Examples of the the word, gamble , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gamble ), is the 7380 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At heart, started to feel his Formula One budget of around £100,000 was a, gamble ,he could not afford to take on his own and began to look around for an
  2. Her. She briefly wished to return to France, but Prince Edward persuaded her to, gamble ,for victory. Somerset and the Earl of Devon had already raised an army for
  3. A free Taco Bell taco. The company bought a sizable insurance policy for this, gamble , No piece of the station struck the target. In 2004,a local Taco Bell
  4. To roll heavily and exacerbating these problems. Nelson's plan was indeed a, gamble , but a carefully calculated one. During the period of blockade off the coast of
  5. Blackwood queries by the player holding two quick losers in a side suit is a wild, gamble , as it is still possible that the suit is not controlled by an Ace or a King.
  6. Of his Dutch allies to see their frontiers denuded of troops for another, gamble ,in Germany had denied Marlborough the initiative, Moreover,Marlborough had to
  7. Been refused,Boeing's survival would have been threatened. Ultimately,the, gamble ,succeeded, and Boeing held a monopoly in very large passenger aircraft
  8. Rights to Fashion in the United States. The company was taking a considerable, gamble , It had put out only one prior subtitled film in the American market, and the
  9. Are considered to be degrees of belief, defined in terms of dispositions to, gamble ,at certain odds. The four main evidential interpretations are the classical (
  10. Approval was not withdrawn. Some people are willing to take their chances to, gamble ,their health on the success of new drugs or old drugs in new situations which
  11. Herself briefly with the Basins. However, this was a ruse; after a desperate, gamble , she bought Lucifer enough time to destroy the Basins and regain control of
  12. Against the nameless thing he summoned into the world. He takes a desperate, gamble ,; in the old histories, he has found the true name of a dragon which might be
  13. The following year by the Luxembourg compromise. Although initiated by a, gamble ,of then-President Walter Hall stein, who lost the Presidency after the crisis
  14. Fitz confesses in" Brotherly Love ":" I drink too much, I smoke too much, I, gamble , too much. I am too much. " Each case spanned several episodes and cliffhangers
  15. With experienced Hungary fighting and breaking the Sinai cavalry, decided to, gamble ,and attack the very persona of the sultan, protected by the guard cavalry and
  16. Luis Fig, Roberto Carlos, Raúl and David Beckham. It is debatable whether the, gamble ,paid off, as despite a European Cup and an Intercontinental Cup (football)
  17. Australia and New Zealand a majority of people watch the race on television and, gamble , either through direct betting or participating in workplace cup" sweeps ". As
  18. The players were having problems playing under manager Buck Rodgers. Taking a, gamble , the Brewers fired Rodgers and replaced him with hitting coach Harvey Queen.
  19. To its casino and pleasant climate. Monaco's own citizens are not allowed to, gamble ,in the casino. In 2001,a major new construction project extended the pier used
  20. His long poem. He told a friend in August:" It is a huge, I was going to say, gamble , but shan't," and in September told another that it was a" cryselephantine
  21. Had been sold. Selling the ZX81 over the counter was seen as something of a, gamble ,and Rowland's colleagues were initially unenthusiastic about the scheme.
  22. Crisis level once again. Stadtholder William III decided he had to take a huge, gamble ,when he was invited to invade England by Protestant British nobles feuding with
  23. For a player to convince the other players at the table that he is willing to, gamble ,with less than premium cards. The result is larger pots when the aggressive
  24. Not afford to lose his last forward castle in Scotland. He decided therefore to, gamble ,his entire army to break the siege and force the Scots to a final battle by
  25. Became a revolt: dancing and singing taverns reopened, and men again dared to, gamble ,publicly. Excommunication and execution On May 13, 1497,Savonarola was
  26. Memorable passage referring to the 1920s:" Drunken plantation owners used to, gamble ,... using the ` years of labor' of their Melanesian workers as currency.
  27. Combined Allied forces on one battlefield. Wellington's comparable strategic, gamble ,was to leave 17,000 troops and artillery, mostly Dutch and Belgian, away at Hal
  28. Could be demonstrated as the correct one, we are all responsible for making a, gamble ,on one or another theism, atheism,monism, etc. Dewey, in contrast, while
  29. Faced a fourth down and one to go. Instead of punting, the Redskins decided to, gamble ,and attempt to get the first down with a run from Higgins. But Higgins did a
  30. In most casinos are commonly called casino games. In a casino game, the players, gamble ,casino chips on various possible random outcomes or combinations of outcomes.
  31. Tonight featured a nine-year-old boy who claimed that the site requires one to, gamble ,in order to receive enough Neo points to feed one's Neo pet or else it would be
  32. Launch regardless). * No leader with launch capability would strike first and, gamble ,that the opponent's response system would fail. Inability to defend * No
  33. Only four to five hours each night. Leno does not drink or smoke, nor does he, gamble , He spends most of his free time visiting car collections or working in his
  34. And was replaced on Nemesis by Bryan Talbot. 2000 AD would occasionally take a, gamble ,on non-science fiction material. For example Fiends of the Eastern Front was a
  35. Wellesley could be very aggressive. His river crossing at Porto was a, gamble ,; and only the mistake of a subordinate officer allowed any of Soult's army to
  36. Region of China since 1999,is a popular destination for visitors who wish to, gamble , This started in Portuguese times, when Macau was popular with visitors from
  37. Moran gang. * Reinhart Swimmer, an optician who had abandoned his practice to, gamble ,on horse racing (unsuccessfully) and associate with the Moran gang. Though
  38. To 21 years of age in most countries where casinos are permitted). Customers, gamble ,by playing games of chance, in some cases with an element of skill, such as
  39. Sunny and consistent good results with his other shows, Ziegfeld was willing to, gamble ,on Kern's next project in 1927. Kern had been impressed by Edna Ferber's
  40. May volunteer personal details (often for advertising purposes) in order to, gamble ,on winning a prize. Personal information which is voluntarily shared but
  41. Times from his letterbox and saw the headline" Mr Heath's general election, gamble ,fails ", he reacted by singing the Te Drum. He later said:" I had had my
  42. The saloons that travelers could find people to talk to, drink with, and often, gamble ,with. During the early 20th century in America, gambling became outlawed and
  43. Took no action when signalled to assist his king, so Richard decided to, gamble ,everything on a charge across the battlefield to kill Henry and end the fight.
  44. On the open market, hoping to gain superhuman powers to combat his foes. His, gamble ,was successful as he was transformed into a creature whose body was composed of
  45. He returned to the fold. In 2113,Dread insisted that the Justice Department, gamble ,its very existence on a referendum to prove its legitimacy as a form of
  46. The player’s imagination is fired as they plan to rob the train. Because of the, gamble ,they take in the early stage of the game there is a build up of tension, which
  47. Which emerged in the late 18th century in England. Spectators would, gamble ,on the outcome of the walking competitions. The sport took on an endurance
  48. Something for nothing. The machine appealed to the player's propensity to, gamble , and that is a vice. " In 1963,Bally developed the first fully
  49. At Yankee Stadium (I) in Bronx, New York Arizona manager Bob Briefly took a, gamble ,and started Curt Schilling on three days' rest. It worked as Schilling pitched
  50. Over a fence, something that makes you feel good. Perhaps it's the risk,the, gamble , In any event it's a thing I need. " - William Faulkner" Fear is the highest

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