Examples of the the word, understandably , in a Sentence Context
The word ( understandably ), is the 12513 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Katakana instead. There are also some extremely complex characters which have, understandably ,become rather rare. According to Joël Lassen (1989),the most complex
- They were light skirmishers unsuited to prolonged hand-to-hand combat and were, understandably ,vulnerable to a committed attack by cavalry. Consequently, they were often
- Of Jiangsu in this genre. The absolute definition of morality in Julia is, understandably ,a reaction to the real world where it is not quite so clear what or who is
- The comforts and more passive traditions of the villages they came from, is, understandably , favourably disposed to an Islamic system promising a better world – an ideology
- Is mostly concerned with developments from prehistory up to about AD 1500,it, understandably ,does not dwell on colonialism, post-colonialism,or other developments in the
- To resolve the issue as they wished. The document's foreign origins have, understandably , been a focus of controversy since Japan recovered its sovereignty in 1952. Yet
- Of RCA as a means to eliminate static in radio reception. While Sarnoff was, understandably ,impressed with Armstrong's FM system, he also understood that it was not
- See Fable 2 press you'll see that I talked about stuff as I demoed it. People, understandably ,get enormously upset about it – it's like seeing a trailer for a film and
- Reluctance amongst many of the larger outlets to carry the music, because they, understandably ,liked larger releases which could be promoted within store. It was difficult to
- The Dutch War. These decorations were intended to depict Louis's grandeur and, understandably ,omit any mention of French losses and defeats suffered as well as the
- There until about the time of the First World War, but the orchestral musician, understandably ,adopted the instrument with the widest range which could be most easily applied
- East Sea ", disregarding the geography (the sea is west of Finland),though, understandably ,since Finland was a part of Sweden from Middle Ages until 1809. * In another
- Writing that," The name Homeland Security grates on a lot of people, understandably , Homeland isn't really an American word,it's not something we used to say or
- Cutting off its retreat and forcing it to withdraw. Strategically (and perhaps, understandably ,in their own traditional tribal context) they lacked any clear vision of
- Understandable, many students will skim this section; but perhaps equally, understandably ,they do themselves a disservice if their hope is to deepen their knowledge of
- 13 March 2006) More generally, they argue Franks' command was somewhat, understandably ,focused on the immediate task in front of it – defeating Saddam Hussein and
- Are labelled" terrorism" by George W. Bush. Groups accused of terrorism, understandably ,prefer terms reflecting legitimate military or ideological action. Leading
- Convert Prussia into a hereditary duchy for himself. This proposal, which was, understandably ,appealing to Albert, had already been discussed by some of his relatives; but
- The site could be undertaken, the village had to be relocated but the residents, understandably ,resisted. The opportunity to relocate the village occurred when it was
- Savage and a spirit. When she sees other people for the first time, she is, understandably ,overcome with excitement, and utters, among other praise, the famous line above
- Relied more and more on officers from the pre-revolutionary Imperial period and, understandably ,feared a military coup. This system was abolished in 1925,as there were by
- A hyperbolic beauty on that house of prayer, that,in going into it below, one, understandably , believes oneself, as if rapt to heaven, to enter one of the best chambers of
- Enormous resentment and jealousy amongst the existing slave population, who, understandably , felt this to be enormously unjust. 1834 - Emancipation The abolition of slavery
- Kimberley Plan as a possible site for the establishment of a Jewish Homeland, understandably ,considered the" Promised Land ". During World War II, most of the Top End
- His girlfriend Grundgetta also love each other, though their relationship is (, understandably ,) somewhat rocky (though he does show he cares for her). As stated above, he
- Level produces negative impact on deaf people. Proponents of the social model, understandably , are generally aware of this dilemma and have a great respect for deaf cultural
- Within its jurisdiction. History Different cultures and governments have, understandably , had different ideas about sovereignty. Classical The Roman jurist Julian
- Of Elizabeth's reign when the possibility of a Roman Catholic backlash was, understandably ,viewed as a likely response to her policies. " Lennox's plan was to appeal
- Of Germany's hunting museum in Munich, said of the ban," The aristocrats were, understandably ,furious, but they could do nothing about the ban given the totalitarian nature
- Practically, Weber noted, this was difficult psychologically: people were (, understandably ,) anxious to know whether they would be eternally damned or not. Thus Puritan
- Europeans who had television. The backdrops behind the singers were, perhaps, understandably , not very lavish. Unlike more recent competitions, each country was allowed to
- With little food and expected provisions and help from Alexios. Alexios was, understandably ,suspicious after his experiences with the People's Crusade, and also because
- Nobility and the church and looked to decrease their power and wealth. Though, understandably ,unpopular with them, neither of them had the power to effectively oppose the
- Is about. Achilles is angry at Agamemnon, and seethes with rage in his tent:, understandably ,made furious by the thought of Agamemnon sleeping with Crisis. When Achilles
- And to add insult to injury, Walt could not find a distributor. Though, understandably ,disappointed, Walt went on to produce a second Mickey short:" The Galloping '
- Was off the bag as well, so the original call may have been correct. This call, understandably , was greeted by a long and loud chorus of boos by the Diamondbacks fans who
- Of what happened for 1965,the St. Aegis was an upsized Coronet. Buyers, understandably , were confused and chose to shop the competition rather than figure out what
- Security escorted Sadhus off the track. Arriving seconds later, Shorter was, understandably ,perplexed to see someone ahead of him and to hear the boos and catcalls meant
- Of protecting the system from subverted code, then high degrees of security are, understandably ,not possible. While such secure operating systems are possible and have been
- River in Jackson and Cottonwood Counties. The few whites in the area were, understandably ,reluctant to stay. During the summer of 1867,a mail route was established from
- Of students struggle with at least some requirements. Parents are, understandably ,unhappy to learn that their children have not acquired the necessary skills
- Piracy. As it became obvious his ambitious enterprise was failing, he became, understandably ,desperate to cover its costs. But, once again, Kidd failed to attack several
- Only a few other Tokugawa retainers followed this example. Hisashi was, understandably ,distrustful of Ieyasu, and five years passed before they fought as allies. The
- That night, the uncontrollable behavior of Yankee Stadium fans left him feeling, understandably ,worried about his safety. Fans had been getting somewhat rowdy in anticipation of
- Information has been stored that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was, understandably ,denied this request. It is still classified above Top Secret. " The April 25
- Thrives as far north as Revel stoke, British Columbia. Though the tree is, understandably ,incredibly rare east of the Mississippi River in modern times, it exists in
- Pressures to exploit marginal dry lands for farming. Decision-makers are, understandably ,averse to invest in arid zones with low potential. This absence of investment
- Of 1942. Churchill constantly sought an offensive from Auchinleck, and was (, understandably ,) downcast at the military reverses in Egypt and Cyrenaica. Churchill was
- That some groups play on the anxieties of those who hear only keywords that are, understandably ,worrying (given the constant fears of ever repeating the holocaust) if taken
- Surviving friends and family and to start looking for work. However, Levi was, understandably ,suffering from psychological trauma. Having been unable to find work in Turin
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