Examples of the the word, underline , in a Sentence Context

The word ( underline ), is the 7374 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A database file and if a match is found, the word appears with a dotted green, underline , When users point their mouse over the word, the lead paragraph of the
  2. Stood out and view it as unlikely that Josephus would explain too clearly or, underline ,too sharply the existence of alternative messianic fulfillment before Vespasian
  3. Poland on 16 November 1384. The masculine gender in her title was intended to, underline ,the fact that she was a monarch in her own right and not a queen consort. Peace
  4. Region must be slightly vaulted). It has a moderate angulation and a tucked up, underline , The Sloughi's eyes are ideally dark brown, though sometimes of amber color.
  5. Companion de la Liberation by General Charles de Gaulle, as long as Grenoble to, underline ,their actions against the Nazis. In 1968,Grenoble welcomed the PTH Olympic
  6. The document as it would print out, including fonts and text effects like bold, underline , and italics. The previous text-based versions used different colors or text
  7. Synonymous with avarice. Every time a movie, TV show or commercial wants to, underline ,the jaw-dropping impact of a hot babe or sleek auto, that synth-drum starts
  8. Pearls ". The term" Baroque" was initially used with a derogatory meaning, to, underline , the excesses of its emphasis. In particular, the term was used to describe its
  9. The user on the operating system to be root. Despite this, however,researchers, underline ,the profound implications of their discovery:“ We can patch a driver to drop a
  10. Text are allowed directly in: body, blockquote,form, noscript and no frames **, underline ,(u) (Deprecated. Can confuse a visitor with a hyperlink. ) ** background (
  11. Classes; and science textbooks presented natural selection in terms meant to, underline ,the concept of racial purity. Anti-Semitic policy led to the expulsion of
  12. 27 February 2004 gives it the particular designation of" overseas country" to, underline ,the large autonomy of the territory. Executive branch The President of the
  13. Of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millennialism, underline ,added, especially the 'intrinsically perverse' political form of a secular
  14. Font (12-point Geneva, at the time),with formatting such as bold, italic and, underline , using the Mac Roman text encoding, and had limited support for embedded images
  15. And corporate headquarters were moved from Pittsburgh to New York. And to, underline ,the change in emphasis, all non-entertainment assets were put up for sale.
  16. S destruction of two of Aaron's sons for ritual offenses. The purpose is to, underline ,the character of altar priesthood (i.e., those priests empowered to offer
  17. Glow, and reflection to their document text as easily as applying bold or, underline , Users can also spell-check text that uses visual effects, and add text effects
  18. A fixed range of seven dates. While tying it to one fixed date would serve to, underline ,the belief that Easter commemorates an actual historical event, without an
  19. Information documents. These documents at minimum support bold, italic,and, underline ,text formatting. Also, typically supported are left-, center-, and right-aligned
  20. Bohemia may have been given a seacoast" to flout geographical realism, and to, underline ,the unreality of place in the play ". Another theory explaining the existence
  21. The album's five 'acid stamps' and first track" Ah Feel like Acid" may, underline ,this, whilst 'Smoking' Stones' is probably a 'pro comment' on the contrasting
  22. In the city. He used his relationship with his Greek favorite Antinous to, underline ,his philhellenism and led to the creation of one of the most popular cults of
  23. Time, however,and was never widely accepted. Traces of such a theory appear to, underline ,various myths of a hero (such as Heracles) with both a human and a divine
  24. Never used, and support for the full set of MDA text mode attributes (intense, underline ,) is often missing. Black and white text on nearly all modern VGA adapters is
  25. A, especially in handwriting. Alternatively, some use a tilde (~) or a wavy, underline ,drawn beneath the symbol, which is a convention for indicating boldface type.
  26. A long vowel, ). In this context, the letter eta is also known as heat to, underline ,this fact. Thus, in the Old Italic alphabets, the letter heat of the European
  27. Text character attributes, including 8 foregrounds and 8 background colors, underline , and blink. * New graphics resolutions of 160,256,320 or 640 pixels wide by
  28. Were difficult. DOM Pedro I assumed the title of Emperor instead of King to, underline ,the diversity of the Brazilian provinces, The Napoleonic concept of Empire as a
  29. Callas? " (" Why don't you shut up? " Using the familiar" TU" you form to, underline ,the disdain). Chávez had been interrupting the Spanish Prime Minister, José
  30. Groningen was an important trade center, its inhabitants built a city wall to, underline ,its authority. The city had a strong influence on the surrounding lands and
  31. Does not take place. These standards and regulations of the Nazi Party would, underline ,the racial injustices suffered throughout the rest of the Nazi reign in Germany
  32. Underlining" convention introduced by Microsoft (actually a dashed red, underline ,in Cocoa). Unlimited Undo/Redo support is built in. Using only the built-in
  33. Ory,-ING, and -ion, as well as the digraphs" ch "," sh ", and " NG ". An, underline ,indicated the doubling of a consonant in traditional orthography. While living
  34. Left for collection outside the cartilage of a home. Critics of this practice, underline ,the fact that this analogy ignores that" most people have no idea that they
  35. To distinguish it from Ш, which looks like a lowercase w. Some writers also, underline ,the letter ш to reduce ambiguity further. *In modernized Hepburn Romanization
  36. Used Expo '92 and the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona in the same year to, underline ,its new position as a modern and democratic country and present itself as a
  37. Famous signature on the United States Declaration of Independence loops back to, underline ,his name. This kind of flourish is also known as a, Flexible edition, August
  38. 4:3,9). The Orthodox also affirm the absolute priority of divine grace. They, underline ,that it is God's grace which enables our human will to conform to the divine
  39. To form a society based on meritocracy (Ziegler,1992) while continuing to, underline ,the ideals of the upper class. In 1908,H. H. Goddard, a champion of the
  40. Different meaning, to clarify that the characters were numerals. Sometimes both, underline ,and overlie were used, e. g., and in certain (serif) typefaces, particularly
  41. Birds was published in 1975. Crow and the timing of its publication, seemed to, underline ,Hughes's predisposition for dark violence, an example of the nature that he
  42. Is" Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex ", in which he uses real-world physics to, underline ,the difficulties of Superman and a human woman (Lois Lane or Lana Lang)
  43. His title to 'Prince of North Wales and Lord of Rondônia ', possibly to, underline ,his supremacy over the other Welsh princes. He did not formally style himself
  44. The Term" Baroque" was initially used with a derogatory meaning, to, underline , the excesses of its emphasis. Others derive it from the mnemonic term" Barony
  45. Half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century do, underline ,exactly the opposite: that the plates had not moved in time, that the
  46. Surrounding the finance of the ransom payments, the parliament heard James, underline ,his position and authority as monarch. He ensured the passing of legislation
  47. For the Classic macOS. Implement allows editing including text formatting (, underline , italic, bold,etc.),fonts, and sizes. It can be considered similar to
  48. Assessed the cortical inhibitory and excitatory mechanisms in OCD. All these, underline ,the high likelihood that the anterior cingulate cortex must be linked to OCD.
  49. Therefore they changed it to Hotel Rose (" The Red Steel" ) in order to, underline ,the importance of the town's metalworking industry. Population The population
  50. Research papers, and some personal affects including the ruler he used to, underline ,passages in his books. Film George Lucas was the first Hollywood filmmaker to

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