Examples of the the word, listening , in a Sentence Context

The word ( listening ), is the 7383 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Epigram to Pasternak soon after its composition in late April 1934. After, listening , Pasternak told Mandela," I didn't hear this, you didn't recite it to me
  2. Article, and the young people said,'Well,that's pretty cool. ' And started, listening , " (Willie Nelson) The term outlaw country is traditionally associated with
  3. Victorious. " A list of requirements for membership itemized the following:, listening ,ability, good manners, obedience,and making a pledge (bay at) to follow one
  4. Before fading in the new track, check that the beats of two tracks match by, listening ,to both channels together in the headphones, as the sound from the speakers can
  5. Tonight, we give a special thank you, and to all the other people that are, listening ,and watching tonight, God bless you. Good night from Apollo 11. " On the return
  6. The Rickenbacker guitar he got as a Christmas present. Soon Brian was avidly, listening ,to Johnny Otis on his FOX radio show, a favorite station of Carl's. Inspired
  7. In these ads is that there is music in the background and the silhouette is, listening ,to that music on a white iPod through white headphones. Through advertising
  8. The body. He especially enjoyed reading and being read to, spending long hours, listening ,to William read early drafts of his history. He did not enjoy games or
  9. Nevertheless, Dutch-speakers are confronted with fewer non-cognates when, listening ,to Afrikaans than the other way round. In general, research suggests that
  10. Dialects are very similar, but pronunciation is distinct for each and, after, listening , to a few spoken words it may be possible for an Austrian to realize which
  11. Of this emptiness comes # True community: the process of deep respect and true, listening ,for the needs of the other people in this community. This stage Peck believes
  12. Buildings were used to host civic town functions – including dancing, music, listening , and gambling. There are examples of such casinos at Villa Giulia and Villa
  13. Was sticking resolutely to a format which appealed mainly to those who had been, listening ,since the days of the Light Program, and commercial radio, which was
  14. To generate musical ironies that serve not only to intrigue listeners into, listening ,more intently to the spinning out of complexities found within the texture of a
  15. For those songs to provide companionship, remind myself and whoever else is, listening ,what’s important. I feel like songs have the ability to connect us to ourselves
  16. Faithfull's substance-ravaged voice that comes to mind most often while, listening ,to songs like" Honey" and" For Once in Your Life. " The latter track is, in
  17. For the last half year of his life, the director was largely confined to bed, listening ,to music and watching television at home. On September 6,1998,Kurosawa died
  18. From 3rd grade in" Ensenada Media" ( secondary school) will be tested on, listening ,and reading comprehension. The evaluation is compulsory and the instrument is
  19. In London in 1940 at the start of the World War II. One memory of his youth was, listening ,to a record by black pianist Jimmy Dance during a German air raid. He said,"
  20. Of that piece is not allowed at any other time (except if one happens to be, listening ,to the entire 15 hours of The Ring Cycle),and any offender is dragged into
  21. Seem particularly damning: In Hindustan both Moguls and Hindus are very fond of, listening ,to songs and instrumental music. He therefore ordered the same official to stop
  22. Set of information. Experiments that support this metaphor include the dichroic, listening ,task (Cherry,1957) and studies of in attentional blindness (Mack and Rock
  23. And Weaver also recognized that often there is static that interferes with one, listening ,to a telephone conversation, which they deemed noise. In a simple model, often
  24. Hopkins. The white North Carolina performer Arthur" Doc" Watson credited, listening ,to Jefferson's recordings as his first exposure to the blues, which would
  25. Data with minimal reduction in the quality of reproduction. For many everyday, listening ,situations, the loss in data (and thus quality) is imperceptible. The popular
  26. The blues was considered disreputable, especially as white audiences began, listening ,to the blues during the 1920s. Almost 30 years later, Mahal wrote blues for
  27. And studies of in attentional blindness (Mack and Rock,1998). In the dichroic, listening ,task, subjects are bombarded with two different messages, one in each ear, and
  28. Of our Sun. These stars would be useful primary targets for interstellar, listening , Since Earth is the only planet known to harbor life, there is no evident way
  29. Sing-Along Blog *In-Theater Audio Commentary, viewing a film in a theater while, listening ,to commentary on a portable audio player A colloid is a substance
  30. Mornings by friend and fellow Cadette Sara Cox, but,despite heavy promotion, listening ,figures for the breakfast show continued to fall. In 2004 Cox was replaced by
  31. Mr Watson—Come here—I want to see you" into the liquid transmitter, Watson, listening , at the receiving end in an adjoining room, heard the words clearly. Although
  32. Most Afghans are accustomed to watching Bollywood films from India and, listening ,to its film hit songs. Many of the Bollywood film stars have roots in
  33. Was not his child. Schwarzenegger has said his father had" no patience for, listening ,or understanding your problems. " In later life, Schwarzenegger commissioned
  34. Down when it was clear that the 'campaign' had totally failed to alter the, listening ,trends of the time – Woman still increases figures at a faster rate than Moles
  35. Concert at West Lakes Football Stadium before 20,000 people with another 10,000, listening , outside. During the first of five concerts in Perth, there was a bomb scare
  36. Delusions. She would claim, for example, that the president had implanted, listening ,devices in their home and that Louis' mother was trying to kill her. Her
  37. Relatively early in the Second World War, and served as a lookout post and, listening ,station during the war, as it was a part of the eastern front. The island's
  38. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was, listening , everything must be said again. ” Partial list of works * Reflections SUR
  39. To stay, though he leaves anyway. Jeffrey relays his experience to an eagerly, listening ,Sandy, who in turn tells him of a wonderful dream she had about robins that she
  40. The BNP released fliers with the slogan;" maybe now it's time to start, listening ,to the BNP ". Griffin claimed that this was the" cost of voting Labor ", In
  41. SA) and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in return for permission to set up a secret, listening ,post on the islands. South-African agents kept an ear on the important ANC
  42. Most distinct and impressive in hip-hop ”, and Chuck D says this was based on, listening ,to Melee Mel and sports-casters such as Mary Albert. Politics Ridenhour is
  43. Marks around the edge. *Auscultation and olfaction refer, respectively,to, listening ,for particular sounds (such as wheezing) and attending to body odor.
  44. Direct quotations from Shostakovich's 15th Symphony, which Lynch had been, listening ,to regularly while writing the screenplay. Entertainment Weekly ranked Blue
  45. Over a hundred people in attendance. After seeing promotional filmstrips and, listening ,to talks by company representatives and successful distributors, they decided
  46. Makes a reference to Circe in The Comedy of Errors. When the Duke is, listening ,to seemingly contradictory tales that arose due to confusion between identical
  47. Which requires a vast repertoire of skills in interpersonal processing, listening , observing, speaking,questioning, analyzing,gestures, and evaluating enables
  48. In Ernest Hemingway's A Moveable Feast in which the author comments that, listening ,to an annoyingly talkative person is still“ better than Ezra learning how to
  49. Nearby Haddon Hall to avoid drawing attention to the site. Subsequently, other, listening , stations – the Y-stations, ( such as the ones at Chick sands in Bedfordshire and
  50. Of several species of slipper lobster, such as Geography Technology * Covert, listening ,device, or bug, commonly used in espionage and in police investigations * Web

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