Examples of the the word, consultants , in a Sentence Context

The word ( consultants ), is the 7389 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Regeneration Budget appointed URGED (Urban, Built,Environment Design), consultants , based in Manchester to help the Council, our partners and the local community
  2. Other members of that team can include marketing professionals, communications, consultants , and commercial writers. Textbooks are designed to present subjects such as
  3. Way is a major employer of people, looking for jobs as sales assistants, sales, consultants , and store managerial jobs. IKEA Croydon, when it was built in 1992,brought
  4. Of chemical processes. With the increasing complexities of the information age, consultants ,and executives have found the term useful to describe the design of business
  5. Reported on a plan for a light-rail system, similar to that in Dublin. The, consultants ,said Belfast does not have the population to support a light rail system
  6. Of the real U-96,and Hans-Joachim Drug, former first officer on, served as, consultants , One of Petersen's goals was to guide the audience through" a journey to the
  7. That is selected rather than directly from the client. Neither insurance, consultants ,nor insurance brokers are insurance companies and no risks are transferred to
  8. Pollster for President Jimmy Carter said he had spoken with other Democratic, consultants ,who had received similar warnings from the White House. International
  9. Programs in cryptography, and commercial information security companies and, consultants , A generation of cryptanalysts has cut its teeth analyzing (that is trying to
  10. Questions than it answered. Initial statements by investigators and scientific, consultants ,were founded on the assumption that the bundled bills washed freely into the
  11. Computer-organization tactics of the Big Blue Machine from Ontario and other, consultants ,who were electoral lobbyists for the American Republican Party, Bennett won an
  12. Who would like to raise their rankings when using legitimate optimization, consultants , It has been hypothesized, and,allegedly, is the opinion of the owner of one
  13. Do not drop the" Doctor" prefix and remain Doctor, even when they are, consultants , In the United Kingdom the status and rank of consultant surgeons with the MRCS
  14. Micropædia articles are the work of the editorial staff and identified outside, consultants , Thus, a Britannica article either has known authorship or a set of possible
  15. French attorneys may specialize as litigators (trial lawyers) and legal, consultants ,(advising lawyers),known respectively as advocate plaid ant and avocat-conseil.
  16. Development, learning and education. Educational psychologists may also work as, consultants ,in designing and creating educational materials, classroom programs and online
  17. Governmental regulators on inspections/audits, and serving as technological, consultants ,for other hospital staff (e.g. physicians, administrators,I. T., etc.).
  18. Hamilton LLP. The National Center for Science Education (NOSE) acted as, consultants ,for the plaintiffs. The defendants were represented by the Thomas More Law
  19. They will receive and what value it will hold for them. Indeed, some, such as, consultants ,and providers of investment services, offer no guarantees of the value for
  20. Donors from Buffalo. Entrepreneurial resources and life science business, consultants ,accelerate the growth and development of emerging companies found within the
  21. Project, hired a joint venture to provide preliminary designs, manage design, consultants ,and construction contractors, track the project's cost and schedule, advise
  22. Have become eager to influence their website's Google rankings. An industry of, consultants ,has arisen to help websites increase their rankings on Google and on other
  23. Also a founding member. According to The Football Money League published by, consultants ,Deloitte Touché Thomas in 10 February 2011,Juventus is the tenth highest
  24. Milano as a company According to The Football Money League published by, consultants ,Deloitte, in the 2008–09 season, Inter recorded revenues of €196.5 million
  25. And institutional values to provide a clear basis for a 10-year strategy * HR, consultants ,to be brought in from the commercial sector to review recruitment, career
  26. Company, such as pay-grades, health insurance, or sick days. Some high-skilled, consultants , however, may garner some benefits such as a bonus, sick leave, or food and
  27. Heated debates over startup continued through 1993,French and Russian nuclear, consultants ,declared operating conditions basically safe. Continuation of the blockade into
  28. Later Than Early,1975,and went on to become important homeschool advocates and, consultants ,with the publication of books like Homegrown Kids,1981,Homeschool Burnout
  29. Also disseminated" white propaganda" - pro-contra newspaper articles by paid, consultants ,who did not disclose their connection to the Reagan administration. On
  30. Terrorist organizations, which is compiled by official contractors and, consultants ,to the United States government and is officially a project supported by the
  31. Workplace needs. I–O psychologists are employed as professors, researchers,and, consultants , They also work within organizations, often as part of a human resource
  32. Technology firms that are often not significant defense contractors or beltway, consultants , ARPA/DARPA is well known as a high-tech government agency, and as such has
  33. Personal injury, may use forensic engineers, forensic accountants, employment, consultants , or care experts. Senior physicians — U. K., Ireland,and Commonwealth
  34. Dental Association. Scholars from the history of ideas have noticed that, consultants ,play a part similar to that of the journeymen of the guild systems: they often
  35. Or care experts. Senior physicians — U. K., Ireland,and Commonwealth, consultants , U. S. attending physicians — are frequently used in both the civil and
  36. Benefits expected from it. The Center employs about 160 staff members and 70, consultants , coming from Member and Co-operating States. The primary purposes of the Center
  37. Have non-employee workers. These are usually 'temps' ( temporary workers) or, consultants ,who, depending on the project and their experience, might be brought on to lead
  38. Of the company’s vice-chairman. He acted in much the way he portrays management, consultants ,in the comic strip, with an arrogant manner and bizarre suggestions, such as
  39. Italian Stock Exchange). According to The Football Money League published by, consultants ,Deloitte, in the season 2005–06,Roma was the twelfth highest earning football
  40. US) or conservation (UK),accessibility and other forms of specialist, consultants , Many architects elect to move into real estate (property) development
  41. Need for a replacement algorithm. As a result of discussions involving external, consultants ,including the NSA, the key size was reduced from 128 bits to 56 bits to fit on
  42. And other tobacco companies, was to use ostensibly independent" scientific, consultants ," to spread doubt in the public mind about scientific data through the use of
  43. The Dominican Order. The" Holy Office" also has an international group of, consultants , experienced scholars in theology and canon law, who advise it on specific
  44. Archival centers, government agencies, museums,and as freelance writers and, consultants , The job market for new PhDs in history is poor and getting worse, with many
  45. Services, or otherwise garner high hourly wages. An example of high-skilled, consultants ,include lawyers and accountants who may not be employed by a corporation, but
  46. By a well-organized vocal minority of psychiatry professionals, suicide barrier, consultants , and families of jumpers after the release of the controversial 2006
  47. And/or loss control efforts. There are also companies known as 'insurance, consultants ,'. Like a mortgage broker, these companies are paid a fee by the customer to
  48. Taken very seriously, with expensive construction projects often hiring expert, consultants , and are often believed to make or break a business. Other objects like Ba GUA
  49. Similar" belief, and the case was rejected. Stuart Chamberlain of management, consultants ,Gee Consult has advised that a similar case might be successful since the
  50. Airlines. Ecuador reportedly also employed Israeli security specialists as, consultants ,in the fight against terrorism. In 1976 Ecuador became the first foreign

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