Examples of the the word, potent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( potent ), is the 7384 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Flavus growing on stored grains, nuts and peanut butter, is an example of a, potent , naturally-occurring microbial carcinogen. Certain viruses such as Hepatitis B
  2. Those with fascist or communist governments—employed the death penalty as a, potent ,means of political oppression. According to Robert Conquest, the leading expert
  3. By the forces of natural selection at the early stage of hominid evolution as a, potent ,tool to put groups of human ancestors in a battle trance, a specific altered
  4. Is reduced in most reactors because its predecessor,135Xe,is an extremely, potent ,neutron poison and transmutes frequently to stable 136Xe before it can decay to
  5. His already-isolated BPF. The conversion of the inactive angiotensin I to the, potent ,angiotensin II was thought to take place in the plasma. However, in 1967,Kevin
  6. Which can work with (or without) steroids to produce a more, potent ,ballplayer and further enhance his skills. Routinely in today's baseball age
  7. Is about 80 times as potent as morphine. (Heroin is roughly four times as, potent , ) More significantly, they vary in nature. Pharmacology and CSA scheduling
  8. Of counter-tactical ABMs. The topic became disputable as soon as most, potent ,counter-tactical ABMs started to be capable of shooting down Slums (Slums
  9. Forces. The 19th Century In the 19th century nationalism was an especially, potent ,influence on all of these fields. To summarize, every established national
  10. The best post-war recovery. Still captained by Brahman and now featuring the, potent ,new ball partnership of Ray Lind wall and Keith Miller, Australia were
  11. And caffeine (as found in the OTC brand Excedrin) is even more, potent , For the treatment of migraine headache, this formulation works better than any
  12. Product of human tampering is unclear. These strains have also shown to be more, potent ,than those previously grown, increasing profits for the drug cartels
  13. Or barbecuing meats, can lead to the formation of minute quantities of many, potent ,carcinogens that are comparable to those found in cigarette smoke (i.e.
  14. Heroin (Diacetylmorphine),which is used in some European countries as a, potent ,pain reliever in terminal cancer patients, and as second option, after morphine
  15. With ocular chloramphenicol have largely been discounted. Chloramphenicol is a, potent ,inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 isoforms CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 in the liver.
  16. To the similar Greek word Armenians (Αρσενικός),meaning" masculine" or ", potent ,". The word was adopted in Latin arsenicum and Old French arsenic, from which
  17. Experience cycles of birth, life,decline, and death, often supplanted by a, potent ,new culture, formed around a compelling new cultural symbol. Spengler states
  18. To warfare, and the steppe horse riders became some of the most militarily, potent ,peoples in the world, limited only by their lack of internal unity. Any
  19. Toxicity and precautions Arsenic and many of its compounds are especially, potent ,poisons. Many water supplies close to mines are contaminated by these poisons.
  20. Schedule II, and heroin is in Schedule I. Fentanyl is approximately 80 times as, potent ,as morphine, and heroin is around four times as potent as morphine. Morphine
  21. Studied nomadic cavalry tactics and applied the lessons in creating their own, potent ,cavalry forces, while in others they simply recruited the tribal horsemen
  22. Deficit Disorder); * Opium and opium tincture (laudanum),which is used as a, potent ,antidiarrheal; * Methadone (used in treatment of heroin addiction as well as
  23. Angiotensin is also very good at causing the blood vessels to tighten (a, potent ,vasoconstriction). Effects ACE inhibitors block the conversion of angiotensin I
  24. At that time. Toxicity The metabolism of amygdala produces hydrogen cyanide,a, potent ,toxin. Beta-glucosidase, one of the enzymes that catalyzes the release of
  25. The roots and seeds),although the leaves of the upper stem are particularly, potent , with just a nibble, being enough to potent ially cause death. Early symptoms of
  26. Work he procured the services of John Tetzel, and so indirectly exercised a, potent ,influence on the course of the Reformation. It was as a disgusted response to
  27. By poll 4-hydroxylases. Fumarate and succinate have been identified as, potent ,inhibitors of poll hydroxylases, thus leading to the stabilization of HIF.
  28. Dealt with effectively by administering fast-acting benzodiazepines, which are, potent ,anticonvulsant. In a hospital environment, intravenous lorazepam, and diazepam
  29. 56-seat House of Representatives. The 165,000 Greek Cypriot refugees are also a, potent ,political force, along with the independent Orthodox Church of Cyprus, which
  30. Come under direct attack. The Australian Army's mission is to provide a, potent , versatile, and updated Army to promote the security of Australia and protect
  31. Anaerobically in a landfill, producing landfill gas that contains methane,a, potent ,greenhouse gas. Large-scale composting systems are used by many urban areas
  32. These drugs vary in potency: for example Fentanyl is about 80 times as, potent ,as morphine. (Heroin is roughly four times as potent . ) More significantly
  33. And either chloride or bromide ions, eosinophil peroxidase provides a, potent ,mechanism by which eosinophils kill multicellular parasites (such as, for
  34. Spring, published in 1962,alerted its readers of the harmful effects of DDT,a, potent ,insecticide. The 1974 Foxborough disaster in the United Kingdom resulted in
  35. Is the interplay of direct and reflex actions. * Class I agents have the most, potent ,negative isotropic effect and may cause heart failure. * Class II agents do not
  36. Used as a chemical warfare agent during World War I and was discovered to be a, potent ,suppressor of hematopoiesis (blood production). A similar family of compounds
  37. Psychiatric applications of iproniazid. Ernst Seller found iproniazid to be a, potent ,monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Nevertheless, iproniazid remained relatively
  38. A violent explosion. This can occur with other alkali metals, but cesium is so, potent ,that this explosive reaction can even be triggered by cold water. The isotopes
  39. Cyanide when heated or burnt. Coordination chemistry The cyanide anion is a, potent ,ligand for many transition metals. The very high affinities of metals for this
  40. Cancer patients, and as second option, after morphine. (It is about twice as, potent , by weight, as morphine. ). In the United Kingdom it is also prescribed to
  41. In 1095. Bernard found it expedient to dwell upon the taking of the cross as a, potent ,means of gaining absolution for sin and attaining grace. On 31 March, with King
  42. As polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or poly nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, are, potent , atmospheric pollutants that consist of fused aromatic rings and do not contain
  43. For 487 yards of total offense en route to a 35–10 blowout win. Behind a, potent ,offense that included future Hall of Famers Graham, Motley and Dante Levelly
  44. Meningitis prior to the season. Despite a strong lineup anchored by the, potent ,Lavoie and Shoeless Joe Jackson, poor pitching kept the team below third place
  45. Physiological effects Amy nitrite, in common with other alkyl nitrites, is a, potent ,vasodilator (i.e., it expands blood vessels, resulting in lowering of the
  46. Of scorpion such as Scorpius Carpathians whose venom is generally no more, potent ,than a mosquito bite. Crustaceans and mollusks River crabs include the
  47. Drug with a slight resemblance to MDMA and stimulant effects 10 times less, potent ,than amphetamine (though it was mistakenly said to be 10 times more addictive
  48. 80 times as potent as morphine, and heroin is around four times as, potent ,as morphine. Morphine has been used by physicians for over 150 years. It is
  49. When combined with atropine (Motown) (dioxin is 2-3 times more, potent ,than diphenoxylate, the active ingredient in Omotic, which is in Schedule V);
  50. And a hit, but the White Sox would lose 2–1,raising concerns about the usually, potent ,offense. Scott Podsednik, the White Sox' best hitter with a .303 average

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