Examples of the the word, witch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( witch ), is the 7394 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To Gerald was that a Scottish ancestor, Grissell Gardner, had been burned as a, witch ,in Newburgh in 1610. In 1908,after a brief stint in Singapore, Gardner moved
  2. Superstition. In 2008,Tanzania's President Piquette publicly condemned, witch ,doctors for killing people with albinism for their body parts, which are
  3. Accident that he has an extraordinary talent for magic. His aunt, the village, witch , teaches him the little she herself knows, but his power far exceeds hers. One
  4. Johannes Julius, German Mayor of Bamberg, condemned to death at the Bamberg, witch ,trials (b. 1573) *1645 – Lionel Canfield,1st Earl of Middlesex, English
  5. In the Encantadia fantasy series of GMA Network *Cassiopeia Black, a pure-blood, witch ,from Harry Potter novels *Cassiopeia, a tortoise featured in Michael Ende's
  6. About his testimony Miller traveled to Salem, Massachusetts to research the, witch ,trials of 1692. Opened at the Beck Theatre on Broadway on January 22, 1953.
  7. The inventor of artificial moonlight, and Cecil Williamson, the neo-pagan, witch , One of Crowley's acquaintances in the last months of his life was Gerald
  8. Book" Die plane Here" (" The Little Witch" ) by Tried Ruler the, witch ,'s raven is called" Abraham ". In Small Gods by Terry Pratchett 'Charcoal '
  9. Purposes such as a curse. The term is derived from the German word Here for a, witch , Hex – is a prefix from the Greek word for 'six ', as in hexagon, a polygon
  10. Expect to go home defeated. Loki tells Freya to be silent, calls her malicious, witch , and conjures a scenario where Freya was once astride her brother when all of
  11. Through vocal training, for instance through so-called" voice DI street" or, witch ,'s voice exercises and is caused by a part of the vocal tract acting as a
  12. Children with fasting and prayer. Charles Ufa mentions Mather called accused, witch ,Martha Carrier a rampant hag. The critical evidence of Mather’s zealous
  13. That is, the beginning sound of why, white,and which is different from that of, witch , with, wear. * Like most varieties of Cane, Maritimer English contains Canadian
  14. Upon the success of AIP's earlier Poe-themed offerings, but the tale of, witch ,hunter Matthew Hopkins (played by an uncharacteristically humorless Vincent
  15. And then as chief justice of the colonial courts, where he presided over the, witch ,trials. According to Bancroft, Mather had been influential in gaining
  16. Evil characters or as extreme retribution for some wrong. Examples include the, witch ,in Hansel and Gretel and Baba Saga of Slavic folklore. A number of stories in
  17. His historical novel I, Claudius,blames the death of Germanic us on Planning,a, witch ,employed by Peso to haunt the Germanic us' household and eventually kill him.
  18. A few of Mather’s sermons, the conditions of the colony and a description of, witch ,trials in Europe. Mather also contradicted his own advice, which he himself had
  19. Κίρκη Kirk" falcon" ) is a minor goddess of magic (or sometimes a nymph, witch , enchantress or sorceress),described in Homer's Odyssey as 'The loveliest of
  20. Known as the New Forest coven, was small and utterly secret as claiming to be a, witch ,was illegal in Britain at the time (the Witchcraft Act of 1735 made claiming
  21. And research scientists who work with surviving strains of the virus. Salem, witch ,trials A friend of a number of the judges charged with hearing the Salem witch
  22. To hunt down Magnetic' supporters. The investigation deteriorated into a, witch ,hunt, which forced the vicarious Flavius Martins to intervene. When Paulus
  23. Defame Come out to hunt in my Ollie. ' Allison Parson was burned as a, witch ,in 1588 for conversing with the 'Queen of Fame' and for prescribing magic
  24. Author and pamphleteer; he is often remembered for his role in the Salem, witch ,trials. He was the son of Increase Mather, and grandson of both John Cotton and
  25. Alive for three days, until a large storm arose. Believing that the auk was a, witch ,and the cause of the storm, they then killed it by beating it with a stick. The
  26. Was called long pig. According to Hans Aged, the Inuits, when they killed a, witch , ate a portion of her heart. It is recorded about the natives of the captaincy
  27. Considered subhuman by some other Congolese. It is also reported by some that, witch ,doctors sometimes use the body parts of children in their medicine. In the
  28. French Catholic bishop (b. 1371) *1591 – Marine Arraigns, Dutch suspected, witch ,(b. ca. 1520) *1692 – Vat Ludwig von Seckendorff, German statesman (b. 1626
  29. Against Adam, the angels, and even God. She came to be seen as a demon and a, witch , Elijah encountered Lilith and instantly recognized and challenged her,"
  30. 150 merchant ships, an act later known as" Holmes's Bonfire ". *1692 – Salem, witch ,trials: in Salem, Massachusetts,Province of Massachusetts Bay five people, one
  31. Of Prince-Bishop Johann Georg II Fuchs von Durkheim. The famous Drudenhaus (, witch ,prison),built in 1627,is no longer standing today; however, detailed
  32. Kolingba's RDC loudly proclaimed that Patassé's government was conducting a ", witch ,hunt" against the Yakima. A new constitution was approved on 28 December 1994
  33. Of 25 albino Tanzanians have been murdered since March 2007 reportedly through, witch ,doctor butchery arising from prevailing superstition. In 2008,Tanzania's
  34. He described then-Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as a" bitch" and a ", witch ,". He also said" The Indians are bastards," shortly before the war. Kissinger
  35. Tail Coal showed UK's PM Thatcher with an eye patch and the text: Pirate, witch ,and assassin. Guilty! Three British reporters sent to Argentina to cover the
  36. The territory of this see was reduced nearly one half in extent. The, witch ,trials of the 17th century claimed hundreds of victims, as they did in England
  37. Be set free (as he knew Henry was innocent, and his persecution was simply a, witch ,hunt. ), Ash is celebrated as a hero. He also grows attracted to Sheila, the
  38. Are put on trial,accused of practicing witch craft, one of the most famous, witch ,trials in English history. *1666 – Second Anglo-Dutch War: Rear Admiral Robert
  39. To this however was the highly-literate Iceland, where a third of the 134, witch , trials held here involved people who had owned rimfires. By the end of the
  40. Amongst much of Europe, belief in magic and witch craft persisted, as did the, witch ,trials in certain areas. Certain governments did try and crack down on
  41. Of the daughter of the local lord - who, it is later revealed, is also a, witch ,- GED reads out a powerful spell from one of Ogion's old books. Even though he
  42. Discovered a family rumor that his grandfather, Joseph,had been a practicing, witch , after being converted to the practice by his mistress. Another family belief
  43. The leaders of the Spanish Inquisition, perhaps leading to one of the largest, witch ,hunt in the Basque town of Logroño in 1610 ". This preference for female
  44. In many forms at political and social moments of crisis (such as the Salem, witch ,trials, which coincided with frontier warfare and economic competition among
  45. Witch trials A friend of a number of the judges charged with hearing the Salem, witch ,trials, Mather admitted the use of spectral evidence, ( compare
  46. d. 1615) *1621 – Rebecca Nurse, English colonist executed during Salem, witch ,trials (d. 1692) *1675 – Franz Xavier Josef von Funeral, Bavarian politician (
  47. Leads to bad luck, or that cats are witch es' familiars used to augment a, witch ,'s powers and skills. This led to the widespread extermination of cats in
  48. Root out alleged witch craft in Germany and leads to one of the most oppressive, witch ,hunts in European history. *1492 – Christopher Columbus becomes the first
  49. French sources on supposed Witches' Sabbaths in the context of the European, witch ,trials to" reconstruct" a Witch Cult in Western Europe. The Old French term
  50. For many years. A hidden stable watched over by Mother Hand away, the local ", witch ," (who believed the Scarecrow to be The Devil in living form),was the hiding

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