Examples of the the word, holistic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( holistic ), is the 7393 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The medical model of health, led to criticisms that medicine was neglecting a, holistic ,model. The inability of modern medicine to properly address some common
  2. Much, there is still a kernel of truth to be had. Some examples of the Eastern, holistic ,spirit: *" Open your mouth, increase your activities, start making
  3. He, or she, experiences. Merleau-Ponty's ecophenemonology with its emphasis on, holistic ,dialog within the larger than-human world also has implications for the
  4. Happiness (GNH) – GNH measures quality of life or social progress in more, holistic ,and psychological terms than GDP. * European Quality of Life Survey – The
  5. In humans. Nursing studies emotions as part of its approach to the provision of, holistic ,health care to humans. Psychology examines emotions from a scientific
  6. The division of labor in" The American Scholar "; a widely-informed, holistic ,citizenry is vital for the spiritual and physical health of the country. Émile
  7. On the life-long character of education, its social character and its form as a, holistic ,process. For Gandhi, education is 'the moral development of the person ', a
  8. Then infusing them with influences from self-help and motivational psychology, holistic ,health, parapsychology,consciousness research and quantum physics ". It aims
  9. Details” were settled quickly. American bargainers should anticipate such a, holistic ,approach to be common in Asian cultures and be prepared to discuss all issues
  10. Agriculture, ecological or biological agriculture, integrated farming and, holistic ,management, as well as an increased trend towards agricultural diversification.
  11. Intent of many segregated cycle facilities with suspicion. They favor a more, holistic ,approach based on the 4 'E's; education (of everyone involved)
  12. Meditation, channeling,crystal healing, astral projection, psychic experience, holistic ,health, simple living, and environmentalism; or belief in phenomena such as
  13. Reductionism of science with the metaphysics of their predecessors and with the, holistic ,paradigm of wellness; Chiropractors examine the biomechanics, structure and
  14. For June Boyce-Tillman's Hildegard Network, a healing center that focuses on a, holistic ,approach to wellness and brings together people interested in exploring the
  15. Of global ecosystems. Whittaker was in a unique position to make such a, holistic ,assertion as he had previously compiled a review of biome classification. The
  16. Psychological techniques contrast sharply with Stanislavski's multivariant, holistic ,and psychophysical approach, which explores character and action both from the
  17. Figure of reverence within the contemporary New Age movement, mostly due to her, holistic ,and natural view of healing, as well as her status as a mystic. She was the
  18. Information about physical geography, climate and habitat. It is meant to be a, holistic ,piece of writing about the people in question, and today often includes the
  19. Brook study in operation since 1960. Holism Ecological studies are necessarily, holistic ,as opposed to reductionist. Holism has three scientific meanings or uses that
  20. Largely one of approach. Microevolution is reductionist, but macroevolution is, holistic , Each approach offers different insights into the evolution process.
  21. Of mediation, where non-formal processes that engage a community in more, holistic ,solution-finding, are growing. As is probably to be expected, there were
  22. Aldo Leopold ethic as a response to global climate change. Ellicott supports a, holistic , non-anthropocentric environmental ethic which is in accordance with Leopold's
  23. Compassionate nurturing, creating ), and the Crone as death and renewal (, holistic , remote, unknowable ) — and all three erotic and wise. Metaphorical use The
  24. Dogmatic precepts true by fiat, the three classical laws of dialectics embody a, holistic ,vision that views change as interaction among components of complete systems
  25. At the end of the discussion. The Western sequential approach and the Eastern, holistic ,approach do not mix well. That is, American managers often report great
  26. Some conventional physicians have adopted aspects or the complete approach of, holistic ,health. Music New Age music is peaceful music of various styles intended to
  27. Data to reconstruct complete networks of biochemical reactions and produce more, holistic ,mathematical models that may explain and predict their behavior. These models
  28. Argues in Ancient Maya: The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization, using a, holistic ,perspective to the most recent evidence from archaeology, paleoecology,and
  29. It seeks to improve medical practice and biomedical science through the, holistic ,integration of cross-cultural or biocultural, behavioral,and epidemiological
  30. The European Environmental Management Award. The award was given for long-term, holistic ,environmental planning. It is municipal policy to reduce CO2 emissions by 20 %
  31. Carl Troll Landscape ecology typically deals with problems in an applied and, holistic ,context. The main difference between biogeography and landscape ecology is that
  32. And holism. This was connected with the 19th-century trend to thinking in, holistic ,and continuitarian terms, which would include an increased interest in the
  33. One that addresses actual environmental concerns — must be intrinsically, holistic , Paul B. Thompson Paul Thompson is the W. K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural Food
  34. Characteristics is that anthropology tends to provide a comparatively more, holistic ,account of phenomena and tends to be highly empirical. The quest for holism
  35. The arts and particularly painting; these, and Leonardo's unique integrated, holistic ,views of science make him a forerunner of modern systems theory and complexity
  36. Cohn. The word ecology was coined by Ernst Hacker, whose particularly, holistic ,view of nature in general (and Darwin's theory in particular) was important
  37. Efforts that express fundamental aspects of nature and human existence in a, holistic ,way. Steve Coleman found these efforts all over the world, and they reach far
  38. Value for the element. The program components score (PCS) awards points to, holistic ,aspects of a program or other nuances that are not rewarded in the total
  39. Attempts to write histories of the entire field have been made. Because of the, holistic ,nature of anthropological research, all branches of anthropology have
  40. Have argued that classical physics is intrinsically incapable of explaining the, holistic ,aspects of consciousness, but that quantum theory provides the missing
  41. The operation of the other two power gifts. Divine healing Pentecostalism is a, holistic ,faith, and the belief that Jesus is Healer is one-fourth of the full gospel.
  42. In Christian anthropology to refer to the innate nature of humankind as being, holistic , as usually opposed to bipartite and tripartite views. While some might say the
  43. By unconscious postural habits. It offers a means of aware self-observation and, holistic ,impulse control. The remedial application includes alleviating pain and
  44. Influenced by both psychoanalytic ideas and philosophical notions of a, holistic ,self, personal responsibilities and the consciousness. In episode 15 there is a
  45. The least significant individual problem of the smallest element, to the most, holistic ,influential utopian goals. Design goals are usually for guiding design. However
  46. They are comparatively inefficient at grazing. Trophic levels are part of the, holistic ,or complex systems view of ecosystems. Each trophic level contains unrelated
  47. Orientations toward health and life. " In particular, subjects reported a, holistic ,orientation to health, a transformational experience that changed their
  48. Is inclusive and pluralistic. Another of its primary traits is holding to" a, holistic ,worldview," thereby emphasizing that the Mind, Body and Spirit are
  49. Criticizing others, especially foreigners (#7). The use of visuals and, holistic ,thinking are natural for Japanese (#7). Breaks are also a common procedure
  50. During his life-time. In drawing up these laws, Engels presupposes a, holistic ,approach outlined above and in Lenin's three elements of dialectic below, and

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