Examples of the the word, skirt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( skirt ), is the 7375 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Presents arrive, they are generally placed underneath the tree on the tree, skirt ,(depending on tradition, all Christmas gifts, or those too large to be hung on
  2. The figure was said to have lost the other of her arms, as well as an of her ", skirt ,". Landform regions Many countries of the world can be divided into distinct
  3. Worn solely by geisha.; Hakama: () is a divided (umanoribakama) or undivided, skirt ,(andonbakama) which resembles a wide pair of trousers, traditionally worn by
  4. Estuary in his Voyage of the Beagle: ... The lower parts of the hills which, skirt ,the bay are cleared; and the bright yellow fields of corn, and dark green ones
  5. When dripless candles, electric lights and artificial trees have been used,a, skirt ,is still usually used as a decorative feature: among other things, it hides the
  6. Bypassing Niagara Falls and the Machine Canal (1825),which allowed ships to, skirt ,the nearly impassable rapids on the St. Lawrence River at Montreal were built
  7. Easily. A plain mat of fabric or plastic may also be placed under the stand and, skirt ,to protect the floor from scratches or water. Christmas tree stand A Christmas
  8. I'll Be Home for Christmas" ). Generally, the difference between a mat and, skirt ,is simply that a mat is placed under the Christmas tree stand, while a skirt is
  9. Tend to wear a blouse with a round collar embroidered with flowers and a black, skirt ,decorated with ribbons and tied with a cloth belt. The Abandon people tend to
  10. Sometimes be better described as" Top 20" stations. They would aggressively, skirt ,listener boredom to play only the most popular singles. Top 40 radio would
  11. Of the Northern branch of Germanic. For example, the English words shirt and, skirt ,are doublets; the former derives from the Old English score, while the latter
  12. 2008. Unlike many of its more export-dependent neighbors, it has managed to, skirt ,the recession, helped by strong domestic demand (which makes up about
  13. Word for yellow, jaune. ) However, one could also say:, also meaning" your, skirt ,is yellow. " The original Bambara word for yellow comes from" nearing," mug
  14. With dhoti or pajama, often on religious occasions. The lung, a kind of long, skirt , is widely worn by Bangladeshi men. The greatest religious festivals are the
  15. Works and flock to the restaurant, obsessively trying to get pictures up her, skirt , Pro works undercover as a busboy to get rid of all cameras. The scene
  16. To the fences in left and right field and to center. Major league teams often, skirt ,even this rule. For example, at Minute Maid Park, which became the home of the
  17. With her co-star, Tom Ewell, while the air from a subway grating blows her, skirt ,up. A large crowd watched as director Billy Wilder ordered the scene to be
  18. Combination, often on religious occasions, and the lung, a kind of long, skirt ,for men. EID unfit and EID ullah, being the most important holidays in the
  19. Of foothills called the Walks or Curia. This range has a densely forested, skirt ,of coarse alluvium called the Bashar along its base. Below the Bashar, finer
  20. Votes were cast with Concorde beating design icons such as the Mini, mini, skirt , Jaguar E-type, Tube map and the Super marine Spitfire. Records The fastest
  21. Few inches from the ground, she requested a Lady-in-Waiting to shorten her own, skirt ,first to gauge the King's reaction. King George V was horrified and her
  22. To 迪斯科 (dislike" disco" ), 可乐/可樂 (Kyle" cola" ) and 迷你 (mini" mini (, skirt ,)" ). Contemporary colloquial Cantonese has distinct loanwords from English
  23. Were used to light trees until electric bulbs came about, a mat (UK) or, skirt ,(US) was often placed on the floor below the tree to protect it by catching
  24. Although some teams are replacing kilts with the more streamlined athletic, skirt , Men's kilts are seen in many places in popular contemporary media. For
  25. The" contour bottle" within the company, but known to some as the" hobble, skirt ," bottle, was created by bottle designer Earl R. Dean. In 1915,the Coca-Cola
  26. Scottish kilt, including contemporary kilts * Certain types of pleated wrap over, skirt ,worn as school uniform by girls. According to the Oxford English Dictionary
  27. On bottom) ( *skier-," to cut" ). In some cases, such as" shirt" and ", skirt ,", one of the cognate pairs has an ultimate source in another language related
  28. Corselet, and over that a red jacket with blue and black velvet facings. The, skirt ,is brown above and red below, with a blue band between the two colors; it is
  29. Kimono, partially due to feeling bad for trying to snap a picture up Kimiko's, skirt , Pro and the group set out for a press conference Kimono is going to for the
  30. Huaraches and a hat decorated with ribbons. The women wear a red or blue, skirt ,a short pupil as a blouse and use a coal or rebozo to carry babies and bundles
  31. Builds to a climax, in which Kimono shouts at the fanboys and lifts her, skirt ,in defiance, and they take photographs. Pro, provoked by her outburst into
  32. Refuses a woman's proposal on leap day, he should buy her the fabrics for a, skirt , Birthdays A person born on February 29 may be called a" leaping" or a "
  33. Often wear leggings,tight-fitting, flexible pants. They may also wear a, skirt ,with skin-colored pantyhose. In competition, girls and women may wear a dress
  34. He had grabbed their breasts, a fourth said he placed his hand under her, skirt ,on her buttock. A fifth woman claimed Schwarzenegger tried to take off her
  35. A double-bladed paddle. The cockpit is sometimes covered by a spray deck (or ", skirt ,") that prevents the entry of water from waves or spray and makes it possible
  36. So most 8-bit cards were able to plug into a 16-bit slot (some cards used a ", skirt ," design that interfered with the extended portion of the slot) and continue
  37. Perceive, watch out for" ) are cognates, as are shirt (garment on top) and, skirt ,(garment on bottom) ( *skier-," to cut" ). In some cases, such as "
  38. White duck, but has large eyelashes and ruffled tail feathers to suggest a, skirt , She is often seen wearing a hair bow, blouse,and shoes. Daisy usually shows a
  39. A nativity scene, model train, or Christmas village may be placed on the mat or, skirt , As Christmas presents arrive, they are generally placed underneath the tree on
  40. Previous word is: ma, max (used in phrases such as to the max),maxi (a long, skirt ,), maxim,maxima (plural of maximum),maximal, maximals (plural of (tree)
  41. As a maiden huntress, young,tall and slim, clothed in a girl's short, skirt , with hunting boots, a quiver, a bow and arrows. Often, she is shown in the
  42. Skirt is simply that a mat is placed under the Christmas tree stand, while a, skirt ,is placed over it, having a hole in the middle for the trunk, with a slot cut
  43. Appearance around the mid-shoulder section, and also had a slightly redesigned, skirt ,section which was more vertical at the back. Other minor changes were made to
  44. Bounded by the Firth of Forth to the north and the Pent land Hills, which, skirt , the periphery of the city to the south, Edinburgh lies in the eastern portion
  45. May wear a dress, typically with matching attached briefs or leotard with a, skirt , They may also wear pants though dresses are far more popular. Women generally
  46. Allows the rider to mount and dismount in a dignified way while wearing a, skirt ,or dress. While some women's bicycles continue to use this frame style, there
  47. Related to OE. cognate" sector" ), skill (skill/skin),skin (skin), skirt , ( Syria vs. the native English shirt of the same root),sky (sky)
  48. Major alteration in styles for several centuries, with a drastic shortening of, skirt ,lengths, and much looser-fitting clothes; with occasional revivals of long
  49. Uses many French loan words. For example, some people might say::" Your, skirt ,is yellow" ( using a derivation of the French word for yellow, jaune. )
  50. Is Basil's wife. Energetic and petite, she prefers a working wardrobe of tight, skirt ,suits in shiny fabrics and sports a tower of permed hair necessitating the use

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