Examples of the the word, restricted , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restricted ), is the 7381 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are eligible to receive communion, although in many churches' communion is, restricted ,to those who have not only been baptized but also confirmed. In many Anglicans
  2. Into early March in deference to the Winter Olympics. ) Advertising is somewhat, restricted , however, as traditionally no movie studios or competitors of official Academy
  3. French avant-garde. During this time most of what is known as Ethnologue was, restricted ,to museums, such as the Muse de l'Home founded by Paul Rivet, and
  4. Emergency contraception is generally available in countries that have not, restricted ,abortion, and is also sometimes available in countries that have otherwise
  5. Is prohibited, and all mail service is suspended. The use of telephone lines is, restricted ,only to" urgent" calls, leaving short telegrams as the only means of
  6. Vogt as a teenager) wrote," Van was the first writer to shine light on the, restricted ,ways in which I had been taught to view the universe and the human condition. "
  7. Conquest system, only the Apache and Araliaceae were included here, and the, restricted ,order was placed among the rosins rather than the asteroids. The Pittosporaceae
  8. Strictly regulated in order to preserve stocks. The gathering of orders is now, restricted ,to a number of 'ordering tides ', from January 1 to April 30,which occur on
  9. Life and exploiting organisms for profit Farmers using patented seed are, restricted ,from saving seed for subsequent plantings, which forces farmers to buy new seed
  10. Taper while axons usually maintain a constant radius),length (dendrites are, restricted ,to a small region around the cell body while axons can be much longer),and
  11. The facts of the case were. Furthermore, U. S. appellate courts are usually, restricted ,to hearing appeals based on matters that were originally brought up before the
  12. Resort to unsafe methods, particularly when access to legal abortion is, restricted , About one in eight pregnancy-related deaths worldwide are associated with
  13. Of creativity, provincial artisans adopted and adapted cultural motifs formerly, restricted ,to the royalty of the Old Kingdom, and scribes developed literary styles that
  14. Although symptoms may present in one region, they will typically spread. If, restricted ,to one side of the body they are more likely to progress to the same region on
  15. To it),whereas water molecules dispersed in the rest of the brain have less, restricted ,movement and therefore display more isotropy. This difference in fractional
  16. Lower Depths was shot on only two confined sets, the better to emphasize the, restricted ,nature of the characters' lives. Though faithful to the play, this adaptation
  17. Opposing abortion until the 19th century. However, abortion is largely heavily, restricted ,or forbidden in areas of high Islamic faith such as the Middle East and North
  18. At first, it was employed as a respectful title for any monk, but it was soon, restricted ,by canon law to certain priestly superiors. At times, it was applied to various
  19. Located in fiber tracts are more likely to be anisotropic, since they are, restricted ,in their movement (they move more in the dimension parallel to the fiber tract
  20. Popular name for the U. S. and for the entire geographic Americas; its usage is, restricted ,to the District of Columbia name. Moreover, the womanly personification of
  21. Valid family, but only consists of Masonic, Korean and Tunguska, appears to be, restricted ,to Unger (1990). Micro-Altaic includes about 66 living languages, to which
  22. The German people are anti-Semitic. It has no desire to have its rights, restricted ,or to be provoked in the future by parasites of the Jewish race. " After Hitler
  23. The art of obtaining/manipulating NASA, nectar,mercury, juice. This art was, restricted ,to certain operations, metals,drugs, compounds,and medicines, many of which
  24. A Cursive Hebrew variant developed from the early centuries AD, but it remained, restricted ,to the status of a variant used alongside the non-cursive. By contrast, the
  25. Characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by, restricted ,and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years
  26. In the United States, both state and federal appellate courts are usually, restricted ,to examining whether the court below made the correct legal determinations
  27. Fighter even saw action in the Second World War. Since then, they have been, restricted ,to research aircraft, such as the North American X-15,which traveled up into
  28. Describe writers, for example, is certainly valid, but less common, and mostly, restricted ,to contexts like criticism. Dictionary definitions Wiktionary defines the noun
  29. How to derive the constructively unacceptable law of the excluded middle, or a, restricted ,form of it, in constructive set theory from the assumption of the axiom of
  30. Temperatures damage olive trees and citrus fruits, groves and orchards are, restricted ,to sheltered places with southern and western exposures, even in areas with
  31. Symptom of qualitative impairment in communication, and at least one symptom of, restricted ,and repetitive behavior. Sample symptoms include lack of social or emotional
  32. To allow slavery in new U. S. territory, rather than have such a decision, restricted ,by the national Congress. Finer (2010) contrasts the abolitionists and
  33. Paramilitary caïques, at a time when freedom of speech in politics was highly, restricted , There are at least two versions of the movie, with one having some scenes
  34. Powerful person in Alberta, he is in reality a figurehead whose actions are, restricted ,by custom and constitutional convention. The government is therefore headed by
  35. Widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, and severely, restricted ,interests and highly repetitive behavior. Unlike with autism, people with
  36. Modern chemistry, In the eighteen century," alchemy" was considered to be, restricted ,to the realm of" gold making ", leading to the popular belief that most, if
  37. Also be converted into glucose, through gluconeogenesis. Pyrrolidine trait is, restricted ,to several microbes, and only one organism has both Ply and Sec. Of the 22
  38. Nihilque focus AUT phlegmatic in funds remained. The word's meaning became, restricted ,to" spirit of wine" ( ethanol) in the 18th century, and was again extended
  39. Without bound, as the region of space grows smaller. Particles cannot be, restricted ,to a geometric point in space, since this would require an infinite particle
  40. Linear programming is called integer programming, where the solution space is, restricted ,to the integers. * Reduction. This technique involves solving a difficult
  41. Its conventional gloss in English. The usage of Stokoe's system is currently, restricted ,to academic circles. A few candidates for written ASL have appeared in recent
  42. As outdated as they are now considered to be bacteria. The term algae is now, restricted ,to eukaryotic organisms. All true algae therefore have a nucleus enclosed
  43. Is widespread, with wheat being the principal crop. Irrigated agriculture is, restricted ,to the areas surrounding rivers and wherever sufficient underground water is
  44. Computors),models of computation: A computer (or human" computer" ) is a, restricted ,type of machine, a " discrete deterministic mechanical device" that blindly
  45. Then 70 million years ago. The type species, A. Sarcophagus, was apparently, restricted ,in range to the modern-day Canadian province of Alberta, after which the genus
  46. Totally ordered subset is contained in a maximal totally ordered subset. The, restricted ,principle" Every partially ordered set has a maximal totally ordered subset "
  47. Life Most ancient Egyptians were farmers tied to the land. Their dwellings were, restricted ,to immediate family members, and were constructed of mud-brick designed to
  48. The new nation was regaining its prosperity. However, trade opportunities were, restricted ,by the mercantilism of the British and French empires. The ports of the British
  49. Of agency-specific meanings organizationally and operationally of use in more, restricted ,fields of interest. For example, the World University Service of Canada is a
  50. Evidence may be developed newly, as though never heard before, and one is not, restricted ,to the evidence heard in the lower proceeding. Sometimes, however,the decision

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