Examples of the the word, operative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( operative ), is the 7385 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and its Australian, operative ,Mun if Mohammed About Irish. In industrial matters, Hawke continued to demonstrate
  2. Gauge railway line that ran the length of the Strip from north to south is not, operative , Prior to 1948 the line connected to the Egyptian railway system to the south
  3. George Cross, Croix de Guerre *Jean-Pierre Camille (1908–1949),SOE, operative , champion race car driver Scientists A’M *Nicolas Leonard Said Carnot
  4. Was a new challenge. But Parker kept running everything into the ground. " The, operative ,attitude may have been summed up best by the response Later and Stroller
  5. In 1937. At the behest of Otto Katz, a covert Soviet Comintern agent and, operative ,of German Communist Party agent Will Muenzenberg, Parker helped to found the
  6. In the Americas, most notably Canada and the United States. Most relevant, operative ,international treaties do not require its prohibition for cases of serious
  7. Districts. In the new system, the operative military provinces form the, operative ,regional headquarters, each consisting of several brigades, while the
  8. 1912–2007),Priest and founder of Emma us *Elaine Plowman (1917–1944),SOE, operative ,: Croix de Guerre *Jermaine Riviera (1917–1999),Righteous among the Nations
  9. Proves that something must be; Induction shows that something actually is, operative ,; Abduction merely suggests that something may be. " Pace did not remain quite
  10. RM (Region Metropolitan). Two new regions were created in 2006 and became, operative ,in October 2007; Los Ríos in the south (Region XIV),and Arica y Parinacota
  11. From is located between the city center and Wasseralfingen at about and is, operative ,since 1991. The sunshine duration is about 1800 hours per year, which averages
  12. Is usually divided into deep trance (alliterative and so dangerous, where the, operative ,abdicates the throne, quite common) and light trance (a high or even total
  13. Royal Logistic Corps and its predecessors * Conductor (underground railroad), operative , of the Underground Railroad of the 19th century United States helping move
  14. To be folklore artifacts, depending on how they are used within a culture. The, operative ,definition would depend on whether the artifacts are used and appreciated
  15. Intelligence network; executed 1944 *Violetta Slab (1921–1945),SOE, operative ,: George Cross, Croix de Guerre *Jean-Pierre Camille (1908–1949),SOE
  16. Soldiers and officers, escorting them to POW camps and handing them over ". The, operative ,report of the Don Front's staff issued on 5 February 1943,22.00 says:" ...
  17. In an area of interest. This type of agent is not the same as a deep cover, operative ,who is continually in contact with their case officer in order to file
  18. May be used, for example" rodent officer" for a rat-catcher, or " cemetery, operative ," for a gravedigger. From the inter-force rivalry of the US military comes "
  19. To Saudi Arabia to get" clean" passports. An associate of a senior Hezbollah, operative ,is thought to have been on the same flight, although this may have been a
  20. SOE operative , champion race car driver *Cecily Leghorn (1900–1945),SOE, operative ,: Croix de Guerre *Pierre Mendès-France (1907–1982),lawyer, statesman *Abbé
  21. Regulations as early as 1723,and seems to be adopted from the regulations of, operative ,masonic guilds. In 1858,Albert G. Mickey attempted to set down 25 Landmarks.
  22. To the 24-hour light/dark cycle have eyes with functioning retinas including, operative ,non-visual light-sensitive cells. These ganglion cells, which contain
  23. Ties to senior al-Qaeda leaders living in Pakistan. In Late 2002 top al-Qaeda, operative ,Abu Zubaydah was arrested while being sheltered by Lashkar-e-Taiba in a safe
  24. Ritual makes use of the architectural symbolism of the tools of the medieval, operative ,stonemason. Freemasons, as speculative masons (meaning philosophical building
  25. Medical faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, being elected professor of, operative ,surgery in 1870 and professor of the principles and practice of surgery in the
  26. As they went through their initiations. Freemasonry uses the metaphors of, operative ,stonemasons' tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the
  27. 1912–2007),human rights activist *Robert Benoit (1895–1944),SOE, operative , champion race car driver *Denise Bloch (1915–1945),SOE operative : King's
  28. Al-Qaeda funds Lashkar-e-Taiba. In a video released in 2008,senior al-Qaeda, operative ,American-born Adam While Gawain stated that" victory in Kashmir has been
  29. SOE operative : Croix de Guerre *Madeleine Deferment (1917–1944),SOE, operative ,: Legion of Honor, Croix de Guerre, Médaille combatant Voltaire de la
  30. SOE operative , champion race car driver *Denise Bloch (1915–1945),SOE, operative ,: King's Commendation for Brave Conduct, Legion of Honor, French Resistance
  31. City. This information was uncovered from interrogation of Ahead Khan,an, operative ,of Harkat-ul-Jihad Alnilam, who had been arrested in India. In January 2010
  32. Went on to murder Daniel Pearl and was sentenced to death by Pakistan. Al-Qaeda, operative ,Rashid RAAF, who was one of the accused in 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot
  33. On economical matters. The Community absorbed the Region, leading to a single, operative ,body: the Flemish Government and a single legislative organ: the Flemish
  34. Driven Bart, who wrote the Army of Medina In Kashmir and was an al-Qaeda, operative ,convicted for involvement in the 2004 financial buildings plot, had received
  35. By surgeons, the epithelium is removed along with the foreskin, to prevent post, operative ,penile adhesion and its complications. However, on ritual circumcisions
  36. The al-Qaeda. ” - Donald Rumsfeld *Abu Zubaydah was a“ very senior al-Qaeda, operative , ” - Donald Rumsfeld *The capture of Abu Zubaydah was a“ very serious blow ”
  37. The three Army commands and the 12 military provinces were replaced by four new, operative ,military provinces,3 territorial military provinces and 18 military districts.
  38. A non-official cover operative is a type of cover used by an intelligence, operative ,and can be dubbed an" Illegal" when working in another country without
  39. False credentials that do not report to a local station. A non-official cover, operative ,is a type of cover used by an intelligence operative and can be dubbed an "
  40. Adverse after effects. For those applicants under final consideration,an, operative ,report on the surgical procedure will be requested. Mission Specialist * A
  41. Who are surgeons who perform cardiac surgery via sternotomy — open, operative ,procedures on the heart and great vessels. The heart As the center focus of
  42. The two suspects were: Easier Plaza, considered a top aide to a senior ETA, operative ,still sought by police, and Olga Comes, whom authorities have linked to the ETA
  43. Military provinces and 18 military districts. In the new system,the, operative ,military provinces form the operative regional headquarters, each consisting of
  44. Medal of Freedom recipient *William Grover-Williams (1903–1945),SOE, operative , champion race car driver *Cecily Leghorn (1900–1945),SOE operative : Croix de
  45. Kidnapping of western tourists in Kashmir. Britain's highest ranking al-Qaeda, operative ,Rangier Ahmed had previously fought in Kashmir with the group
  46. Legion of Honor, French Resistance Medal *Andrew Barrel (1919–1944),SOE, operative ,: Croix de Guerre *Madeleine Deferment (1917–1944),SOE operative : Legion of
  47. Scottish actor (d. 1994) * 1935 – Jean Pelletizer, French Canadian political, operative ,*1936 – Barbara Jordan, American politician (d. 1996) * 1940 – John Lewis
  48. 1914–1945),SOE agent executed by the Nazis *Odette Ransom (1912–1995),SOE, operative ,: George Cross, MBE, Legion of Honor *Suzanne Speak, Belgian-born agent:" Red
  49. Combating terrorism, to assist border guards in case of complications of, operative ,conditions on border. In addition, the brigade has been training for combined
  50. Total of 4,000 troops from all 7 constituent CST member countries conducted, operative , strategic, and tactical training with an emphasis towards furthering the

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