Examples of the the word, imminent , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The plague is in full retreat, and the townspeople begin to celebrate the, imminent ,opening of the town gates. Othón, however,does not escape death from the
  2. Summer of 1610 he took a boat northwards to receive the pardon, which seemed, imminent ,thanks to his powerful Roman friends. With him were three last paintings, gifts
  3. The villagers are outdoors, gathered in a circle, weeping and lamenting the, imminent ,arrival of the bandits, they are glimpsed from above in extreme long shot, then
  4. Secretly in Cuba. Like Castro, Khrushchev felt that a US invasion of Cuba was, imminent , and that to lose Cuba would do great harm to the communist cause, especially
  5. Rejected it. By then, news came of the Romanian advance toward Sofia and its, imminent ,fall. After that, Constantine,realizing the futility of continuing the
  6. General Mines) in current Mato Grosso and Goiás, saved the colony from, imminent ,collapse. From all over Brazil, as well as from Portugal, thousands of
  7. The order to behead Strange, but his officers temporized, saying that battle was, imminent , and it would be more convenient to carry out the execution afterwards. Henry
  8. Deeper past, and their current assessment is that a quake of 6.5 or greater is, imminent , sometime within the next 30 years. The 1868 Hayward earthquake did occur on
  9. Road junction in the northeast, and the administrative capital of Venetian. The, imminent ,arrival of the Lombards had a considerable impact on the city's population;
  10. Britain directly, believing that the British would be too distracted by an, imminent ,Irish uprising to intervene in the Mediterranean. Bonaparte believed that by
  11. As provisional governments of independent countries. With defeat in the war, imminent ,after the Italian offensive in the Battle of Victoria Veneto on 24 October
  12. Ordered the ban in October 2007 because, according to him, the games" bring, imminent ,stimulus to the subversion of the social order, attempting against the
  13. Form all over Europe. By 1972,BSA was so moribund that, with bankruptcy, imminent , its motorcycle businesses were merged (as part of a government-initiated
  14. Is ended. (22:1-5) ##Conclusion ###Christ's reassurance that his coming is, imminent , Final admonitions. (22:6-21) Interpretations Revelation has a wide variety
  15. Attorney General to temporarily place a substance in Schedule I" to avoid an, imminent ,hazard to the public safety ". Thirty days' notice is required before the
  16. To apparently show that 1st-century Christians believed literally in the, imminent ,fulfillment of the promise of the World's ending, within the lifetime of Jesus
  17. Of the Dentist petitioners, who had asked Parliament to support the king in an, imminent ,war against France. The death of William III in 1702 once again created a
  18. Star Medal is awarded only to service members in combat who are receiving, imminent ,danger pay. The award may be made to each member of the Armed Forces of the
  19. Of a cover-up in the Watergate scandal became overwhelming and impeachment was, imminent , By the 1980s,the increasing influence of the Christian right on the
  20. Attempt to menace (or actual menacing) by placing another person in fear of, imminent ,serious bodily injury. States vary on whether it is possible to commit an "
  21. Council, and officials said it was appropriate for an individual who posed an, imminent ,danger to national security. In May 2010,Faisal Shaheed, who pleaded guilty to
  22. A test pressing on the album. Columbia soon began to prepare for the album's, imminent ,release, but,three months later, just before the scheduled launch, Dylan
  23. To his own forces that the fleet action they had waited so long for was finally, imminent ,; at 16:51,by radio, he so informed the Admiralty in London. The difficulties
  24. Obligation to refrain from using the death penalty in time of war or, imminent ,threat of war (Armenia, Latvia,Poland and Spain). Italy is the most recent
  25. Requisite intention may confer the baptism By" a case of necessity" is meant, imminent ,danger of death because of either illness or an external threat. " The
  26. The weekend of February 15, 2003,participated in global protests against the, imminent ,Iraq war and were dubbed the" world's second superpower" by an editorial in
  27. Conservation and sustainable use *Pay due regard to cases of present or, imminent ,emergencies that threaten human, animal or plant health *Consider the
  28. And engineers calling themselves the New Alchemists believed the warnings of, imminent ,resource depletion and starvation. The New Alchemists were famous for the depth
  29. Faithful will be rewarded. In the light of what Malachi understands to be an, imminent ,judgment, he exhorts his audience to" Remember the teaching of my servant
  30. Of the migrants. The practical extinction of many Jewish dialects seems, imminent , Modern Eastern Aramaic Modern Eastern Aramaic exists in a wide variety of
  31. Pre-Reformation rites. Anointing need not be associated with grave illness or, imminent ,danger of death. Lutheran communities in particular have the practice of
  32. The Armani. Did implies that he did so out of cowardice, in order to avoid the, imminent ,clash with the opposition. But it is more likely that he was pursuing a large
  33. Poison through a dealer who would be expected to resell it, put " human life in, imminent ,danger. " Thomas used this as a reason to create an exception to the" privily
  34. Of affairs" no arms, no transport, no equipment" in the face of the threat of, imminent ,invasion of Britain by Nazi forces was recorded by the Chief of the Imperial
  35. To avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus. TDI continues to stress the, imminent ,Second Coming of Christ, preceded by the rise of a worldwide government led by
  36. Guide to the Galaxy ', proceeds that, should some external force presenting, imminent ,destruction of Earth, ask the inhabitants, of what use is humanity, what should
  37. Lieder's original date for the apocalypse, May 2003,has now passed,the, imminent ,arrival of Bird is still predicted by various conspiracy websites, most of
  38. 587 BCE) is treated as an accomplished fact and the fall of Babylon as an, imminent ,threat; and in chapters 56-66 the fall of Babylon is already in the past. *
  39. By the Afghan nation; and although for some time a rupture with Russia seemed, imminent , while the Government of India made ready for that contingency, the Amir's
  40. Had to be amputated, and he dies shortly after. In anticipation of Kemmerich's, imminent ,death, Müller was eager to get his boots. While in the hospital, someone stole
  41. For the fruits of the earth mixed with a certain melancholy linked to the, imminent ,arrival of harsh weather. This view is presented in English poet John Keats '
  42. The medieval" Gioacchinian myth ... of universal renovation in a more or less, imminent ,future" has influenced a number of modern theories of history, such as those
  43. Secret Service officers intercepted a message suggesting that an attack was, imminent , A transmission used the words" bridge" and" wedding ", supposedly a
  44. Great Awakening revival in the United States. The name refers to belief in the, imminent ,Second Coming (or" Second Advent" ) of Jesus Christ. It was started by
  45. Sheer writes: Thus the view from Whitehall early in 1916: If defeat was not, imminent , neither was victory; and the outcome of the war of attrition on the Western
  46. From Sheer,'31 May G. G.2490 ', making it clear something significant was, imminent , Not knowing the Germans' objective, Jellicoe and his staff decided to
  47. The threat of losing the southern territories inhabited by Slavs to Serbia as, imminent , Serbia had recently gained considerable territory in the Second Balkan War of
  48. Message (so powerfully proclaimed by Jesus during the 1st century) of an, imminent ,end of the world. Each new generation hopes to be the one to see the world
  49. 1940s and 50s (although, McTell never lived to be" rediscovered" during the, imminent ,American folk music revival, where many other bluesmen would be rediscovered
  50. Catholic Church as members of personal ordinaries. The announcement of the, imminent ,constitution on 20 October 2009 mentioned: For each personal ordinarily the

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