegiance. " -, Feb 3,1891. * Prime Minister John
  36. Raids into the North Sea and bombarding the English coast. The aim was to, lure ,out small British squadrons and pickets, which could then be destroyed by
  37. Economy. In 1941,the city purchased of what is now Fort Carson to try to, lure ,a prospective Army installation. During this time the U. S. Army established
  38. And hydrogen fuel cell development. The city of Detroit has made efforts to, lure ,the region's growth companies downtown with advantages such as a wireless
  39. Today are still used for coursing, although artificial lure sports like, lure ,coursing and racing are far more common and popular. However, many breeders of
  40. Love of country with the inevitable call for sacrifice and death, and the, lure ,of passion with the need for social order. Media Cultural depictions and
  41. Took advice from his cousin, Jonadab the son of Shield,David's brother, to, lure , Tamar into his quarters by pretending to be sick and desiring her to cook a
  42. Not only anticipated the attack, but had arranged for it to occur in order to, lure ,Superman out, the Mayor deputizes Superman to arrest Author for reckless
  43. 1958) and Cleopatra (1963) plus many more. Gimmicks also proliferated to, lure ,in audiences. The fad for 3-D film would last for only two years,1952–1954
  44. Of Northern Ireland (PSI). The IMC said they tried to create troubles to, lure ,police forth, while they have also taken to stoning and using petrol bombs. In
  45. Some Greyhounds today are still used for coursing, although artificial, lure ,sports like lure coursing and racing are far more common and popular. However
  46. That the attendants poured punch in tubs and put it on the White House lawn to, lure ,people outside. Jackson's raucous populism earned him the nickname" King Mob
  47. Up, or the banshees (or mermaids — stories vary),having placed it there to, lure ,unsuspecting humans, will spirit such gullible humans away. Other stories
  48. English usage, the verb troll is a fishing technique of slowly dragging a, lure ,or baited hook from a moving boat. The word evokes the trolls of Scandinavian
  49. Sometimes disgusted by Parker's self-destructive habits and the romanticized, lure ,of drug addiction they offered to other jazz musicians. In response to the many
  50. Mother's closest friend. The sniper shoots him repeatedly in an attempt to, lure ,the others into the open, before killing him. * Kevin Major Howard as Private

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