Examples of the the word, timeline , in a Sentence Context

The word ( timeline ), is the 7391 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Set prior to Remembrance of the Dales in Davros's timeline , but after in the, timeline ,of the Doctor, the latter, accompanied by Bernice Summer field, together with
  2. Homer and Marge make the U. S. Olympic curling team. Memorable calls Career, timeline ,*1974–1976: Spirits of St. Louis Play-by-play, KMOX radio *1976-1981: Missouri
  3. As propaganda, in the words of the Nikon Project: Timeline of Auschwitz The, timeline ,of events at the Auschwitz concentration camp began in January 1940 when the
  4. Déjà vu while investigating the apartment of a time traveler who reset the, timeline , Music Déjà Vu has been gaining more notice in current pop culture. Below is a
  5. Main objects of semantic research, along with PCF and ML. ILL implementations, timeline ,To date there have been at least 70 augmentations, extensions,derivations and
  6. Therefore the timeline accessed by the time traveler simply would be another, timeline ,of many. In that sense, it would make the Notion self-consistency principle
  7. Military spheres. Timeline of some Eurasian emperors The chart below shows a, timeline ,of some Eurasian states claiming the imperial title. Dynastic changes are
  8. To pursue a common currency and common passport for the member nations. No, timeline ,for implementation was discussed. Central America already has several
  9. Which would shape the DC Universe for the following decades, and separate the, timeline ,of DC publications into pre- and post-"Crisis ". Meanwhile, a parallel
  10. Later, also claimed that an infinity of worlds appeared and disappeared. In the, timeline ,of the Greek history of thought, some thinkers conceptualized a single world (
  11. About the people in question, and today often includes the longest possible, timeline ,of past events that the ethnographer can obtain through primary and secondary
  12. e.g. covariant redefinition). The EMMA committee has not yet announced any, timeline ,and direction on how to resolve the inconsistencies. Syntax and semantics
  13. To be used in mines, oil fields, factories,and transoceanic shipping. History, timeline ,* 1892: February 23,Rudolf Diesel obtained a patent (RP 67207) titled "
  14. Broke up agrarian collectives. Newspapers in England and elsewhere accepted the, timeline ,of events offered by the Second Spanish Republic at face value. British
  15. With the game we know today. There are several offshoots of this meandering, timeline ,: **Viva Baseball! (celebrates baseball in the Caribbean Basin) *The Today's
  16. Represents each media object in a composite as a separate layer within a, timeline , each with its own time bounds, effects,and key frames. All the layers are
  17. Homo, * 200,000 years since humans started looking like they do today, Detailed, timeline , : Ma, ( " megaannum" ) means" a million years ago ". Ka means" a thousand years
  18. By color. Difficulty is loosely separated into 3-5 categories depending on, timeline ,: DDR 1st Mix only started out with Basic (even though not mentioned) and it
  19. Dominate the game today. Career statistics Grand Slam and Masters Performance, timeline ,1The Masters tournaments for calendar years 1977,1979,and 1980 were actually
  20. Entity from Davos. Set prior to Remembrance of the Dales in Davros's, timeline , but after in the timeline of the Doctor, the latter, accompanied by Bernice
  21. Been prepared by many people from the 1930s onward. Note that no consistent, timeline ,has yet accommodated every single Conan story. The following are the principal
  22. After World War II diverges from the real world to follow a retro-futuristic, timeline , For example, fusion power was invented quite soon after the end of the war
  23. Framing for packing a smorgasbord of historical alternatives (and even of, timeline ," branches" ) into a single novel, either via the hero chasing or being chased
  24. Also published a short story collection including stories that span much of the, timeline ,: Sam Gun * Sam Gun, Unlimited (1993) (short-
  25. Of the historical material in parallel columns, the equivalent of a parallel, timeline , The work as a whole has been lost in the original Greek, but it may be
  26. A chart, with each of his stories inserted into the appropriate slot in the, timeline , All his writings suggest a rich universe developing over a long period of time
  27. The 58th Olympiad (547-546 BC),and died shortly afterwards. Establishing a, timeline ,of his work is now impossible, since no document provides chronological
  28. Bugzilla 4.0 was released on February 15, 2011. Timeline Bugzilla's release, timeline ,: Define now = 01/04/2011 Define width = 556 Define warning = 436 # width -
  29. Sea rose independently until they were high enough to exchange water. The exact, timeline ,of this development is still subject to debate. One possibility is that the
  30. Every decision that could be made differently would result in a different, timeline , A writer's fictional multiverse may, in fact, preclude some decisions as
  31. Were no noticeable differences in performance from inside the cockpit. Aircraft, timeline ,The" Blues" have flown nine different demonstration aircraft and five support
  32. Of a television character (usually a child or teenager) in conflict with the, timeline ,of a series and/or the real-world progression of time is popularly known as
  33. Presume the other to have drowned. Daisy in comics According to the unofficial, timeline ,of Don Rosa, Daisy was born in 1920. According to Rosa, Daisy is the sister of
  34. Is a Nazi/Japanese Cold War comparable to the US/Soviet equivalent in 'our ', timeline , Fatherland (1992) by Robert Harris, set in Europe following the Nazi victory
  35. Element added. Conan's chronologies In an attempt to provide a coherent, timeline ,which fit the numerous adventures of Conan penned by Robert E. Howard and later
  36. Relationship is asserted, and disallows assuming one stable past/present/future, timeline ,- known as single scenario planning or blind linearity and considered a grave
  37. Forming the basis of the story" Scanners Live in Vain ". * Early works in the, timeline ,include neologisms which are not explained to any great extent, but serve to
  38. Metres either under construction or approved to be built: Timeline This is the, timeline ,of the tallest building in the City of London. The White Tower and Southward
  39. Floor. It is where the most artifacts are displayed. The Game is set up in a, timeline ,format, starting with baseball's beginnings and culminating with the game we
  40. The past would itself be a quantum event causing branching, and therefore the, timeline ,accessed by the time traveler simply would be another timeline of many. In
  41. Of the future, change the course of World War II and create an alternate, timeline , *Topeka no Pantie (lit. Deep Blue Fleet) depicts a hyper-advanced Japanese
  42. Of evolution and speciation over billions of years. Basic timeline The basic, timeline ,is a 4.5 billion-year-old Earth, with (very approximate) dates: * 570 million
  43. Descent, products of evolution and speciation over billions of years. Basic, timeline ,The basic timeline is a 4.5 billion-year-old Earth, with (very approximate)
  44. Are given in the novel The Also People by Ben Aaronovitch. In an alternative, timeline ,portrayed in Big Finish Productions audio adventure The Time of the Dales, the
  45. T65 Thunderbolt (essentially a Triumph TR6P with BSA Badges) Cars Car, timeline ,*1907 to 1914 various forms with capacities ranging from 2.5 to 4.2 liter. The
  46. And time effects poorly, as their workflow does not stem directly from a, timeline , as do layer-based compositing packages. Software which incorporates a node
  47. By the Catholic writer Joseph Follies (1903–1972) is also known. Lyrics This, timeline ,of the evolution of life outlines the major events in the development of life
  48. The game. The 2nd Edition did not alter the setting, though it did update the, timeline ,to include events that took place in Massive. There were a few changes to the
  49. Brand. Showing the level of integration envisioned, a product introduction, timeline ,shows Chrysler-built compact and full-size SUVs going on sale in 2012 and 2014
  50. Depicts the slaughter of the innocent thus entailed, remaining solely in the, timeline ,where the country is saved. The cross-time theme was further developed in the

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